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all behaviour is a result of

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all behaviour is a result of

choices people make, not the emotions they feel. it's the behaviour that results from an emotion which can be considered good or bad but not the emotion itself.

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how did jesus share his love?

through the sacraments

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what are the 10 commandments also called?

revealed laws, old laws and decalogue

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definition of covenant

an agreement between god and a person or group. These are meant to be permanent, that is until death.

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definition of kingdom of god

the reign of god where people live in harmony with god's will

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definition of procreation

co-operating in god's creation of human life from conception until adulthood

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how are people created?

in the image of god

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are emotions good or bad?

emotions are neither good or bad

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is behaviour an emotion?

it's not an emotion its a choice you make

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how to deal with emotions

emotions must be directed

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when do the emotions function best?

when directed by the will

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to deal with strong emotion, christians call on

god's graces, first 3 commandments and charity

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what does venal sin weaken?

it weakens a persons relationship with god

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definition of sin

any deliberate thought, word or deed which goes against god's law

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what does reconciliation consist of?(4)

satisfaction, confession, reconciliation and contrition

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definition of satisfaction

involves mending the broken relationship or 'making-up' for the offence

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definition of confession

tell the person you have hurt what you said or did and why you said or did that. may be done through a letter of apology or an explanation

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definition of reconciliation

involves the wronged person accepting the apology in the full knowledge of offence. their relationship may never be the same but the two people can begin to make 'in-roads' to repairing their relationship

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definition of contrition

when a person recalls the words or actions that cause offence. can express sorrow for something they have said or done and feel the need to 'make up' with someone after causing offence

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definition of mortal sin

is a sin whose object is grave matter (serious) and which is committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent

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to grow in charity the person needs to

receive communion, pray to other, try to behave lovingly towards others

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what does the second commandment oder?

to not speak disrespectfully to god

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when was the belief that jesus was fully divine?

after he rose from the dead

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definition of gospels

the record of christ's life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

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definition of parable

a story, with a message, told by jesus to teach people about god

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definition of marriage

a sacrament of service where a man and a women make vows before god commit to the other and god until death

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definition of sacramental sin

priests are bound by absolute secrecy never to tell anyone else what they hear during the sacrament of penance regarding a persons sins. There are never any exceptions which ever allow it to be broken

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definition of altruistic love

a selfless love that enables a person

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definition of the dignity of the human person

The catholic social teaching that all people should be treated with equal respect and sacredness since they are created in image of god and have a unique vocation

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definition of venial sin

a sin committed that doesn't turn a person away from god but weakens their relationship with god

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for an action to be sinful...

  1. was the thought, word or action against god's law?

  2. did i know that it was against a law of god?

  3. did i freely choose to go against?

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definition of penance

the sacrament that brings about reconciliation and healing

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definition of familial love

love between family members. it moves family members to be concerned and care for each other. eg: ā€¢ stick together and show loyalty to each other ā€¢ accept in each other what they would find unacceptable in others ā€¢ support each other during difficult times

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definition of romantic love

the love flowing from psychological and physical attraction. People often refer to this as being ā€˜in loveā€™. People who are romantically in love may: ā€¢ feel the need to be with those to whom they are attracted ā€¢ invest a great amount of time, effort and thought in that relationship ā€¢ be led to physically express the depth of Godā€™s love for one another in marriage

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definition of altruistic love

enables people to show genuine concern and care for others whether they know them or not. eg: ā€¢ help others, expecting nothing in return ā€¢ try to help after an accident or tragedy ā€¢ donate money to needy causes ā€¢ join in community service programs

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definition of charity

the power to love as Jesus does, a selfless love that grows as people keep his commandments. through Baptism, jesusā€™ followers receive the power of jesus to love as he does.

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how is charity strengthened?

it is strengthened through Confirmation

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what is charity's power?

to love as jesus does

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how does jesus's followers receive the power of jesus to love as he does (charity)

through baptism

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definition of love

the most fundamental emotion

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definition of chastity

the ability to harmonise sexual thoughts, feelings and desires so as to see others as god sees them

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to grow in charity, christians need to...

ā€¢ love ā€¢ nourish charity by receiving jesus in holy communion ā€¢ practice loving god for godā€™s own sake ā€¢ practice praying for others ā€¢ pray to god for help to love others ā€¢ make a genuine effort to behave lovingly towards others

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what are the 2 ways that charity empowers chirstians?

ā€¢ to love god for godā€™s own sake ā€¢ to love every human person for godā€™s sake

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charity makes it possible to...

love god with no ulterior motive. they can grow to love not only those they dislike, but even enemies

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when have christians not sufficiently developed the gift of charity?

when they fail to love, forgive or to show compassion

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explain the catholic understanding of the term ā€˜charityā€™

it helps people relate to god as originally intended in creation. it's the share in god's power to love, a gift received through baptism

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identify ways that a catholic teenager can demonstrate charity

respecting gods name, praying respecting human life, help other

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identify ways that a presentation person can demonstrate charity

praying, helping others without wanting anything in return

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what are the 3 steps of emotional development?

  1. recognising the emotion

  2. accepting the emotion

  3. making the choice to direct the emotion

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explanation of recognising the emotion

people need to stop and allow themselves to feel its effects, particularly in their bodies. the emotion then needs to be names, for example, fear, joy, sadness or anger. Unrecognised emotions will not simply go away. they can build up and cause inner tension, stress and general unhappiness, or they can even burst out in uncontrollable ways. it is healthy and a necessary response

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how is charity developed

through receiving jesus in holy communion, prayer and living jesus's two great commandments

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explanation of accepting the emotion

understand what has caused the emotion and whether the emotion was appropriate to the situation

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explanation of making the choice to direct the emotion

is the response appropriate to the situation? will the response restore or strengthen relationships? will the response bring inner peace?

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love is...

patient, kind, happy with truth

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love is not...

selfish, happy with evil, keeping a list of wrongs

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ways that jesus showed love:

told parables, taught us prayers (our father), loyal friend to disciples, compassionate, performed miracles, healed the sick and rose people from the dead, inspired others to love their neighbour, inspired others to love god, sacrificed himself

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what are the qualities of love?

the most basic emotion needed for a human to flourish.

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what are all of the personal gifts?

the intellect, the emotion, the spirit, the will and related skills

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what are two personal gifts that people need to develop as whole?

the will and the intellect

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definition of the will

develop self control, they grow in their ability to make responsible choices.

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definition of the intellect

help people develop healthy sexuality. understanding sexuality feelings

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why do people need the will

to develop as a whole they will need to learn how to make choices in their life as every decision they make will cause a new one

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why do people need the intellect

to develop as a whole people have to realise who they really are to start making decisions in life and to not be confused in ones self

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what is the greatest example of gods love?

the coming of jesus christ his son into the world

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how are all people created

in gods image

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how did jesus share his power to love

through sacraments of baptism and confirmation

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what does it mean by sexuality refers to the total person and is linked to the understanding of the human person

. how one perceives oneself and related to others (m) or (f) . how males relate with females and other males and same with females . influence them forever

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