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Poetry - Marianne Moore
slanted and innovative approach to form, blending traditional structures with modern themes.
One Art - Elizabeth Bishop
lost, and the process of grieving through the metaphor of everyday objects.
The Fish - Elizabeth Bishop
Fish, Resilience, Hooks, Admiration, Release, Rainbow, Victory, and Compassion
Visits to St. Elizabeth’s - Elizabeth Bishop
A poem reflecting on mental illness, the complexities of care, and the nature of memory through visits to a psychiatric hospital. (that lies in the house of Bedlam) - growing stanzas
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night - Dylan Thomas
dark, light, night, sight, bright
Traveling through the Dark - William Stafford
Deer, doe, dawn, death
At the Bomb Testing Site - William Stafford
desert, nuclear testing, isolation, humanity
A Song in the Front Yard - Gwendolyn Brooks
front yard, back yard, bad woman
The Vacant Lot - Gwendolyn Brooks
Mrs. Coley, brick, basement, son-in-law, majesty, daughter, men, absence
The Rites of Cousin Vit - Gwendolyn Brooks
casket, satin, vital, snake-hips, bars, happiness, hysterics, emergence
We Real Cool - Gwendolyn Brooks
we, rhyming, youth, jazz, dropping-out, life ruining, enjambment
The Coora Flower - Gwendolyn Brooks
coming home, learning, escape, family problems
cutting greens - Lucille Clifton
cooking, embrace, knife, black, bonding life together
homage to my hips - Lucille Clifton
hips, enslaved, mighty, magic
poem to my uterus - Lucille Clifton
uterus, loss, where to go, without you
to my last period - Lucille Clifton
goodbye, red, done, beautiful
The House Slave - Rita Dove
slave, guilt, varying levels of labor, blowhorn
Man and Wife - Robert Lowell
marriage falling apart, budern, turn your back, burnt out
Waking in the Blue - Robert Lowell
mental institution, harvard, victorian, crimson, new england, roman catholics, razor
Skunk Hour - Robert Lowell
hermit, decay, illness, skunks, loneliness
The Applicant - Sylvia Plath
societal issues, applying to be a wife, marriage issues, perfection
Daddy - Sylvia Plath
increasing intensity, confessional, german/polish, jew, anger, resentful
Metaphors - Sylvia Plath
syllables, fruit, animals, train for forever, inevitable
Lady Lazarus - Sylvia Plath
alive again, suicide, confessional, wanting to feel alive again, personal
Music Swims Back to Me - Anne Saxton
la la la, home, night, radio, november, not afraid
Ringing the Bells - Anne Saxton
and, who, that, bells, music, mental institution, crazy
The Abortion - Anne Sexton
multifaceted thinking, grief, loss, Rumpelstiltskin
Introduction to Poetry - Billy Collins
care about poetry, wanting to do know the exact answer to poetry, teacher student moment
Scenes of Hell - Billy Collins
literal stories of people in hell, occupation based terrors, family issues, wick, spark
My Number - Billy Collins
awaiting death, personifying death, grim reaper
The Lanyard - Billy Collins
dictionary, triggering a memory, nostalgic, craft
Forgetfulness - Billy Collins
getting old, dementia, memory loss, saying goodbye
I Go Back to May 1937 - Sharon Olds
you are going, my mother, my father, colleges
The Pope’s Penis - Sharon Olds
religious aspects, hanging, in praise of God
Satan Says - Sharon Olds
box, sin, corruption, coffin, death
Once - Sharon Olds
father, skin, creepy, memory, sexual
Typography - Sharon Olds
travel, New York, Texas, Kansas, sex as a map
How It Felt - Sharon Olds
clothes, punishment, memory, essence, unchanged