Social 10 Unit 2 Historical Legacies of Globalization Review

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Silk Road

Connected China, India, and the Middle East. Traded goods and helped to spread culture.

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A policy followed by European imperial powers from the 16th to the 19th century. In colonies, trade was strictly controlled to benefit the economy of the imperial power

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Grand Exchange

A trading process that began when Christopher Columbus brought seeds, fruit trees, and livestock to the Americas, where they were cultivated and became staples. In return, native North American species were exported to Europe. This exchange expanded to include different countries and products around the world.

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One country's domination over another country's economic, political, and cultural institutions.

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Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory.

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The cultural changes that occur when two cultures accommodate, or adapt to, each other's world views

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Groups lacking desirable traits are excluded from society. These groups include poor, uneducated, undesirable color and language. These groups will stay on the margin of acceptance by society unless there is social intervention.

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A process that occurs when people from different cultures come into contact and accept and create space for one another. The customs, traditions, technologies, beliefs and languages of both cultures may be affected

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A process that occurs when the culture of a minority group is absorbed by another culture. The cultural identity of the minority group disappears as its members take on the identity of the other culture

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the act of uniting or bringing together, especially people of different races

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A form of ethnocentrism that uses European ethnic, national, religious, and linguistic criteria to judge other peoples and their cultures

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A word that combines "ethnic" and "centre." It refers to a way of thinking that centres on one's own race ad culture. Ethnocentric people believe that their worldview is the only valid one

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Sepoy Mutiny

an 1857 rebellion of Hindu and Muslim soldiers against the British in India

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White Man's Burden

idea that many European countries had a duty to spread their religion and culture to those less civilized.

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Slave trade

The business of capturing, transporting, and selling people as slaves

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Berlin Conference

A meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa, and drew up boundaries in different to African Tribes.

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Scramble for Africa

Sudden wave of conquests in Africa by European powers in the 1880s and 1890s created by the Industrial Revolution, capitalism and the need for raw materials, cheap labour and guaranteed markets. It was a form of new imperialism

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Rwandan Genocide

The killing of more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis by rival Hutu militias in Rwanda in 1994. The conflict between the dominant Tutsis and the majority Hutus had gone on for centuries, but the suddenness and savagery of the massacres caught the United Nations off-guard. U.N. peacekeepers did not enter the country until after much of the damage had been done.

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An economic system based on private ownership of businesses and private property. It replaced the mercantilist system of trade.

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Industrial Revolution

A series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods in which goods were mass produced though mechanization of factories.

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Royal Proclamation

Signed in 1763. meant to protect Indigenous people from uncontrolled white settlements

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Indian Act

a paternalistic and racist document that was created to regulate the lives of the First Nations of Canada

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Numbered Treaties

formal agreements between First Nations and European governments.

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Land Claims

Enabled First Nations, Inuit and Metis to obtain full recognition of their rights under treaties or as the original inhabitants of what is now Canada.

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Residential Schools

Institutions that were part of the assimilative policies that the Canadian government, along with the Catholic Church directed at aboriginal peoples from the 1880s in order to take the 'Indian out of the child."

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A tax on imported goods

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Laws (no longer in effect) in South Africa that physically segregated different races into different geographic areas.

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the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the freedom and responsibilities of those subordinate to them in the subordinates' supposed best interest.

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Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences

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The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.

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a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.

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A joining of several groups for a common purpose. For Example:Canada

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He became a leader in India against British rule. He had a movement of passive resistance against Britain.He started boycotts and encouraged Indians to refuse to obey unjust laws. He wanted India's independence.

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Status Indian

A First Nations person who is registered with the government under the Indian Act.

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People die in large numbers due to conflict, disease, lack of resources, cultural change or assimilation

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The cumulative and sustained decline in the contribution of manufacturing to a national economy.

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Something that is the result of past events.

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Forced removal from one's home

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British East India Company

A joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.

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Romeo Dallaire

UN General in charge of peacekeeping operations in Rwanda. Told NOT to get involved in the fighting.

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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

A trading system in which goods and humans moved between the colonies in Africa, India to England, Jamaica, Trinidad, South Africa, etc.. Provided labor on colonial plantations.

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Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

The mandate of this group is to learn the truth about what happened in the residential schools and to inform all Canadians about what happened in these schools.

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Residential School System

Aboriginal children were removed from their communities, and forced to live in church-run schools

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Pass System

System of social control created by the Canadian government. Limited the movement of Indigenous peoples

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Africville, Nova Scotia

A small community on the outskirts of Halifax, populated almost entirely by African Nova Scotians who first settled there after the War of 1812. The community was demolished and all of its residents were evicted during the late 1960s

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