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What is Surah 96:1-5?
Recite in the name of your lord and cherisher who created man
Who is muhammad?
The last prophet of Allah
What are three facts about Muhammad?
Born in Makkah
He is the “seal of the prophets”
He is the last prophet
What is risalah?
how allah communicates with people and a particular belief in the prophets
What happened to the revelations given to previous prophets?
They were lost so Allah sent Muhammad to give him revelations which wouod become the Qur’an
What are angels?
They are messangers of allah who are known as the bodies of light which are in constant contact with the world
Who is Adam?
The first prophet of Allah
What are 2 beliefs about adam?
He is the father of all mankind
Was a prophet until his death
Taught revelations to his son
Who is Ibrahim?
He was a prophet and messanger of Allah
What are 3 things about Ibrahim?
Built the kaaba in makkah
He abolished the worship of idols
Ibrahim was promised to be the father of all nations
Who was the first leader of the sunnis?
Abu Bakr (4 Caliphs)
Who was the first leader of the Shias?
Ali (12 Imams)
Sunnies believe that __ caliphs were appointed after ______’s death
4, Muhammad
Shias believe that the chosen leaders were known as _____
What is Imamate?
the divine appointment of the Imams
What are the 6 articles if faith in Sunni Islam? (PJHATS)
Day if Judgment
Holy Books
What is prophethood?
Muhammad is the most important prophet of God
What is the day of judgment?
When humanity will be praised by God and sent to paradise or hell
What are the holy books?
The Qur’an is the most important writing and highest authority in Islam
What are angels?
Messengers sent by God to humans. They do not have freewill
What is Tawhid?
The oneness of God. There is only one God “Allah”
What is supremacy?
God already knows what occurs int he world but also makes it happen
5 roots in Shi’a Islam
Qur’an 116:1-4 says…
He is God the One, God the eternal. He begot no one not was he begotten. No one is comparable to Him
Quran 13:11 says…
Each person has angels before him and behind him, watching over him by Gods command
What is believed about the angel Israfil?
Blows trumpet on the day of judgement
What is believed about the angel Jibril?
Archangel, relayed the Qur’an to Muhammad by God
What is believed about the angel Mika’il?
Angel of mercy rewards righteous people for their good deeds
What do Muslims belief about the Torah?
It was given to Moses and mentioned in the Qur’an
What is believed about the Psalms?
They were revealed to David and are mentioned on 3 occasions in the Qur’an
What is believed about the Gospels?
It refers to a book divinely revealed to Jesus. It is thought that some have been lost and that some messages are still found in the Bible
What is known about the scrolls of Ibrahim?
They are referred to in the Qur’an but have been lost and no longer exist.
It is the physical and mental purification of a Muslim before salah (prayer)