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a process of urban development in which a neighborhood or portion of a city develops rapidly in a short period of time, often as a result of urban renewal programs.
a period of rebirth in classical learning after a long “darkness” in the middle ages
a modular system of carpentry measurement for new construction, an 8-rank grading system for different sizes of timber elements
musical sense of harmony
prime example of a top-down mentality; completely redid paris and ripped through neighborhoods in the process
architectural debate between two or more opposing ideas; debate; the exchange of ideas
referring to the adolf loos who believes people with tattoos are degenerates
mound in the wood
an idea created by adolf loos describing how you know something is architecture; it is fundamental in how we read forms that have meaning. Connects to Baalbek that makes you feel something. Connect to Zaha Hadid idea that architecture evokes emotion.
human oriented
house for josephine baker
created adolf loos; unbuilt projet commissioned by josephine baker; focuses on the importance of the onlooker (outside looking in); paints baker as an untouchable object (the pool); objectification
example of the vitruvian triad; built around 125 ce by Emperor Hadrian; a repository of imperial wealth; monumental coffered dome, stunning clarity of vision; oculus acts as giant sundial; highly influential; disciplinary importance; not specifically guided by vitruvius
ibram x kendi
makes the distinction between space racism and space anti-racism; argues there are no non-racists, only racists- people who allow racist ideas to proliferate without opposition and anti-racists- people who don’t; focuses on resource equity; moves beyond integrationist conceptions that black spaces could every be equal to white spaces; focuses on desegregation with a form of integration and racial solidarity
japanese response / take on modernism; focused on the organic, self-regulating organism; constantly sought to rethink central tenets; against the machine metaphor; symbiotic harmony
homo means same / hetero means different
theory vs. practice
the ability to demonstrate and explain vs. continuous and regular exercise of employment
analogical method
a mystical interpretation of a text or event in which a meaning ascends beyond literal interpretation— could transport one into a heavenly place
flying buttress
from the gothic era; piece that sticks out of the building; precedent for other pieces of architecture
one of the 5 forms of architecture. a set of posts raising a building up from the ground
the blue mosque
combined islamic architecture with the byzantine empire.
sant’andrea in mantua
building by leon alberti; around the 1500s; inspired by the pantheon
spirit of the age
adolf loos; a method of volumetric room design that aims at presenting a dynamic building presentation
cultural tendencies, artistic formations, ideas that celebrate modernization, cultural manifestation of growth in industrial society, enlightenment
processes, technologies, renewal process of transformation from rural “traditional” culture to urban “modern” culture
paradoxical experience of the modern metropolis — fleeting, ephemeral, aspirational
a dialogue or debate between two or more opposing viewpoints (ex: top-down vs bottom up, architecture vs building)
tabula rasa
building something on a “clean slate”
urban development
top-down vs bottom-up; jane jacobs vs robert moses
1965 landmark preservation legislation
started by jane jacobs; préservés buildings or sites with historic significance
creative destruction
a phrase from economics describing the process of incessantly revolutionizing the economic structure within. destroying the old and creating the new - planned obsolescence (ex: iphones)
“Skyscrapers” essay
meis van der roe;
machine for living
term in modernism; created by le corbussier
a philosophy informed by the secular study of history and science that emphasized the importance of human agency rather than supernatural forces (Leon Battista Alberti is an example of a humanist)
the precise way that lines and angles join together; functions to prescribe appropriate place, measurement, etc.; not material; conceived in the mind; made up of lines and angles; perfected the learned intellect of imagination; alberti
architecture theory
the thinking that practice has “real” material implications and that theory somehow does not is simply false. ideas matter and they have profound “real world” affects. attempts to answer the “why” questions in architecture. no single answer; diverse and contested meanings; changes over time
barcelona pavilion
created by mies van der roe
fujian tolou
the vernacular round earthen houses
a critical discourse that seems to interrogate the power relations, forms of representation, and injustices of colonialism
dual-city hypothesis
connected to le corbussier and the plan with algiers. cities have political and social imbalances. separating the native algériens from the new european settlers
ca’fer efendi
basilica of st. denis
gothic architecture; 1144; in france; flying buttress; book of suger (talked about renovating) anagogical (will take you to a heavenly place). signals to the heavens but it also a political symbol for the french monarchy
johannes guttenberg
invented the printing press which allowed for the globalization of architecture knowledge
apollodorus of damascus
alleged architect of the pantheon
vitruvian triad
utilitas, firmitas, venustas
the genre of islamic architecture
maison domino
ten books of architecture
vitruvius; talks about the destination between theory and practice; architect should be educated in many branches of study; not immediately put into practice
yingazao fashi
systematically organized, an authoritative source, created universal standards, immediately practiced, economical, detail oriented, main goal was to reduce waste and “bad practices”, lots of frustration in text; compendium of chinese building methods in the 12th century; author is Li Jie; critical of contemporary architectural practices (at the time) specifically their lack of regulations
building vs. architecture
pevsner. bicycle shed vs lincoln cathedral. aesthetics vs function.
organization of design elements (symmetry, perspective, classical architecture)
roman style of architecture
villa rotonda
four temple fronts. design syntax. palladianism
primitive hut
adolf loos / henry david thoreau. connecting with nature.
four primordial elements
Gotfried Semper’s idea, believes it’s the moral element of architecture ; hearth (ceramics), roof (carpentry), enclosure (weaving / walling), mound (terracing / stone masonry)
five points of architecture
pilotis, free plan, free facade, horizontal / ribbon window, and roof garden
four books of architecture
andrea palladio (guy who designed the villa rotunda); triangular pediment; inspired by the pantheon; started palladianism which has influences in buildings such as Monticello.