Reactions of alkanes

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Bond fission is the breaking of a covalent bond.

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Bond fission is the breaking of a covalent bond.

What is bond fission?

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  • Homolytic fission

  • Heterolytic fission

What are the two ways a bond can break?

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  • The uneven breaking of bonds.

  • One of the bonded atom receives both electrons form the bonded pair.

  • Two different substances are formed - a positively charged cation and and a negatively charged anion.

What is heterolytic fission?

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  • The even breaking of bond.

  • Each atom receives one electron from the bonded pair.

  • Two radicals are formed (radicals are particles that have an unpaired electron.)

  • Because of the unpaired electron, radicals are very reactive.

What is homolytic fission?

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Free-radical substitution with UV light

What reaction forms haloalkanes from alkanes?

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What do alkanes react with to form haloalkanes?

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  • Initiation

  • Propagation

  • Termination

What are the three steps to a free-radical substitution mechanism?

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  • Sunlight provides enough energy to break the bond in the halogen.

  • Homolytic fission takes place and the atom becomes a highly reactive free radical because of its unpaired electron.

What happens in the initiation stage of the reaction?

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Free radicals are used up and created in a chain reaction.

What happens in the propagation stage of the reaction?

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Free radicals join together to make a stable molecule.

What happens in the termination stage of the reaction?

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  • You don’t only get the product you are trying to make you get a mixture of products.

  • It can take place at any point along the carbon chain so a mixture of isomers can be formed.

What are two problems with free-radical substitution?

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