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Collection Method (blood culture):
What section does blood culture belong?
70% alcohol & 2% Iodine for 1 minute prior to collection
Skin Disinfection (blood culture):
three changes of alcohol-iodine
Disinfecting the sites (blood culture) with _______.
fever spike
Best Drawing Time for Blood Culture Collection:
It is because the bacteria concentration is very high which results in the multiplication of the bacteria
Why fever spike is the best time to draw or collect sample?
2 – 3 different sites w/n 24 hrs
Frequency (blood culture):
10 – 20 mL
Amount for Adults (blood culture):
1 – 5 mL
Amount for Infants and small children (blood culture):
Blood: Broth Dilution (blood culture)=
ETS luer
- it is the portion of the butterfly device that allows you to collect multiple tubes with unlimited amount of sample
Sodium polyanethole sulfonate (SPS)
Anticoagulant of Choice for Blood Culture?
prevents phagocytosis, inactivates complement, and neutralizes aminoglycoside antibiotics
What is the action of SPS?
May inhibit growth of:
▪ Neisseria
▪ Gardnerella vaginalis
▪ Streptobacillus moniliformis
What are the disadvantages of SPS?
EDTA, Heparin, and Citrate
Blood culture is not recommended for:
Nutrient Broth or BHIB
Primary Inoculation Medium (Blood Culture):
Brain Heart Infusion Broth
BHIB means?
ARD or resin bottles may be used
____________ = if patient is on antibiotic treatment
Antibiotic removing devices
ARD means?
Membrane attack complex
Membrane attack complex
- it creates a pore or hole on the membrane
- allow to incubate culture bottle after collection
- allow the grow of macrobacteria
Blood Bank
3 changes of alcohol and iodine is also seen in _______.