All organisms are composed of cells.
cells are the smallest living things.
Cells arise only from pre-existing cells.
cells today represent a continuous line of descendants from previous cells.
Small for diffusion of substances
small cells have advantage.
size increase, volume increase faster than surface area.
overcome limitations by being long and skinny (neurons)
DNA location (nucleus or nucleoid)
Cytoplasm (Semifluid matrix)
Ribosomes (synthesize proteins)
Plasma Membrane (Phospholipid Bilayer)
simplest organism
lack membrane bound nucleus.
contain ribosomes.
cell wall outside of plasma
two domains archaea & bacteria
present in some prokaryotic cells
used for locomotion (rotary motion)
1+ or none
membrane-bound nucleus
more complex
cytoskeleton for support and cell structure
membranes throughout cytoplasm
divides cells into compartments where diff cell function occur.
fundamental distinction between eukaryotes and prokaryotes
fewer bound ribosomes
variety of functions
synthesis, store Ca^2+ and detoxification
flattened stacks of interconnected membranes (Golgi bodies)
packages, distributes molecules synthesized at one location and used at another
cis and trans faces
vesicles transport molecule to destination
membrane bound digestive vesicles
from Golgi apparatus
enzymes catalyze breakdown of macromolecules.
destroy cells or foreign matter by phagocytosis.