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Parliamentary procedure ensure that:
meetings run smoothly
_________________ ____________ ______ ______________ is used at the annual Grand Chapter Meeting, where Members from each Phi Sigma Pi Chapter can make Fraternity-wide changes
Robert's Rule of Order
The Following is a typical agenda used during parliamentary procedure.
C- all to order
R-eading and correction or approval of minutes from last minute
O- officer Reports
P-ermanent Committees' reports
T-emporary Committees' reports
U-nfinished business
N- ew business
True or False:
Pro/Con debate gives everyone a voice in the discussion
True or False:
Among the rights of a Initiate outlined in the Initiate Bill of Rights is the right to be treated with respect
Hazing is any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the _______1_______, ______2_________ or _____3__________ health or safety of any individual, regardless of the person's willingness to participate
1) mental
2) physical
3) emotional
Which policy states, " Alcohol and/or illicit use of controlled substances shall be strictly prohibited at.....any event planned for or by the Initiates and/or Potential New Members during the Recruitment and Initiation Period"?
Alcohol and Illegal Substance Policy
What is the date of Phi Sigma Pi's founding?
February 14, 1916
Phi Sigma Pi was established at the State Teachers College at Warrensburg, MO, which is now known as the _________ ____________________ _____ __________________ ___________________
The University of Central Missouri
What are the last names of all 3 of the Fraternity's Founding Fathers?
1) Hendricks
2) Phillips
3) McClure
The Founders of our Fraternity decided that Phi Sigma Pi would be based on the Tripod of 3 equal ideals: ______1___________, ________2________, and _______3__________
1) Fellowship
2) Friendship
3) Leadership
After the passage of the Title lX Act, the 1977 Grand Chapter amended the National Constitution to allow ___________ to join
In 1966, Phi Sigma Pi added what 2 words to its name?
1) National
2) Honor
What year was The Phi Sigma Pi Brothers' Creed approved by the Grand Chapter?
True or False:
The Official Fraternity songs, " Brothers are We" and "Brother", were written by Phi Sigma Pi Members
In 1990, the handbook used to teach the organization's history and goals was renamed ________ _____________ ________________
The Scholars Province
Fill the blanks for the first verse of " Brother Are We"
Bound by the ties of __________1_________
Bound by the ties of __________2_________
Ideals to show us _______3________, _______4________, and ______5_________
1) friendship
2) truth
3) service
4) love
5) loyalty
In 2014, a resolution is adopted to use this term in place of " Co-Ed" when referring to the Fraternity.
Gender Inclusive
Elected in 1980, the member of the Alpha Alpha Chapter was the first female National Officer
Dr. Anita P. Davis
A graduate scholarship is awarded in the name of this member elected as President in 1928. They helped to form the Professional Interfraternity Conference, which included 21 other Professional Fraternities, and helped to make Phi Sigma Pi attractive to other institutions
Rolla F. Wood
During his tenure as President, the Fraternity grew to include 70 active Chapters, a national budget over a half million dollars, a state of the art National Headquarters, seven National Staff and a rejuvenated, diverse Brotherhood
Jeffrey Johnson
The Founding Father served as Central Regional Director of Phi Sigma Pi from 1931-1935 and now has an Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Programming named in his honor
Dr. Eldo L. Hendricks
The Outstanding Chapter Award is named after this former Sigma Chapter Advisor
Joseph Torchia
Chapters that capture the true spirit of fellowship and Brotherhood through Chapter events are honored with an award named for this Founding Father
Dr. Claude A. Phillips
The member from the Alpha Rho Chapter wrote the words and music to "Brother"
Thomas E Daniels
This member was a Founding Father and the first recipient of the Distinguished Service Key. the highest honor bestowed on a Member
Dr. C.H. McClure
What is the supreme legislative body of the National Faaternity?
Grand Chapter
Each chapter is required to send one ______________ to Grand Chapter to vote on Fraternity business
The supreme executive and administrative body of the National Fraternity charged with enforcing the National Constitution and leading the fraternity through strategic planning
National Council
The ________________ ____________ are full-time professionals who assist in the day affairs of the Fraternity
National Staff
What is the National magazine the Phi Sigma Pi Members receive?
Purple and Gold
_______ ___________ _____ _________________ is the charitable foundation that collects and distribute funds in support of the programs and goals of the Fraternity
Phi Sigma Pi Foundation
What is the name of the Nationally recognized certification program sponsored by The Phi Sigma Pi Foundation?
Leadership in Action
The name of Phi Sigma Pi's National Philanthropic Partner, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership, is commonly called _________
The word meaning, " under the rose" was given to the name of a fund started to help Members who have found themselves in a challenging financial times
True or False:
The Awards Banquet is one of the activities that members can participate in at National Convention
Idenify the 3 letters making up the Fraternity's name?
Phi Sigma Pi
This should be worn throughout the Initiation Program and returned to the Chapter upon Induction.
Initiate Pin
Following Induction, a new Member will receive this item as certification of membership into Phi Sigma Pi
This piece of jewelry includes the 3 Greek letters of the Fraternity linked diagonally
Membership Pin
The Ritual Induction Ceremony is (choose all that apply)
Upon graduation or transfer, each Collegiate Member attains ______________ status