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a set of princibles or ideas that explains your world and your place in it
a collection of beleifs about life and the universe held by an infividual or group
adherance to collective norms
faithful observance of the norms or standards imposed on members of a group as a condition of memborship in the group
collective interest
the set of interests that members of a group haev in common
collective responsibilty
holding a whole group responsible for the actions of individuals within the group
a way of thinking that values the goals of the group and the common good over the goals of any one individual
Common good
somethng that benefits the helath, saftey, and wellbeing of society as a whole
competing/contending with others, incentive to work harder and with more efficency
working together to the same end goal, emphasized by collecivist ideologies
Economic Equality
a principle common to collectivist ideologies, government may foster through tax policies, ensuring equal work for equal pay
Economic Freedom
the freedom to buy what you want and to sell your labour, idea, or product to whoever you wish
valueing the freedom and worth of an individual, sometimes over the seccurity and harmony of the group
Individual Rights and Freedoms
key principle of individualism and liberal democracies; freedom of religon, freedom of association and the right to lofe, liberty, and the security of the person
collection of ideologies aimed to uphold hte dignity and freedom of an individual as the foundation for society
Private Property
central principle of liberalism, something owned by an individual
Public Property
anything not privately owned by individuals, often owned by state or community
Rule of Law
principle in liberal democrocies, every individual is equal before the law and all citizens are subject to the law
ones personal interest or advantage
Class system
the division of a society into different classes of people, usually based on income or wealth
an intellectual movement in the 17/1800s, classical liberalism spread through europe and changed people beleifs on religion, reason, nature, and human beings
Free Market
a market that runs with little to no governmnet intervention
stage og economic development when the application of technology results in mass production and mass consumption
Laissez-Faire Capitalism
no interferance/intervention supports free markets, and an individuals right to own private property. Leave it alone
Limited Government
little government involvement in the economy results in more efficient slef regulating markets
Traditional Economy
pre industrialization economic system, needs are met through agriculture, hunting, fishing,
John Locke
beleived individuals had the right and reason to make their own decisions, gov should be directly responsible to the people, private property
John Stuart Mill
everyone should be able to act however they please until it harms someone else
seperation of powers
Adam Smith
self interest, beleived that if everyone worked in their own self interst in a free market economy it would benefit most people in society and grow the economy, ideas were very radical at the time in the mercantalist economy
Classical Conservatism
values hierarchy, leaders should be humanitarian, stability, government should be chosen by a limited group of people who can vote
Command Economy
economic system where government has control over what goods are produced and sold, what price, and where are how many of them to sell
a system of governance where equality is opposed on the people
beleif in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes,
Human Rights
the rights to freedoms which all humans are entitled,
Labour standards
government enforced rules and standards aimed at safe, clean working envirinments, and the protection of workers rights
Labour unions
associations of workers engaged in similair function who unite to skeaj with management about their concearns. purpose is to provide a united voice that speaks for the rights of it’s members
abolition of private property, and the idea of inheritance, heavy income tax, confiscation of all property of emmigrants and rebels,
Mixed economy
economic system based on free market principles, but with some government intervention, usually to regulate industry
Universla Suffrage
the right of all members of society, once they reach the age of accountability, to fully participate politically. Beginning with the right to vote
Welfare Capitalism
government programs that provide socual safety nets for workers
the act of restricting freedom of expression or freedom of access to ideas or works
a way of thinking that values the goals of the group and the common good over any goals one individual
speaking out agaisnt leadership, the act to disagree, ex, dictatorships having limits on dissent
extreme right wng, anti democratic nationalist movement. Hitler, stalin,
opposes change, wants to make a return to the past, and to traditional ideas and priniples
government system that seeks complete control over the public and private lives of its citizens
the idea that spending and consuming beyond essentials will show status
Income Disparity
difference in earnings between the rich and the poor
increase in the general price levels of products, labour, and interest rates
the exclusive ownership or control of trade in a particular good or service
Social Programs
programs intented to benefit citizens in areas of education, health, and income support
Trickle Down Economics
government policies that favour industry, assuming that if industry prospers, then every one will too so long as wealth trickles down
Welfare state
a capitalist economy but government uses policies to modify the market forces in order to ensure stability, and a basic standard of living
pushing ones demands to the point of threatening military action
Cold War
the political, economic and social struggle between the soviet union and its allies and the US and their allies
the us trying to contain the spread of communisim
trying to cool off from conflict
cold war policy of both sides aiming to deter the startegic advances of the other through arms development and arms build up
foreign policy of acquiring additional territory through violition of another countries sovereighnty for reasons of defernce, resources, etc
Liberation Movements
military and political struggles of people for independance form countries that have colonized or oppressed them
an anti communist movement in the US, intended to uncover and persecute those with tues to communisim with positons of power in the US
countries in the cold war that did not align themselves with either side
Proxy Wars
conflicts where one superpower orivudes support to a group or state that opposes the rival superpower
Civil Rights movemetents
movements that work to extend rights to marganalized members of society
political anmd ethical ideology that focuses on protecting the natural environment and lessening the harmful effcts of human activity on the environment
Neo Conservatism
an ideology that favors a return to particular values of classical liberalism, often rests on a religious foundation that values family and traditional values, challenges both classical and modern liberal principles
the process of trying to rid people of what makes them differnet, language, culture,
trying to improve the lives of others through social reform, aid, etc
Indian Act
acto f parliment that deals with the governance of reserves and rights and benefits of status individuals
form of government where authority rets with an elite group that may or may not act in the best interest of the people
a form of decsion making where each person involved must come to an agreement
Direct Democracy
form of government where the people participate in deciding issues directly
Military Dictatorship
a form of government where political power rests with the military leadership
form of government where all political power resides in one small elite group of society
One-Party State
a form of government where only one party forms the government and no other parties are permitted to run candidates for election
Party Solidarity
a requirement that all party members vote with their party, except in rare instances when the party leader permits them to vote out of the party
Proportional Representation
system of government where representatives are assighned based on the amount of popular support obtained
Representatice Democracy
form of government in which a small group of politicans is elected by a larger group of citizens
Responsible Government
American Bill of Rights
the first 10 ammendments in the US constitution based mostly on john lockes ideas of natural rights
Anti-terrorism Act
a set of laws passed after 9/11 that allows the governemnt special powers such as serveillance, and detention
Canadian CHarter of RIghts and Freedoms
a document that lists and describes the fundamenta rights and freedoms gauranteed to all canadians
Emergency and security Legislation
a set if laws that permits the canadian government to invoke special measures to deal with emergencies, replaced the war measures act in 1988
ideologies opposed to the the values, beleifs, and princibles of liberalism, only democratic countreis because they have actually embraced liberalism
Language Legislation
the laws regarding the official language of a state
Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms
a statutory bill of rights and human rights code that was passed by the national assembly of quebec in 1975
Respect for Law and Order
one of the responsibilites of citizens in a liberal democratic society, where people enjoy a high degree of individual rights and freedoms
the policy of various ideological groups to disrupt the affairs of an enemy state or culture by the use of violent acts against non combatants, in order to create debilitating terror and confusion
Environmental Change
the changes in the natural world around us
a terjm that desribes the beleifs and actions of those peeceived to be outside the collective norms of political or social behaviour
outbreaks of disease on a global level
a movement of thought, art, and critisism that raises questions
Citizen Advocacy
Individual Rights, roles, and respnsibilites
Political Participation
Anti-War Movements