Max Weber
Because his dad was authoritarian-bureaucratic minded and his mom religious, Max Weber was more reflective on people’s _______
→ out
According to Weber, sociologists should study values but should not bring values into _____
→ Values inevitably affect what research questions we select, but should be kept ______ once empirical analysis begins
→ politics
Science gives us technical knowledge but it can’t tell us about ultimate ends and ______ we should do something
→ When it does, science turns into ______
Natural sciences | Social sciences |
Laws are valuable and universal | Impossible to have laws with universal validity because social life is too complex |
According to Weber, what were the differences between natural and social sciences?
Is the study of social action of ______ and meaning-making actors who act in unpredictable ways
Has the goal of understanding ______ meanings of action from actor’s point of view
ideas, capitalism
Weber tries to accentuate the role of ______ (beliefs, culture, religions) in history and how it led to the rise of _______
→ industrial
→ business
Weber observes an empirical puzzle: there is an _______ discrepancy between Catholics and Protestants
Catholics → non-_______, crafts and humanistic studies
Protestants → ______ and industry
Protestant ethic: commitment to frugality, hard work, punctuality, delayed gratification
Predestination → individuals’ salvation already predetermined by God → uncertainty + psychological toll, in need of reassurance → started viewing economic success as a sign of salvation
If you were born one of the elect, it would show itself through economic success
Economic success is consequent on hard work, deliberate and methodical monitoring of every aspect of life, self-discipline → living life in a way that glorifies God
Acceleration of capitalism → religious basis for the pursuit of economic gain → moral crusade
Why do Protestants dominate in business and capitalist enterprise?
God, stratification
Protestants believe that the unequal distribution of goods in the world is determined by _______ and it legitimizes unequal _______
The Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism creates something new and destroys something else:
Produces moral ethos of _______ for profit’s sake
Destroys the Protestant ethic because it becomes _______, unmoored from religious foundations, and emptied of religious content
Becomes the ethic of _______
That we are trapped because we’re always thinking about how to be more productive
What does Weber means when he says that we live in an iron cage?
The rationalization of society contributes to disenchantment of the world (weakening of the soul) because:
There’s an inability to assess ultimate ends through _______
Produces nihilism → no ______ standards
Creates meaninglessness because there are no mysteries, there must be a ______ behind everything
Weber arrives at an ambivalent/pessimistic understanding of modern society and attributes it to ________