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How is Nigeria divided?
Northern region is typically Muslim/Islam
Southern region is typically Chirstian
What are the 3 major ethnic groups of Nigeria and there location/religion?
Hausa-Fulani: Northern/Islam
Yoruba: Southwest/Christian
Igbo: Southeast/Christian
How can Nigeria’s democratization be described?
Democratization interrupted by frequent military rule
Who oversees Nigeria’s elections and how do they do that?
The Independent National Electoral Commission.
Independent Observers
Registers and monitors political parties and canididates
Audits campaign finances
What type of democracy is Nigeria?
An illiberal democracy as election fraud still occurs and some civil rights and liberties are still restricted.
What civil law do northern states use?
Sharia law and it is a legal system based on principles derived from Islam
What system of government does Nigeria have?
A federal system with 36 states and the federal territory Abuja where states have the power to make local laws.
How were Nigerian states draw?
They were drawn along ethnic lines in order to reduce conflict and allow ethnic and religious group autonomy.
Since Nigeria relies on oil, it is a…
rentier state
Federal Character Principal
Where the bureaucracy must be filled with people who reflect the diversity of Nigeria and this is to prevent major ethnic groups from centralizing power.
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission was created to:
Investigate financial crimes
Prosecute those accused of wrongdoing
Recover gov. funds diverted for personal benefit
What type of government does Nigeria have? (the other one)
Nigeria has a presidential system of government
How is Nigeria’s president elected?
Directly elected by the people
What term does Nigeria’s president serve?
4 year term with a two-term limitW
What are the powers of the Nigerian president? (9)
Submit a budget
Propose program of legislation
Appoint cabinet heads with Senate approval
Sign bills into law
Oversees the federal bureaucracy
Chief Diplomat
Negotiate treaties
Appoints supreme court justices
What are 2 examples of checks on executive power?
Two-term limits
What type of legislature does Nigeria have?
A bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate.
What is Nigeria’s bicameral legislature called?
The National Assembly.
The House of Representatives
Lower house
Represents the people
360 members
Led by Speaker of the House
The Senate
Upper house
Represents the States
109 members
3 from each state + federal territory
Both chambers have the power to:
Debate and pass legislation
Authority to conduct oversight hearings
What is the National Assembly?
A powerful policymaking body with the power to check other government institutions.
The National Assembly has the power to:
Approve the federal budget
Check executive power
Override a presidential veto with a 2/5 vote of both houses
Impeach and remove cabinet members and the president by a 2/3 vote of both houses for gross misconduct
What do committee systems do?
Refine legislation before it is sent to the full chamber
Why is the National Assembly seen as fragmented?
Not doing enough to improve the lives of citizens
Insufficient oversight of the bureaucracy
Relations between the executive and legislature are…
poor, making it difficult to coordinate policy
Nigeria’s judiciary
Has separate court systems at the state and national levels
Has the power of judicial review
A requirement to be a judge
Must be in the profession for at least 10 years
How are judges chosen?
The president nominates justices based on council recommendations, the Senate confirms the nominations.
How is the National Assembly elected?
Directly elected by the people.
How often are presidential elections held
Every 4 years
What is the unique rule when voting a president?
Must obtain a plurality of the votes
Must obtain 25% of the vote in 2/3 of the states
What happens in no president reaches the requirements?
A second runoff election is held between the top two vote-getters
How often are House of Representative elections held?
Every 4 years
How is the House of Representatives elected?
SMD system is used to fill the seats
How long do members of the Senate serve?
4 years
How are Senators chosen?
Each state is divided into 3 districts and one senator is elected from each district.
What does an SMD system result in in Nigeria?
A two-party system:
People’s Democratic Party
All Progressives Congress
What is the election tradition in Nigera?
Major political parties nominate someone from the north, then in the next election, parties nominate someone from the south.
What are the 5 categories of interest groups in Nigeria?
Regional, ethnic, and religious
Professional and labor groups
Grassroot organizations
Issue-based groups
What are 3 obstacles to strengthening civil society?
Weak gov. institutions
Distrust between groups
Gov. reliance on oil
What do social movements in Nigeria do?
They seek to influence government policies.
Two recognized social movements:
MOSOP: Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People
MEND: Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta
What is a standoff in Nigeria still happening today?
Between international oil companies, Nigerian gov., and militant Niger RIvet Delta groups/
What do Nigerians have the right to do?
Vote and participate in the political process
Engage in lively discussions about political issues
What is the issue around women in Nigeria?
They are underrepresented in gov. positions and discriminated against
What are some factors for women being underrepresented:
Nigeria is a patriarchal society
The stigma that politicians are ununtrustworthy
Low female literacy rates
What are examples of corruption in Nigeria? (4)
Civil rights and liberties are not protected in practice
Nigerians have less freedom to criticize leaders and the military
Journalists are harmed
Gov. has engaged in due process rights
Why does Nigeria have so many social and political cleavages?
Nigeria’s diversity and history
Britain pitting local rulers and ethnic groups against eachother
Boko Haram
An Islamic separatist movement in northern Nigeria.
Gained recognizition for kidnapping over 200 schoolgirls
Stands for “Western Education is Sinful”
What was Nigeria's economy like under Britishh rule?
Nigerians’ economic opportunities were limited
Like Mexico, what did Nigeria try and implement?
Import Substitution Industrialization
Structural Readjustment Programs
A requirement for recieving assistance from intl. leaders including the privatization of statewondered companies, reducing tariffs, and reducing subsidies.
Why did Nigeria implement the structural readjustment program
The oil market collapsed in the mid-1980s and Nigera was unable to pay back loans and had to do this to receive loan from the IMF
Consequences of the Structural Readjustment Program
The most poorest and vulnerable citizens are negatively affected
Sovereign wealth fund
Funds set aside that can be spent when oil prices fall, helping stabilize the gov. budget
What was montetary policy used for in Nigeria?
Control inflation
Stabilize gov. spending
Reduce tariff barriers
What is the issue with welfare systems in Nigeria?
Few benefit from social programs
National Health Insurance Scheme
A system where people pre-pay a fixed amount for medical assistance
What was the National Social Investment Programs created for?
Deliver welfare servies
Provide access to the NHIS
What are YOuth Employment and Social Support operations
Job training for young people to prevent unemployment
What does Nigeria’s pop. growth rate affect?
It strains the country’s limited social welfare system
What has Nigeria done to lower the fertility rates?
Educate girls
Create jobs