lady macbeth

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look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t

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look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t

biblical reference to adam & eve + presents macbeth as feminine contrasting with his masculine mindset of ambition later on in the play

<p>biblical reference to adam &amp; eve + presents macbeth as feminine contrasting with his masculine mindset of ambition later on in the play</p>
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come to my woman’s breasts, and take my milk for gall

milk and gall look similar and both come out of a woman → good and evil in all people. LM asks to remove all goodness and make it evil = would look bad on the eyes of a jacobean audience

<p>milk and gall look similar and both come out of a woman → good and evil in all people. LM asks to remove all goodness and make it evil = would look bad on the eyes of a jacobean audience</p>
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had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done ’t

is inconsistent as she’s ready to kill her child but not her father? can’t commit patricide but asks macbeth to commit regicide(context). shows she’s not ready to kill duncan - hypocrisy as well as humanity being shown - contrasts with start of play('unsex me here')

<p>is inconsistent as she’s ready to kill her child but not her father? can’t commit patricide but asks macbeth to commit regicide(context). shows she’s not ready to kill duncan - hypocrisy as well as humanity being shown - contrasts with start of play(&apos;unsex me here&apos;)</p>
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