Chapter 27 - American Pageant 17th Edition

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Why did America expand to overseas markets?

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Why did America expand to overseas markets?

They felt that it might stop the labor violence and unrest and were rushed with a new sense of power by the growth in population, wealth, and productive capacity.

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What was Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis?

Written by Reverend Josiah Strong, it inspired missionaries to travel to foreign nations.

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What was the “Big Sister” Policy?

Created by James G. Blaine (secretary of state), it tried to get Latin American countries to open their markets to Americans.

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Why was America prepared for war?

It was over disputes with other country’s such as gold being found in Venezuela and British Guiana. This demonstrated the country's new aggressive mood.

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What was Great Rapprochement?

Following the disputes over Venezuela and British Guiana, Britain decided not fight with America and the two nations settled on this reconciliation.

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Why did America go to Hawaii?

To establish a naval base and to export sugar.

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What was the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890?

It increased the taxes on most imported goods while eliminating taxes on luxury items. (Hurt Hawaiian exports to the US)

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What did New England settlers do to overcome the McKinley Tariff Act of 1890?

They tried to annex the territory of Hawaii, however, many Hawaiians did not want that so President Cleveland declined it.

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What happened in Cuba with Spain?

Cubans revolted against Spain in 1895. People burned sugarcane fields believing that if they destroyed enough of Cuba, then Spain might abandon Cuba. This caused Spain to create reconstruction camps.

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How did Cuba’s revolt affect the U.S?

America had a large investment and conducted substantial trade with Cuba. This led Congress to pass a resolution in 1896 recognizing Cuba, but saying the U.S. would not go to war.

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What is “yellow journalism” and how was it used during Cuba’s revolt?

It is journalism that is over exaggerated. It was used by William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer to inflate the anger of the American people over the crisis in Cuba.

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What happened regarding the Maine?

In 1898, this American Maine blew up in the Havana port. Americans thought Spain did this intentionally (they didn’t) and some pushed for war.

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What did America do in 1898 regarding Cuba?

Because the American people wanted war, President McKinley conceded and announced war through the Teller Amendment.

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What were the Teller Amendments?

It said that when the United States had beaten the Spanish, the Cubans would be free.

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What did Commodore George Dewey do in the war?

His 6-ship fleet attacked Spain's Philippines in 1898 and attacked and destroyed the 10-ship Spanish fleet at Manila. This allowed the Americans to take over Manila in 1898.

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Why was Hawaii annexed?

With the victory in the Philippines, Hawaii was annexed for a supply base for George Dewey and was annexed in 1898.

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What were Rough Riders?

A voluntary regiment of Americans commanded by Colonel Leonard Wood and organized by Theodore Roosevelt for the Spanish-American War.

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What led Spain to sign an armistice?

It was Spain losing tons of land in Puerto Rico, Philippines, and General Nelson A. Miles capture over Puerto Rico.

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What was the main causes of death during the war?

Diseases like yellow fever.

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What were the effects of Japanese immigrants and other Asian groups to the US?

Many were met with racist whites and were segregated in schools

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what was the Gentlemen’s Agreement?

Following the racist remarks and segregation to Asian’s in California, President Roosevelt signed this agreement with Japan to end the segregation (and to avoid war).

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What was the Root-Takahira agreement?

Signed between the U.S. and Japan, each country pledged themselves to respect each other's territorial possessions.

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What was "preventive intervention."?

Many Latin countries were in debt to European ones and Roosevelt feared they would be captured by Europe.

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What was The Roosevelt Corollary?

Following Rooselvelt’s preventive intervention, this stated that the U.S. could pay off the Latin American counties' debts to keep European nations out of Latin America.

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What were the terms in the Spanish-American Armistice?

America would get Guam and Puerto Rico, but Spain wanted the Philippines. Mckinley wanted the Philippines so he paid Spain $20 million and christianized all of them.

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What was the Anti-Imperalist League?

People who opposed the War and AMerica’s imperialistic measures to secure lands, especially in the Philippines.

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what were expansionists?

Advocates for the Spanish-American war because America was to help the underprivileged.

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What was The Foraker Act of 1900?

It gave the Puerto Ricans a limited degree of popular government (democratic government). In 1917, they were granted U.S. citizenship.

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What were the Insular Cases?

The Supreme Court's cases that declared the Constitution did not extend to the Philippines and Puerto Rico.(they did not get citizenship)

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What was the Platt Amendment?

It was a forced Constitution in 1901 in Cuba that was written in favor of the United States. Cubans hated this because the U.S. could regulate its troops there.

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What was the greatest result for America after the war?

It bonded the North and South.

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What happened when the Phillippines did not get their own Constitution?

In 1899, a rebellion by Emilio Aguinaldo occurred against the American forces (eventually ended after his capture).

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What was the Philippine Commission?

In 1899 President Mckinley created this and it created a new government for the Philippines.

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What was benevolent assimilation?

It was to reestablish the Philippines by having people create new roads, improve healthcare, and establish educational systems. This was hated by the Filipinos who preferred liberty over assimilation.

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Start on Hinging the open door for china.

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What was the Open Door note?

Passed by Secretary of State John Hay, it urged foreign powers to respect Chinese commercial rights AND its territory after their loss to Japan in 1894-95 and the Boxers Rebellion.

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Who did each party elect for the Election of 1900 and why?

Republicans - McKinley because he led the country through a war, acquired rich real estate, established the gold standard, and brought prosperity to the nation. (Supported Gold Standard & Imperialism)

Democrats - William Jennings Bryan because he supported the silver standard and anti-imperialism.

(McKinley won)

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What happened in 1901 regarding the president?

President McKinley was assassinated, Theodore Roosevelt took over

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What was the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty?

America wanted to make the Panama canal for economic reasons and they passed this with Britain (friendly terms) which allowed America to build and fortify the canal.

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What did Panamanians do when the U.S. was planning to make a canal?

They revolted against Columbian rule and gave the United States 10 miles of zone around the proposed Panama Canal. They did this because of the economic opportunity.

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What was the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty in Washington?

It gave the U.S. control of a 10-mile zone around the proposed Panama Canal.

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