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Five Moral Themes of the Bible
Respect life—Do not cause harm
Respect for property — Do not steal
Honesty in Business — Do not profit from misfortune
Just Distribution of Wealth — People must survive
Preferential option for the poor and vulnerable
Basically, We must have the same concern for other people’s well-being that we do for our own
Original position
Human inherently want to survive and flourish… it’s in our nature
Critical Position
Human beings are uniquely able to critically reflect upon their own suffering + contemplate the suffering of others
EX: Climate disasters or the refugee crisis or humanitarian violations or food insecurity.
What is CST?
It examines
Human Society with a spiritual lens
Calls for transformation and change
Is rooted in universal compassion and respect
The Golden Rule
The CST Response
The call to be Counter-cultural
Strengthen the whole community by helping the weak
Consider the common good
“On Capital and Labor”
Pope Leo XIII wrote this encyclical: On Capital and Labor
Themes of On Capital and Labor
The Dignity of work
Just wages
Worker Associations
The defense of the poor
People actually listened to this
The Life and Dignity of the Human person
The first and most fundamental principle
All human beings have dignity
Nothing can take away this dignity
Not even their own destructive actions
Dignity = Respect
Current Issues of 1: Life and dignity of the human person
Capital Punishment
2.Call to family, community, and participation
Participation in all aspects of human society
protection of the family
participation of the international level
all decisions can impact our global community
Current issues for 2. Call to family, community, and participation
Breakdown of the family
Isolation from Elderly
Policies or social trends the de-emphasize family
3.Rights and Responsibilities
Survival rights — rights we need to live
Thrival rights — rights to achieve full human potential
education, employment, safety
What we need to support a famiily
Current issues for 3. Rights and Responsibilities
Essential Human rights for all
food, shelter, clothing
4.Option for the poor + vulnerable
Preferential because their needs are greater
their problems are “the community’s problems”
Current issues for 4. Option for the poor + vulnerable
Generational poverty
poverty at a global level
5.The dignity of work and the rights of workers:
Newest issues include the work/life balance
Work exists for people
Not the other way around
Work has dignity and value
Workers’ rights are crucial
Dirty, Dangerous, and Demanding (Dairy farms)
Current issues for 5. The dignity of work and the rights of workers:
Fair working conditions for all
Just and living wages
Economy needs to serve the people
Work/Life balance
History of the Catholic Worker Movement
1891 — Pope Leo publishes Rerum Novarum
1933 — President Roosevelt’s New Deal
40hr week
Minimum wage
Unemployment Health insurance
1933 — Dorothy Day launches The Catholic Worker
1936 — First house of hospitality established
1947 — United auto workers union is established
1948 — U.N Declaration of Human Rights is adopted
1963 — President Kennedy signs the equal pay act
1983 — Fair Food Program is founded.
The tomato industry
A sense of cooperation and support between individuals, groups, and nations
A commitment to the common good
Why? we are all apart of the same human family
The Seven themes of CST
The life and dignity fo the human person
Call to family, community + participants
Rights + Responsiblities
Option for the poor + vulnerable
The dignity of work and rights of workers
Care for God’s Creation
Current issues for 6. Solidarity
Fair Trade
Corporate rights vs. Human rights
All the “isms”
Racism, etc.
7.Care for God’s creation:
“On care for our common home”
Pope Francis encyclical on the environment
Based on God’s call in Genesis for humans to “cultivate and care for creation”