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The diversity of a lizard species living near a stream in central Washington state was recorded before and after a natural disaster of a volcano eruption. Prior to the eruption, lizards were found to have a wide range of tail lengths, measuring between 9 inches to 3 inches long. Twenty years after the eruption, the same lizard species was found to only have very short tails, between 3-4 inches long. this observation is an example of:

A. Gene flow

B. Genetic Drift

C. Adaptive Radiation

D. Mutation

E. Extinction

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The diversity of a lizard species living near a stream in central Washington state was recorded before and after a natural disaster of a volcano eruption. Prior to the eruption, lizards were found to have a wide range of tail lengths, measuring between 9 inches to 3 inches long. Twenty years after the eruption, the same lizard species was found to only have very short tails, between 3-4 inches long. this observation is an example of:

A. Gene flow

B. Genetic Drift

C. Adaptive Radiation

D. Mutation

E. Extinction

B. Genetic drift

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Movement of individuals into or out of a population impacts the evolution of populations becuase:

A. it may cause new mutations to arise

B. fou

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Where is testosterone made in males?
a. Hypothalamus
b. Pituitary Gland
c. Interstitial Cells
d. Prostate

C. Interstital Cells

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A couple is having trouble conceiving. Upon further examination, it is found that the male has traces of urine in his
ejaculate. What is a probable cause of this issue?
a. Prostate gland is not creating alkaline compound
b. Bulbourethral gland is not creating pre-ejaculate
c. Seminal vesicle is not creating enough fructose

B. Bulbourethral gland is not creating pre-ejaculate

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In females, FSH produced by the pituitary gland....
a. Stimulates ovulation
b. Stimulates follicle to mature prior to ovulation
c. Stimulates menstruation

B. Stimulates folic to mature prior to ovulation

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In females, estrogen is made by what?
a. Maturing egg (follicle)
b. Anterior Pituitary
c. Corpus luteum


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f a female does not want mature ovum released into her reproductive tract, what is a useful hormone to add to her diet?
a. LH
b. FSH
c. Progesterone
d. Testosterone

C. Progesterone

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To determine if an egg was successfully fertilized, this hormone should be measured
a. Estrogen
b. LH
c. hCG
d. Testosterone

C. hCG

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After implantation of a zygote in the uterine lining, where is hCG, estrogen, and progesterone made?
a. Fetus
b. Anterior Pituitary
c. Corpus Luteum
d. Placenta

D. Placenta

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Ruth, blood type A (genotype AO), has a child, Mark, blood type O. She suspects that Paul is the father. Blood tests reveal
that Paul is AB. Is it possible that Paul is the father?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Insufficient Information

B. No

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Cindy (genotype AO), thinks that Jim may possibly be the father of her child Henry (blood type AB). After testing, it is found
Jim has blood type B. Is Jim the father?
a. Definitely
b. No
c. Possibly

C. Possibly

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Which of the following mammalian structures would NOT be considered to be homologous to the other structures in the list?
a. A giraffe neck, which is 10 feet in length and contains 7 neck vertebrae bones
b. A human neck, which is about 10 cm in length and contains 7 neck vertebrae bones
c. A blue whale neck, which contains 7 neck vertebrae bones that are fused together
d. All of the examples are considered homologous.

d. All of the examples are considered homologous

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Human Chromosome 2 is homologous to two chromosomes found in chimpanzees. What can we learn from this discovery?
a. Humans and chimpanzees interbred within the last million years.
b. Both humans and chimpanzees interbred with Neanderthals.
c. Humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor.
d. All of the above are true.

C. Humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor

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Amother is diagnosed with skin cancer during pregnancy. Will her child be born with skin cancer?
a. Yes
b. No

B. No

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A mother is exposed to a mutagen (chemical that causes DNA damage) and point mutations occur in her oocytes. Will her
offspring be affected?
a. Yes
b. No

A. Yes

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Natural selection tends to reduce variation in gene pools. Which process serves to balance natural selection by creating new
a. Sexual reproduction
b. Mutations
c. Genetic drift

B. Mutations

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In evolutionary terms, when we say that one organism has greater fitness than another organism, we specifically mean that it
a. lives longer than others of its species.
b. competes for resources more successfully than others of its species.
c. mates more frequently than others of its species.
d. leaves more offspring than other members of its species.
e. utilizes resources more efficiently than other species occupying similar niches

