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Marriage of the Virgin:
c. 1504
Oil on wood
Albizzini chape, San Francesco, Citta di Castello
made when he was in his twenties
not from the Bible but the Golden legends
Mary would marry a man whose rod miraculously grew flowers on his rod
linear perspective
vanishing point at the chapel
Raphael signed + dated the painting on the chapel
some suitors are upset one broke his rod
hazy landscapes in the background
Madonna del Prato (Madonna in the Meadow):
c. 1506
Oil on wood
implied lines
dusking paint models
lighter color
Mary has rosy cheeks
really thin halo’s cheeks
really thin halo around Mary
He spent 4 years in Florence and saw Leonardo’s work
The School of Athens:
Rome, Italy
c. 1509 - 1511
Large scale
Complex composition
classical figures
classical architecture
heavily inspired by Leonardo
Pope who commissioned this is named Pope Julius, named after Roman Emperor
represents the 4 branches of human knowledge and philosophy
Guy in RED: ether (air) & fire, has an interest in the unseen
Guy in BLUE: water & earth , interest in physical in physical things
Appolo unseen
Athena physical
figures are grouped like how the apostles were grouped
c. 1513
Villa Farnesina, Rome, Italy
reminds me of the Birth of Venus painting
wealth family owned this
Galatia was being followed & harassed by Polyphemus
Polyphemus was painted by a separate person, which is why its not in the frame
everyone moving in different directions
Polyphemus giant with one eye
Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals
Giulio de’Medici and Luigi de’Rossi
c. 1518
oil on panel
cardinals vote for next Pope
Leo X was the son of a Meddici
Nephew on left (later became a pop)
cousin on the right
magnifying glass on the bible
detail is good, ppl found what book he was reading
Pope was a political figure, one of the most important offices in the world
bell to summon ppl
ball reflects a window
c. 1499
Basilica di San Piertro, Vatican
called “The Divine” cause his works were so high-quality
worked for 9 pops
died at 80
had to sign a contract saying this sculpture is the best in the world
the only time he signed his name
also distracted bodies
David (Michelangelo):
c. 1504
Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence
Michelangelo → Celebrity Artist
Classical nude as the model
17 ft tall
originally commissioned to decorate the outside of a cathedral
more secular
this David is before the fight with Goliath, he is holding a rock and a slingshot
Design of tomb of Julius II
c. 1505
The original design was to be 8 meters (26 feet high)
was not completed
Moses (Michelangelo):
Rome, Italy
c. 1513 - 1515
Meant to be viewed from below
Part of tomb sculpture of Pope Julius II
Turned head similar to David
Tables of law under the arm
Pent up, muscular energy
did not finish the tomb
Moses has horns because of a wrong translation
radiant was thought to be horns
spiraling movement
Slaves / Captives:
also made for tomb
they are unfinished
don’t know what they are supposed to represent
free from physical to get spiritual
in a beautiful contrapposto pose
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Rome, Italy
c. 1508 - 1512
Completed over 4 years (compare to 20 years for Ghiberti’s bapistery doors)
Narrates Creation, Fall of Man, Redemption
Over 300 figures
Michelangelo’s painting of human figures like his sculpture - musccular, classical nudes
Julius 2 asked him to commision another piece
originally did not want to, he was a sculptor not a painter
said yes, took 4 years to complete
painted on a ceiling
He used vibrant colors
9 different scnes from the Old Testeament
used gray to divide the scenes and to look like stones
painted ppl who predicted Jesus’s birth
added figures: ignudi = naked, not part of story
Creation of Adam:
c. 1510
Cappella Sista, Vatican
angel lifted God like he was heavy
If Adam lifted his finger a little more he would touch God
The Temptation of Adam and Eve:
c. 1510
Cappella Sistina, Vatican
continuous events
snake half woman
The Last Judgment:
Rome, Italy
c. 1534 - 1541
Painted for 20 years after ceiling
Change in mood- no longer light, positive
Grotesque, twisted figures
Michelangelo has progressed from earlier humanist views to religious preoccupation with the fate of man and is own soul
Mich paints the ceiling 1508- 12
Protestant Reformation begins
c. 1517
Michelangelo paints the altar wall 1536 - 41
figures still muscular
not as light and positive
heads smaller than the body
St. Bartholomew: he was skinned alive, the artist need to shed in order to get better
kisses between men
Located inside the church of San Pietro in Montorio
Rome, Italy
c. 1902
Bramante devolped high renaissance version of central plan church
Temptiotto as prototype of classical, domed, renaissance architecture
All’antica style: mix of classical and new
pagan temple influence
Harmony, rhythm as discussed by Vitruvius
chapel within a church
influenced by classical period, has columns
Bramente inspired by Rafael
1505. pope Julius II commissions him
Bramante died before completion
The term derives from manière, meaning “style” or “manner’, which in turns comes from mano, hand
Art is something fashioned by human hand
Mannerism is associated with artifice: art is not “natural”
Ambiguous space
Elongated or distorted forms
Departure from conventions
Unusual representations of traditional themes
Madonna dal Collo Lungo (Madonna with Long Neck)
Madonna dal Collo Lungo (Madonna with Long Neck)
c. 1524 - 40
Oil on panel
Galleria deglu Uffzi, Florence
Idealism, not realism
art as teacher, not nature
influenced by High
Renaissance masters, like Michelangelo
she is large
head small, toes small, no respect of human anatomy
bones seem soft
body creates diamond shape
Jesus is elongated
Jesus arm looks dislocated
trying to show beauty: idealism
figure/ prophet holding a scroll bottom right, standing underneath Mary
Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time (Allegory of Lust)
c. 1546
Oil on Wood
Venus son is Cupid
Venus holding apple (Paris gave the fairest an apple)
Venus stole Cupid’s arrow
mask bottom right & rleft
child about to throw something, bells on akle
man screaming
hour glass life passing
cranos god of itme
head of girl, body of snake, holding a honey comb