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Criminal Behavior
behavior in violation of the criminal code
The end result if any proposition of a theory is not verified
What are the 3 disciplines used to study crime?
sociology, psychiatry, psychology
Which perspective is the Conformity perspective most closely linked to?
Strain Theory
humans are fundamentally conforming beings who are strongly influenced by values/attitudes of the society we live in
What does the biological approach focus on?
aggression/violent behavior
Status Offenses
A class of illegal behavior that only persons with certain characteristics or status can commit
Developmental perspective
Examines the changes and influences (risk factors) across a person’s lifetime that contribute to the formation of antisocial and criminal behavior or, alternately, that protect individuals with many risk factors in their lives
What is central to psycho-dynamic approach?
fustration and aggravation of persons as the main reason for criminal conduct
Which perspective is social control theory an example of?
nonconformist perspective
What age is a predictor of later aggressive behavior?
3 years old
capacity to control and alter one's behavior and emotions
What does research on sibling influence on delinquency indicate?
older siblings influence younger siblings
What are 3 behaviors of ADHD?
Inattention, Impulsivity, Excessive motor activity
What is one of the strongest predictors of later antisocial behavior?
family history
Cognitive Empathy
ability to understand another’s emotions
Oppositional defiant disorder
problems of self-control of emotions and behaviors
conduct disorder
cluster of behaviors characterized by persistent misbehavior
risk factors
characteristics/experiences that place children at risk of antisocial or criminal activity
dizygotic twins
Twins who developed from two fertilized eggs and are no more genetically alike than nontwins
Disfunction in what lobe is strongly linked to violent behavior?
The ability of the brain to change and develop neural connection throughout life
What do contemporary biopsychologists believe?
human behaviors are consequences of genetics and physiology
Early onset antisocial behavior is influenced by what factors?
Late onset antisocial behavior is influenced by what factors?
Part of brain that regulates fear and other emotional responses
The amygdala is located in what system?
What are 2 predictors of temperament?
activity, emotionality
Which brain chemical plays a significant role in violence/aggression?
Self regulation
capacity to control and alter one's behavior and emotions
What is the hallmark of classical theory?
The multidisciplinary study of crime
Does all criminal behavior originate in childhood?
Which style of parenting is highly correlated with delinquent behavior?
Where is the amygdala located?
frontal lobe of the brain
Are lead exposure and maternal malnutrition examples of environmental patterns?
Is there an all encompassing psychological explanation for crime?
Does dark figure represent most violent crimes?
Are children with language impairments often rejected by peers and viewed negatively by teachers?
Research on twins show that influence on shared environment BLANKS, while influence of nonshared environments BLANKS
increases, wanes
Are working memory and attention examples of executive functions?
Which model emphasizes that antisocial behavior can be attributed to a single factor of peer rejection?
developmental cascade model