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Which of the following statements is true of the Grimm brothers' "Rotkäppchen" (Little Red Cap), as discussed in the introduction to Marvelous Transformations and in class?
the narrator clearly states that Little Red Cap knew about the dangers of speaking with wolves, but she does it anyway
the narrator indicates clearly that Little Red Cap's fatal (or near-fatal) flaw was her disobedience
the narrator indicates clearly that Little Red Cap senses that something is wrong at grandmother's house (though she does not act based on those sensory clues)
the narrator indicates clearly that the next time Little Red Cap encountered a wolf, she knew to seek protection from a man like the woodcutter
Which of the following could be considered a definition of an "emic" genre?
a genre definition developed by scholars and applied broadly -- cross-culturally and trans-historically
Which of the following statements encapsulates one of Henry Glassie's main points in his short essay on "Authorship in Oral Narrative"?
Glassie emphasizes the fundamental differences between oral storytelling and writing
In "Seeing Wisely, Crying Wolf," Robin Barker argues for the importance of
challenging one's own assumptions and expectations, especially when engaging with tale traditions from other communities and cultures
Which of the following is true of Talia's (seemingly magical) sleep in Basile's "Sun, Moon, and Talia"?
it ends when she is kissed by her true love
What relationship do humans and fairies have in Perrault's "Beauty in the Slumbering Woodland"?
fairies serve in the court of the king and queen, and are at the mercy of those powerful human figures
Which of the following is true of the rhyming morals that Perrault uses at the end of his tales?
they are directed at child readers and clarify the message of each story
Which of the following is true of the tale type known as ATU 410, Sleeping Beauty?
the very short plot summary offered in the tale type index overlooks some important details in early versions – such as the trials encountered by the main character when she returns to waking life
Careful reading of the "initial situation" in Basile's "Sun, Moon, and Talia" shows that
the tale focuses attention of the dangers of beauty, drawing attention to a queen's vanity and the problems this causes for her daughter
Q1 AND Q6 from quiz 1, Q1 and Q7 from quiz 2, Q(1,3,47) QUIZ 3, Q5 QUIZ 4, Q(4,5,2) QUIZ 5
Which of the following might have been considered "monsters" during Italy's "Age of the Marvellous" (as discussed by Suzanne Magnanini)?
prodigiously talented artists and writers
Which of the following statements is true of the 2 "Cinderella" characters we have encountered so far -- in tales by Basile and d'Aulnoy?
both of these heroines are introduced (in the "initial situation") as beautiful: this appears to be their defining characteristic
Which of the following is true of the writers known as the "conteuses"?
they collected and preserved stories of the peasantry
Which of the following are versions of one "tale type"?
Basile's "Cinderella Cat" and Lhéritier's "The Discreet Princess"
Which of the following is true of the fairy in Lhéritier's "The Discreet Princess"?
She serves as a kind of servant to the royal family, actively protecting the King's daughters during his absence.
In scholarship on French fairy tales, "négligence" refers to
the rough narrative style associated with peasant storytellers
Which of the following statements is true of the "frame story" for Straparola's La Piacevoli Notti ?
the stories are told at night, by a nursemaid to a group of children
What role do fairies seem to play in Straparola's "King Pig"?
the king and queen seek out the help of fairies, when trying to conceive a child
Which of the following is true of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm?
the Grimms' 1810 manuscript and other unpublished materials indicate that they often combined story elements from different sources and versions of tales
In the Grimms' tale known as "The Six Swans," garment sewing is associated with
the oppression of female characters, used by the king to control and exploit the tale's heroine
Ann Schmiesing argues that examples of disability or physical impairment in the Grimms' fairy tales
always indicate what past ages understood about specific medical conditions
Which of the following statements is true of Edgar Taylor's German Popular Stories, the first English translation of the Grimms' Kinder- und Hausmärchen?
it is a translation of the "final" (7th) edition of the KHM
Which of the following details are present in the version of "The Maiden Without Hands" told to the Grimms by Dorothea Viehmann?
the title character is exceptionally passive, subject to the whims and will of men (from her father to her future husband)
In which of the following tales does a heroine actively choose her own husband (rather than just giving her consent to a proposed match)?
Basile's "Cat Cinderella"
How do field-based collections of oral traditional tales fit into the larger history of fairy tales?
Field-based collections of oral traditional tales are the oldest of all written records in fairy-tale history.
What do Croker's Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland and Steel & Temple's Wide Awake Stories have in common?
both used oral traditions in an attempt to represent cultural "otherness" to English (or English colonial) readers
Which of the following is true of the Norwegian story, collected by Asbjornsen and Moe, known in English as "Tatterhood"?
the heroine uses her tattered clothing to hide her identity, to protect herself from her jealous stepmother
Drawing on the narratological concept of "duration," which of the following statements best characterizes the Norwegian tale "East o' the Sun, West o' the Moon"?
it is primarily a story about a damsel in distress
Which of the following tales draws a link between a character's physical suffering and a kind of redemption?
"The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes" (collected by the Grimms)
Which of the following statements is true of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales?
Andersen's work was rapidly translated into English, and those first translations from the 1840s are still considered to be the most accurate and reliable ones
In which of the following texts does a heroine actively choose her own husband?
"The Crookened Back"
In the Grimms' tale known as "The Six Swans," garment sewing is associated with
disguise, used by the heroine to escape unwanted attention and craft her own destiny
Which of the following is true of Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market"?
It deconstructs the male-female binary, revealing that Lizzie and Laura are just as mercenary, greedy, and merciless as the goblin merchants.
Which of the following stories did translator George Webbe Dasent (playfully) forbid children to read... likely due to its acknowledgment of women's sexual activity outside marriage?
"Goblin Market"
Sexton's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" invites readers to think about the stepmother in terms of
the tangible bodily harm that is her fate, in the form of the red iron shoes
Which of the following texts was marketed specifically to child readers when first published?
Basile's "The Cinderella Cat"
Which of the following functions do the crafts of quiltmaking and garment sewing serve in Kelly Link's "Swans"?
They represent established patterns of female behaviour that need to be destroyed to reach "happily ever after."
Watson's "Ballad of the Bird Bride" draws on which of the following conventions of English traditional ballads?
it is a narrative poem with a clearly-defined moral message
Which of the following is true of T. Crofton Croker’s Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland?
it presents "fairy legends" as Croker's original literary creations
Which of the following is true of British fairy-tale pantomime?
It helped to cement the modern notion of the fairy tale as a serious, moralizing, and sexist form of children's entertainment.