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Female = ovaries Male = testes
What are the gonads of male and female?
The term to refer the potentiality of a fetus to become female or male depending on the amount of testosterone.
gonads and adrenal glands (released to a lesser extent only)
Steroid hormones such as androgens, estrogens, and progesterones are released by _____ and ______
estrogens, progesterone and androgens
Give the three sex hormones which are a special category of steroid hormones released by the gonads and to a lesser extent by the adrenal glands.
Estrogens, progesterone and androgens are a special category of _______ hormones released by the gonads
Sex hormones which are a group that contain testosterone and are generally referred to as male hormones due to higher levels found in males.
Gonads, wolffian ducts, mullerian ducts
Give the undifferentiated gonad and internal genitalia
Sex hormones which are also reffered to as female hormones because these are higher in females.
Sex hormones that prepare uterus for implantation of ovum and maintenance of pregnancy.
estrogens and progesterone
Give the two sex hormones for females.
activating = temporary
organizing = permanent (blueprint)
Which one has permanent effects and one that has temporary effects?
Organizing Effects
Effects of sex hormones that occur mostly at a sensitive stage of development, shortly before and after birth in rats & during the prenatal stage in humans. They determine whether the brain and the body will develop female or male characteristics
Activating Effects
Effects of sex hormones that can occur at any time in life, when a hormone temporarily activates a response
temporary, structural changes
Hormones early in life exert _______ effects while organizing body development, during puberty, hormones induce long lasting _____ ______, as well as activating effects.
paramesonephric ducts
Mullerian ducts is also called as ______ ducts.
Mesonephric ducts
Wolffian duct is also called as _____ ducts.
Sexual differentiation begins with the chromosomes (_____ / _____)
Wolffian ducts
precursors for male reproductive structures (seminal vesicles & vas deferens)
Mullerian ducts
precursors to the female oviducts, uterus and upper vagina
male, female
A high level of testosterone during the early prenatal stage causes genitals to develop into a ______ pattern while low levels lead to the _______ pattern
3rd and 4th months of pregnancy
How many months until the human sensitive period for genital formation during pregnancy>
The nature's "default setting" is to make every mammal a ______ .
Fallopian tube
Mullerian ducts will later turn into this tube where the egg cell and sperm cell meet. What is this tube called?
A part of the female reproductive system which carries the fetus.
seminal vesicle, vas deferens, prostate, epididymis, testis
Wolffian ducts are precursors (will give way later) for what parts of males?
ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, upper vagina
Mulllerian ducts are precursors for what parts of females?
growth/development of male characteristics/pattern in a female
What does it mean to partially masculinize?
partially masculinized
A female rat injected with testosterone will be _______ ____.
A genetic male will develop the female pattern of anatomy and behavior
If a genetic male lacks androgen receptors, what will he develop?
If there is a lack of androgen receptors, what happens to the male's testicles?
no, but by taking curtain drugs/substance (alcohol, marijuana, Haloperidol (antipsychotic) and cocaine) may feminize or de-masculinize the fetues.
Is it possible to castrate ovaries?
alcohol, marijuana, Haloperidol (antipsychotic) and cocaine
What are the substances that can feminize or de-masculinize early sex development?
15 minutes
How long (minutes) before changes in hormonal secretions influence sexual behaviors?
hormonal secretions
Behaviors can also influence _______.
no, only alter/change brain areas (hypothalamus, hippocampus) and also change sensitivity in the external sex organs (erection).
Do hormones cause sexual behaviors?
For rodents, and other mammals, 90% of their sex hormones facilitates _______
sexual activity.
because the effects of previous experience sensitize the response to future stimuli
Why are sexually experienced rats are aroused more easily?
sexual behaviors decline as sex hormones decline
What happens after removal of the testes & ovaries?
hormonal injections
As sexual behaviors decline as sex hormones decline after removal of the testes and ovaries, what can be injected to facilitate sexual behavior?
Sex hormones activate sexual behaviors partly by enhancing ______.
pudendal nerve
Estrogens increase sensitivity of the _____ ______, which transmits tactile sensations from the pubic area to the brain
What sex hormones increase sensitivity of the pudendal nerve?
What is one of the particular parts of the females that the pudendal nerve affects?
