draw striated muscles with receptors
choline vs. acetyl
choline is harder to make, acetyl is everywhere
surface of striated muscle
acetylcholine esterase
break down ACH
what does striated muscle mean
sarco in front
myincidinin gracin
destroys nicotinic receptors, faster than making, muscle weakness
inhibit to last longer
Thin filament vs thick filament
Thin = actin
Thick= myosin 2X thicker
3 parts of troponin hinge
TnC, TnT, TnI
Calcium binding
Draw thin filament
How does tropomyosin work in thin filament
. Block actin + myosin from cross bridging
How to cross bridge w/ thin filament
Open gate (tropomyosin) w/ hinge ( troponin)
Draw thick filament
Steps of thick filament
ATP → ADP + p extra energy sets trap
Myosin binds to actin (cross bridge, set trap)
ATP binds to myosin, myosin change shape, breaks actin-myosin crossbridge
troponin bound by Catt around, ca+ must be around to restart
Sliding filament theory
When you die, don't make ATP, ATP releases myosin headi can't release cross bridge, stuck in position
Muscle formation
Rods align, head of myosin stick outwards thin filaments pulled together
Sacromere meaning
Muscle body
Draw sarcomere
Protein, make sure filaments straight + same length
Keep thick filaments in alignment, make elastic muscle
A band
Thick thin over lap = dark band
I band
Thin, light
H zone
Sunny spot, middle of dark band
Z line to z line
Alter dark + light band
Row of sarco meres
Does muscles in body know their limitations?
Draw Anaerobic and aerobic
Anaerobic pathway
Aerobic pathway
One release of acetal choline (1/10 second)
Same length
Same tension
Draw Isometric twitch
Draw isotonic twitch
Draw summation of twitches
Short duration fatigue
Increase H and increase P, holding book then dropping, anaerobic
Long duration fatigue
Decrease glycogen
Draw muscle optimal length chart
60% muscle length
Can't move b/c no room, Z line on Z line, bunch up
175% muscle length
No overlap between thick + thin filaments
Normal muscle usage %
Within 30% of 100%
Motor unit, alpha motor
Extra fusal fibers
1 motor to how many being used
Draw muscle type chart, source, myoglobin, diameter, depolarization, recruitment, fatigue
Draw smooth muscle cells
Pace maker cell in smooth muscle
Cajal cell, na+ leak I reach action potential, de polarize
Peristalsis, tells what to squeeze
Smooth cell function
Unitary manner, de polarice one cell generate current go through all
Smooth muscle latch mechanism (draw)
Draw smooth muscle filaments
Skeletal/ striated V's smooth chart
Cardiac muscle, t tubules, calcium
striated, t tubules 25x more volume, 1/2 Catt through extracellularly, 1/2 sarcoplasm reticulum intracellulary
Draw cardiac muscle fibers
Right V's left heart
Draw heart
Only artery that is deoxygenated
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary circulation, pick up o2 in blood
Right Atrium
Venus blood
Chordata tendinae function
Hold in places so tricuspid don't collapse
Semilunar valves
. avoid backwards flow
Blood pressure
Draw aorta w/ blood flowing out
Draw aorta w/ blood flowing backwards
Turbulent flow eject blood into aorta, eject wad of blood
Draw heart w/ layers
Draw heart w/ bands and cell layer
Draw EKG on man and Einthomis triangle
Draw EKG circle
Draw different waves
Draw simple heart w/bands
Draw neuron AP chart
Draw skeletal muscle AP chart
Draw Smooth muscle AP chart
Draw cardiac muscle AP chart
What is heart in most of time?
Absolute refraction, heart can’t go into tetany bc can’t sum ventricular refraction
What is a fast leaker of na+
Sa node, 1st to hit threshold and depolarize
Draw depolarization of SA node
Draw P wave
Draw QRS Wave
Draw t wave
Absolute refraction in heart = tetany, explain
No tetany prevents ventricles from summing twitches up
Draw ventricular filling
Draw ventricular relaxation
Draw ventricular ejection
Draw ventricular contraction
Heart or kidney control itself
Hormone, autonomic helps control need help not by itself
Draw law of heart chart
What does intrinsic control
Volume in = volume out
? What does extra volume mean
Extra effort
Surrounding lung pressure
What happens when you go from standing → laying
500 ml of fluid to thorax
Move around
What controls bp
Autonomic nervous system
What controlls blood flow
Draw blood flow
What has most resistance/ total resistance
Arterioles → greatest ability to vasoconstrictor vasodiate
Ohms law applied to blood flow
Volts= current x resistance
V= I x R
Delta p = I (blood flow) x R