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Newborn’s general condition is assessed w/ what scoring sys in 5 categories HR,RR muscle tone , reflex, color
all ingredient in Medical Foods must label as __
GRAS= The FDA label food additive as Genereally Recognized As Safe
COPD severity assessment
the COPD assesment test (CAT), the Modified British Medical Research Lab dyspnea scale (mMRC)
what assess air flow for COPD? ___
GOLD 1-4 = assess air flow in pt w/ FEV1/FVC <0.70
Assess Pulmanory Artery HTN (PAH) by _____
Group 1-5
guidlines for Tx of Asthma is ___
GINA= Global Initiative for Asthma
FEV1 after albuterol (bronchodilator) > 12% = diagnose w/ asthma & is reversible
5 “A” model for Tx tobacco use & ddependence
Ask, Advice, Assess , Assist, Arrange
REMS meds
Ricociguat (sGC= soluble Guanylate Cyclase), Bosentan (Endothelin Receptor Antagonist), (Oncolo)
Raloxifene (Estrogen agonist/antagonist)
Qsymia (phentermine/Topiramte) for wt loss
Mycophenoplate ( Anti-profilerative in maintain Tx of Transplant)
Natalizumab - Tysabri; Alemtuzumab- Lemtrada ( both = Interferon receptor antagonist)
Sodium Oxybate( Xyrem), Calcium/Magnesium/ Potassium/Sodium Oxybate( Xywav)
Fenfluramine ( Fintepla)-
Eskertamine (Spravata)= C3- Nasal spray : need supervision
When to add low-dose Aspirin
daily —> at the end /after of 1st trimester for pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia (T1 or T2 diabetes, renal disease, history of pre-eclampsia, chronic HTN
For pregancy
ACOG= American College Obtestricians & Gynecologist guidline for pregnany drug
Briggs’ Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation
What equation is used for Basal energy expenditure BEE, Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Harris Benedicts equation
Scoring tool for determine prognosis and determine ICU mortality risk
APACHE II ( acute physiologic assessment & chronic health evaluation)
Equation to solve for ph
Henderson Hasselbalch
End stage liver disease
estimate risk of osteoporosis fracture in the next 10 years
FRAX tool- computerized-based by WhO
HTN, atherosclerosis, diabetes are common cause of
ED erectile dysfunction
Kegel exercise - squeeze muscle to stop urination
Pelvic floor exercise for OAB
Diabete, HTN: Common cause of renal disease
CKD, CVD, stroke: Common cause of HTN
Rumack Matthew nomogram
Determine hepatoxicity via APA level & time sine ingestion
To describe the rate of dissolution
Noyes- Whitney
Premed (steroid, APA, Antihistamine) d/t infuse RxN
Rituximab ( other Biologic DMRA nonTNF inhibitor)
Infliximab -Remicade (TNF-i)
Score line
Metoprolol Succinate XL
Carbidopa/ Levodopa ER tab
Carbidopa/ Levodopa- Rytavy ER capsule ( take whole/sprinkle)
Memantine ER cap or Namzaric cap
Electroencephalogram = EEG
For epilepsy
DSM-5-TR, Ham-D
For depression, mental diagnosis
Levetiracetam 1:1
Phenytoin 1:1
Most insulin conversion = 1:1
Reduce effect of oral contraceptives
Leflunomide (Give Cholestyramine or Activated charcoal)- wait 2yr after d/c for pregnant
Lacosamide (Vimpat)- C5
Phenobarbital- C4
Oral Contraceptives
OROS formulation
Concerta ER
Glipizide ( Glucotrol XL)