Axis Powers
Japan, Germany, Italy
Allied Powers
America, Britain, France, Russia, China
Political system that stressed nationalism and interests of the state
Joseph Stalin
Communist dictator of the Soviet Union
Government that has complete control over its citizens and pushes down all opposition
Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator of Italy
Who did Hitler get inspo from?
Adolf Hitler
Nazi dictator of Germany
Fascist political philosophy of Germany based on extreme nationalism
Hideki Tojo
Prime Minister of Japan
Neville Chamberlain
Prime Minister of Britain before WWII
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of Britain during WWII
Trying to pacify an aggressor in order to keep the peace
Nonaggression pact
Agreement between Germany and Russia not to attack each other
Lighting war strategy used by Germany against Poland
Which countries had totalitarian governments in the 1930s
Germany, Russia, Italy, Japan, and Spain
Hitler believed they were the master race
September 1, 1939
The day Hitler launched WWII by attacking Poland
How did Germany acquire the Sudetenland
France Britain and Germany signed the Munich Pact
Who won the battle of Britain?
Who fought in the Battle of Britain
Germany and Britain
How did they become dictators?
They shot down all opposition and gave the government total control
Francisco Franco
Dictator of Spain
Political belief that a strong military is necessary and that the one they already have should grow and become more powerful
What did Hitler want?
World domination
What did Japan want?
To expand their territory and gain more access to wealth and resources
Who invented the Fascist party?
Mussolini did
What did Hitler want to enforce?
Racial purification
Attack on Pearl Harbor
An attack by Japan against the U.S., this also brought the U.S. into the war
Great Depression
The whole world was affected
Who did desperate civilians turn to for help?
Militaristic leaders
Neutrality Acts
Laws passed by Congress to ban the sale of arms or loans to nations at war
Lend-Lease Act
Law that allowed lending or leasing arms to any nation “whose defense was vital to the U.S.
Selective Training and Service Act
First peacetime military draft under which 16 million men between the ages of 21 and 35 were registered
Atlantic Charter
British and American statement of war goals
Americans wanted to stay out of the war and not get involved as much as possible
The Lend-Lease Act
Caused the Great Depression to come to a complete close
Alliance between the Axis powers
Meant that if America fought against any one of them, all 3 would fight against America
Collective security, disarmament, protecting people’s rights to choose their own form of government, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas
Goals of the Atlantic Charter
Germany’s boats attacking U.S. merchant ships
The first thing that made the U.S. fight in any sort of way in the war
America cut off most of Japan’s oil supply
In response to Japan invading Indochina
America declared war against Japan on
The day after Pearl Harbor
United States’ reaction to the German U-boat attacks
Started arming their own ships so they could attack German ships on sight
Who won the Battle of the Pacific?
Who fought in the Battle of the Pacific
Japan and America
Who fought in the Battle of Britain?
Germany and England
Operation Sealion
German code name for the operation to control the English Channel to launch the invasion of Britain
Britain’s Royal Air Force
Why did Germany want control of the English Channel?
To keep the British Navy and Air Force from attacking the German invasion ships
German Air Force
What was Britain’s advantage in the battle of Britain?
They were able to detect the incoming invasion by using RADAR
What mad the Battle of Britain important and distinctive?
If Britain lost Germany would’ve had control over all of Europe
Why did Hitler call of the attacks during the Battle of Britain?
He wanted to attack Russia, and the bombing of Britain was taking too many good pilots
George Marshall
Army chief of staff during WWII
(Woman’s Auxiliary Army Corps)
Women volunteers who served in noncombat positions
(Office of Price Administration)
Agency of the federal government that fought inflation
(War Production Board)
Government agency that decided which companies would make war materials and how to distribute raw materials
Restricting the amount of food and other goods people may buy during war time to assure adequate supplies for the military
Manhattan Project
Secret research project that resulted in the Atomic Bomb
A. Philip Randolph
Important african american labor leader
James Farmer
Civil rights leader who founded the Congress of Racial Equality
(Congress of Racial Equality)
Interracial organization formed to fight discrimination
Confinement under guard, especially during wartime
(Japanese American Citizens League)
Civil rights group formed by Japanese Americans
How did the OPA fight inflation?
Freezing, or not increasing, prices on most goods
How did the American military acquire support from American citizens?
Spreading propaganda through posters and films to influence thoughts and feelings in favor of the war effort
Victory Gardens
American families started growing their own food at home
How did America transport good to the war fronts?
They used merchant marine ships
Merchant marine ships
a fleet of civilian merchant ships that transported goods to the war front
(Office of Scientific Research and Development)
Group of scientists that developed bombs, guided missiles, researched and developed medications such as penicillin. Most importantly, they were involved with the Manhattan Project, which was how they developed the atomic bomb.
What group was A. Philip Randolph the president of?
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Fair Employment Practices Committee
Required employers and labor unions to end discrimination
Zoo-Suit Riots
Mexican Americans were beaten by white servicemen and civilians
How did the Supreme Court try to justify the Japanese internment camps?
They said the government policy was justified by “military necessity”.
What did Americans think of Japanese Americans?
They thought that any and all of them could be spies because of the one, singular spy that helped Japan during Pearl Harbor
Japanese people were called this slur
What did the Japanese Americans do in response to the internment camps?
They willingly moved into the camps to prove their loyalty to the U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
American general who commanded the Allied forces; 34th president of the United States
Allied invasion to liberate Europe
Omar Bradley
American general who led American forces at Normandy
George Patton
American general who helped liberate Paris
Battle of the Bulge
German counteroffensive in December 1944
Battle of the Atlantic
German U-boats increased attacks on American ships to prevent food and war materials from reaching Great Britain and the Soviet Union.
How did the U.S. win the Battle of the Atlantic?
Increased their rate of ship manufacturing, allowing them to have more ships than Germany and the ability to fight off the U-boats.
How were the Allies victorious in the Soviet Union, North Africa, and Italy?
They were able to fight the Germans off successfully in all 3 places.
How many terms did Roosevelt do?
Battle of Stalingrad
Germans attacked the Soviet Union
End of Battle of Stalingrad
Germans surrendered to the Soviets because Stalin trapped a large number of Nazis and let them freeze and starve to death.
What did the Victory in Italy accomplish?
It removed Mussolini from power and restored a good government.
Secret codename for the Allied attack in Normandy, France
What day was Paris liberated?
August 19, 1944
Deceptive tactic the Germans used during the Battle of the Bulge
Disguised German commandos as Americans and trained them to speak perfect English with no trace of an accent.
What did the deceptive tactic the Germans used during the Battle of the Bulge accomplish?
It spread confusion and chaos by sabotaging the American armies.
What happened at Bastogne?
Malmedy Massacre. Hitler sent a letter asking the allies to give up Bastogne. American commander replied with “Nuts!” Hitler never got the town.