D. Leaves more offspring than other members of its species

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Does a genetic disease that causes neuron degeneration after 55 years of age affect the reproductive fitness of a person?
a. Yes
b. No

B. No

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Which of the following statements is true regarding evolution?
a. evolution cannot result in adaptive traits
b.evolution cannot produce complex structures like eyes
c. evolution is goal oriented
d.evolution can remove traits from a population

D. Evolution can remove traits from a population

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Which of the following order of terms/processes best depict the origin of life?
a. chemical synthesis, competition, RNA-world hypothesis, abiogenesis
b. RNA-world hypothesis, chemical synthesis, competition, abiogenesis
c. abiogenesis, chemical synthesis, RNA-world hypothesis, competition
d. chemical synthesis, RNA-world hypothesis, competition, abiogenesis
e. abiogenesis, RNA-world hypothesis, chemical synthesis, competition

D. Chemical synthesis, RNA-wold hypothesis, competition, abiogenesis

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True of false: Chemical systems typically evolve toward simplicity


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True or false: fatty acid molecules can be synthesized by common gasses such as carbon monoxide when heat and common minerals are added


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Which of the following is a true statement regarding replicators?
a. Their information must be stored in the form of RNA.
b. They can replicate in any environment.
c. They can only form on Earth.
d. They can create the raw materials necessary for their own replication.
e. They must contain the information that causes their own replication.

E. They must contain all the information that causes their own replication

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Which of the following provides the best example of how biologists might view organisms and the genetic code today?
a. The genetic code is a set of rules that researchers can manipulate so as to change the function of ribosomes within
living cells.
b. The genome of each species is unique but they are all written in the same language. Because of the similarity of the
language, a change made in one species’ genome will have the same effect in all species.
c. The genetic code of living organisms is universal. Therefore, it should be possible to use genes from one species in
another species and still produce the same protein.
d. The genome of each species is like a unique book written in a different language than other species. Geneticists must
decipher both the language and then the contents of the book in order to properly manipulate that species’ genome.
e. The genetic code of all living organisms is universal. Therefore, scientists expect to find the same code being used if
life is found elsewhere in the universe

C. The genetic code of living organisms is universal. Therefor, it should be possible to use genes from one species in another species and still produce the same protein.

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Which of the following could be harmful to the human body and classified as pathogens?
a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
c. viruses
d. All of the above
e. A and C only

D. All of the above

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What is the correct order of protection by immune system defenses
a. Barrier  Innate  Adaptive
b. Innate  Barrier  Adaptive
c. Barrier  Adaptive  Innate

A. barrier, Innate, Adaptive

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The process of inflammation includes all of the following except?
a. Increased blood vessel permeability near damaged tissue
b. Release of heparin by nearby basophils
c. Clonal expansion of nearby B cells
d. Stimulation of nearby nociceptors

C. Clonal expansion of nearby B cells

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True or False. Non-cell bound proteins play in important role in the immune system.
a. true
b. false, only immune CELLS can protect the body

A. true

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What do we call the foreign proteins or carbohydrates on the surface of pathogens to which our Immune System reacts?
a. antibodies
b. antibiotics
c. antigens
d. cytokines

C. Antigens

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Which immune system component uses molecules on the cell surface to recognize self vs pathogen cells?
a. innate
b. adaptive
c. both

C. Both

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Following a vaccination against the polio virus, which of the following must be present and alive in your body to give you immunity
to polio if you are ever exposed to the disease?
a. interferon
b. cytokine
c. an APC (antigen presenting cell) that engulfed polio virus
d. a memory B cell with an antigen receptor for polio virus

D. A memory B cell with an antigen receptor for polio virus

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You are infected with prokaryote X. Your doctor prescribes an antibiotic that targets and stops protein synthesis in the bacteria.
What would a useful mutation be that would allow the bacteria to survive?
a. Cell wall modification so it cannot be recognized by the drug
b. An enzyme that deactivates the drug as soon as it enters the cell
c. Changing the structure of ribosomes so the drug cannot recognize it

B. An enzyme that deactivates the drug as soon as it enters the cell

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