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Young’s definition
truth - The Ways of Truth Are Many
one of oldest religions (time period 1), mother religion to buddhism, jainism, sikhism, very diverse to getting at life and many truths
Indus River Valley Civilization 5500-2600BC
little known but sophisticated civilizations (running water, toys), symbols linked to hindusim
arayan invasion 1700-1300BC
vedic period, theory of indo, sanskrit language develops, oral hymns/chants/prayers in sanskrit (1200-400BC), social structures develop → caste system
theory of indo
europeans nomads from the steps of central asia, based on language patterns
indian caste system
brahmins, warriors, producers/landowners, workers/servants, untouchables
aryan priests
Period 1
indus river valley civilization, aryan invasion, indian caste system
period 2 600BC-AD600
mauryan + gupta empites (hindu/jain/buddhist rulers), buddhism + jainism developed in 400BC, hindu epics, upanishads
hindu epics (books)
Ramayana, Mahabharata (contains Bhagavad Lita)
Upanishads (sit down closely)
a move from “philosophical“ Vedas from 100BC, ideas of Brahman + Atman (central hindu ideas)
central hindu idea, upanishads
golden age of India (AD300-500), peace + prosperity, scientific advances
Period 3
post classical, AD600-1450, a split in focus within Hinduism
split within hinduism
devotional - puranas
trimurity (trinity) + consorts
Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (destroyer)
philosophical in period 3
upanishad + the advaita vedanta
period 4-6
world history 140 - present
mughal empire
islamic rule in india (1526-1761)
akbar - muslim ruler, tolerant of all religions
later rules less tolerant → persecution of hindus
gods that come in time of need. a movememnt away from impersonal braham (passionate devotion to avatars (incarnations of gods) )
british raj
british presence from 1750s of East India Company, direct rule from 1858
reform/abolition of practices (sati), exploitation of caste system, mixed legacy of imperialism
Ghandi 1800s to 1900s
focus on non-violence (sanskrit for Ahmisa) in opposing british rule of India → influences Civil Rights Movements
1947 republic of india/partitioning of india
secular democracy with Hindu majority, Pakistan formed into islamic republic using land from India
continuities over india’s history
Indian Caste System, Hinduism, Vedas (keep adding to scriptures)
changes over india’s history
british abolished practices, different ruling empires in control (british, mughal)
prime minister Modi
2014-present, focuses on hindu nationalism
influence on west
Hare Krishna, New Age Movement, Advaita Vedanta
Hare Krishna
monotheisitc movement, avatar of Vishnu
people have an eternal soul and the true self is spiritual
our spiritual self, not fully realized bc of ego, not bound by space or time, not physical
trapped by karma, our physical self is chained to the laws of Karma
reincarnation based on your previous karma (a lazy person may be reborn as a sloth)
desire and ignorance, desire for this world keeps the atman trapped to learning and to the physical world, ignorance is spiritual confusion abotu reality, our true selves (Atman) and what keeps us tied to the physical life
liberation (Moksha) from rebirth, various branches of hinduism see moksha differently but all agree on eng goal of moksha
devotional branch of end goal, communion with personal deity in eternal bliss
Advaita Vedanta
philosophical branch of end goal, Atman is absorbed into cosmic oneness - impersonal (Brahnan)
means of transformation
action, devotion, knowledge, you are trapped by action but need to act for liberation
3 Margas (paths) or Yogas (ways)
also known as Dharmas: Karma Marga, Jnana Marga, Bhakti Marga
Karma Marga
the path of action → selfless service, releases built up karma without building up karma, selfless service to all Laws of Manu
Laws of Manu
humankind guidlines for society
Jnana Marga
the path of knowledge through meditation usually with the help of a guru, student → householder → forest dweller → ascetic
Bhakti Marga
the path of devotion to a god/statue
tamil hindu celebration commemorating Murugan also known as Kartikeya, god of war, son of Shiva + Parvati
percieved reality
breaking through The Veil of Maya, material/physical world is an illusion (maya), external reality subject to cosmic rebirth
sacred - many gods = one essence, 330 million god, 1 god in many manifestations, hinduism is polytheistic (many gods), henotheistic (primary god), pantheistic (god is everything), monistic (all in one), Brahman (impersonal oneness) VS worship of a personal ultimacy (Vishnu)
we are all on the same mountain
every mountain is equally true
you are all climbing my mountain
only one mountain is worth climbing
respect separate mountain particulars