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substances can freely pass through the membrane
Selectively Permeable
allows some but not all substances to pass through
substances cannot freely pass in or out of the membrance
the movement of a substance from a high concentration to an area of low concentration
Passive Process
does not require energy
Biological Membranes
are selectively permeable, allows water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, doesn’t allow sugars, proteins, salts
Factors Affecting Diffusion
concentration of substances, temperature, size of molecules, surface area
Examples of Diffusion in Animals
gaseous exchange in the lungs, absorption of digested food from intestine into blood
Example of Diffusion in Plants
plant hormones are produced at the tips of the roots and shoots and move through the plant via diffusion, gaseous exchange in the leaf
the movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration
liquid that dissolves other substances
the substance that has been dissolved
mixture of solvent and solute
Cells in High Water Concentration
animal cells burst due to osmosis allowing too much water into the cell, plant cells become rigid
blood cells bursting due to high water concentration
Cells in a Low Water Concentration
cells shrivel due to water loss
red blood cells shrivelling due to low water concentrations
plant cells shrinking due to low water concentration
osmosis is useful in food preservation as it removes water from organisms when they land on food as the food is covered in salt or sugar to reduce its water concentration