1 Joule (J)
The force exerted by a current of 1 amp per second flowing through a resistance of 1 ohm.
1 Watt (W)
1 joule (J) per second
1 Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
1 thousand (103) watts exerted for 1 hour
1 Megawatt (MW)
1 million (106) watts
1 Gigawatt (GW)
1 billion (109) watts
1 Petajoule (PJ)
1 quadrillion (1015) joules
1 PJ
947 billion Btu, or 0.278 billion kWh
1 British thermal unit (Btu)
Energy to heat 1 lb of water 1°F
1 Standard barrel (bbl) of oil
42 gal (160 liter) or 5.8 million Btu
1 Metric ton of standard coal
27.8 million Btu or 4.8 bbl oil