Learning Objectives: define key terms: what is bioinformatics? why is it important for studying genetics? how can bioinformatics be performed? specialty software, online resources, programming languages
what is bioinformatics?
a combination of (three things)
what type of analysis?
use of computational tools for experimentation in the biological sciences
computer science + biology + statistics
in silico
can use bioinformatics to make own -
can - and - biological data using software tools
manage, study
why is bioinformatics important?
too much data for efficient manual analysis
(Human Genome Project called for ability to manage large data sets)
another tool in research tool kit
(knowledge of biological principles = can develop research questions)
online databases exist for - of data, is freely -, and is a target for -
storage, accessible, datamining
to find regions of identity, - sequences
amount of identity informs -
similarity: how related are 2 sequences?
was developed to - and - sequence data
basic local alignment search tool
organize, compare
integrative bioinformatics?
collection and analysis of data from multiple sources because single data base is too limiting
integrative bioinformatics is based on ontology, ontology is the - of data based on key related aspects of -
grouping, data properties