Sex hormones bind to receptors that increase activity in specific areas of the ________.
medial preoptic area
What does MPOA stand for?
sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)
anterior hypothalamic area is also known as _____ ______ _____.
because males have bigger sexually dimorphic nucles (SDN)
Why are males more sexually aggressive than females?
Stimulating the SDN causes in creased sexual behaviors in _____ species.
anterior hypothalamic area (AHA) - also known as sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN)
ventromedial nucleus (VMH)
medial preoptic area (MPOA)
3 specific areas of the hypothalamus where sex hormones bind to receptors that increase activity.
A kind of estrogen that plays a critical role in "priming" the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and other brain regions to release dopamine.
testosterone and estradiol
What are the two sex hormones that prime the MPOA and several areas to release dopamine?
higher dopamine = more motivated to mate
The release of dopamine is responsible for 2 M's. What are these?
more dopamine released = more likely the male is to ______
during sexual activity
When is dopamine strongly released by the MPOA neurons?
Because testosterones (which are found largely in males) decrease pain and anxiety
Why are females more susceptible to pain and anxiety than males?
type D1 and D5 receptors
What type receptors are responsible for erection in the male and sexually responsive postures in the females?
false, moderate amounts
Higher amount of dopamine stimulates type D1 and D5 receptors.
D2 receptors
Higher concentrations of dopamine stimulate ________ receptors which lead to orgasm.
prostate cancer, impairments of memory
decrease of sex hormones in men being treated for ____ _______ lead to ______ of _______.
What sex hormone stimulates the growth of dendritic spines in the hippocampus?
false, LESS dependent
Although humans are more dependent on sex hormone levels than other species, homones alter people's sexual arousal
Married men tend to have ______ testosterone levels than single unpaired men of the same age.
false, MORE likely
Men with lower testosterone levels are less likely to marry than men with higher testosterone levels.
no competition, sense of contentment, and regular intercourse
Why do married men have lower testosterone levels than single unpaired men?
high or low
Men with ____ testosterone levels who marry may engage in extramarital affairs.
menstrual cycle
A periodic variation in hormones and fertility over the course of about 28 days.
hypothalamus and pituitary
A woman's ______ and _____ interact with the ovaries to produce the menstrual cycle.
A phase of the female menstrual cycle that involves the release of an egg (ovum) from an ovary.
14 days before first day of menstration + day of the first day
How does one calculate their ovulation day (regular cycle)?
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
The anterior pituitary releases ______ ______ ______ at the end of the menstrual period to promote growth of follicle in the ovary.
anterior pituitary
The ______ _______ releases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) at the end of the menstrual period to promote growth of follicle in the ovary.
more receptors to FSH is built up
increase amounts of estradiol
release of luteneizing hormone (LH)
Towards the middle of the menstrual cycle, what causes the follicle to release an ovum?
by interfering with the usual feedback cycle between the ovaries & pituitary
The combination pill prevents the surge of FSH and LH that would otherwise release an ovum.
thickens the mucus of the cervix, making it harder for the sperm to reach the egg & prevents an ovum from being implanted in the uterus
What are the three effects of using birth control pills when they successfully prevent pregnancy?
FSH and LH
Birth control pills prevent the surge of ____ and ____ that would otherwise release an ovum.
Birth control pills thicken the mucus of the ______, making it harder for the sperm to reach the egg & prevents an ovum from being implanted in the uterus
ovaries, pituitary
Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by interfering with the usual feedback cycle between the ______ & ______.
occurs when the sperm is stronger
Why do some still get pregnant despite preventing the surge of FSH and LH using birth control pills?
occurs when the mucus is not thick enough
Why do some still get pregnant despite thickening the mucus of the cervix using birth control pills?
periovulatory period
The period at the middle of the cycle is the time of maximum fertility and high estrogen levels in women (the most ready time for women).
false, women NOT taking pills
Women taking pills initiate more sexual activity during the periovulatory period than an other times of the month.
false, ...the menstrual cycle ALTER women's sexual interest.
Changes in hormones over the menstrual cycle do not alter women's sexual interest.
estradiol, prolactin (milk production) and oxytocin.
Late in pregnancy, the female secretes large amounts of (3) _____, ______, _______
false, increases