New Nation US Hist Test 2

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A document that establishes the government and provides guidelines for the executive and legislative branches.

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Bill of Rights

A set of amendments to the Constitution that guarantees individual freedoms and protects states' rights.

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First Amendment

The amendment that guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, and the right to petition the government.

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Federalist's Papers

A series of essays written to explain and advocate for the ratification of the Constitution and the need for a strong central government.

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Federalist Paper #10

Madison argues democracy will always work because the size of the US prevents one tyrannical group taking over the government.

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Jersey Plan

Unicameral (1 house) Congress with more power, 1 vote per state to protect smaller states, wanted less federal power and more powers regulating trade/revenue

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Virginia Plan

Bicameral (2 house) Congress, protects bigger states, wants strong federal govā€™t w/veto power

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Great Compromise

Compromise between Jersey & Virginia Plans, number of House representatives depends on state population, every state has 2 senate representatives, electoral college elects president, ā…— slaves count towards population

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Article I

outlines the legislative branch (make laws, control $, raise taxes, declare war)

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Article II

outlines executive branch (chief executive + vice president)

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Republican motherhood

Republican Motherhood encouraged Mothers to get an education in order to be able to teach their children, specifically their sons.

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Articles of Confederation

1st constitution of US, created weak central government + gave most powers to the states; set up government (voting, branch organization, slavery, taxes)

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Gibbons v Ogden

NY State Govā€™t gives 2 men a monopoly on steamboat use between New York + New Jersey, Gibbons (with a federal license) violated this monopoly -> was ordered to cease but instead appealed to the Supreme Court who decides bc Congress regulates commerce the Federal laws take precedence over state laws, support Gibbons, establishes that states laws canā€™t contradict federal laws

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Judiciary Act of 1789

Created the federal court system that Article III outlined and defined the jurisdiction of each tier of court. Created positions of US Attorney General, US Attorney, US Marshal, and Clerk of Court.Ā  Signed into law by President Washington.

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Marbury v Madison

Marbury was appointed by Adams as a judge (last minute), Jefferson became president and told Madison to withhold Marburyā€™s warrant, since it hadnā€™t reached him yet. Marbury sued for not getting his warrant delivered to him and the case made its way to Marshal Court. Judicial review was established because of the case.

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Northwest territory

Territories (Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley) acquired through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, can become states once they reach 60k people, outlaws slavery

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British enforcement/kidnapping of Americans into the royal navy

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Barbary States

A group of North African states that had pirates that enslaved ships/crews in the Mediterranean Sea, US made blackmail payments to them but then Tripoli increased the price and declared war on US, Jefferson sent ships to blockade Tripoli harbor and set fire the the ship Philadelphia so pirates couldnā€™t use it, Tripoli settled for $60k ransom and sent back the enslaved men + ships

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Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812, took 2 months to get back to America bc made in Belgium ā†’ so Madison started the Battle of New Orleans, British had to let go of any claims to American territory and America gained a better social status among other countries

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Jay's Treaty

John Jay is legiterally so bad at life but Washington still chose him to go to Britain to talk about Impressment. This dumb booty cheek signed a treaty that covered everything EXCEPT impressment. Such a ding dong šŸ™„. This pissed off Americans to the point that G. Wash was scared the north and south would split. Britain did leave the forts in the US and we had to pay for their merchantā€™s debts.

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Adams-Onis Treaty

John Adams convinced Spain to give US all of Florida for a cash settlement, defined the borders of the Louisiana purchase

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Corrupt bargain

Ā 4 candidates ran for president in 1824, nobody won the majority so the house of representatives picked the president.Ā  Andrew Jackson had the most electoral votes, however he lost because of a deal, Henry Clay voted for Adams and in return Adams would make him the secretary of state

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in the northeastern states in early 1830s minstrel shows contained white performers in blackface who portrayed black people as ignorant and lazy, most popular was jim crow

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Embargo Act of 1807

JeffersonĀ cut off trade with all foreign nations because he wanted Britain and France to respect the U.S. neutrality, disastrous for the U.S. economically hence the snapping turtle biting us in the butt

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XYZ affair

Ā American merchant ships were being seized by the French, Adams sent delegates to make a settlement with Franceā€™s minister, the minister ignored them and sent 3 agents (x,y,z) and requested bribes to make a deal. Outrages Americans (wanted war), military too weak, causes the U.S. to build up a navy

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Battle of New Orleans

Americans (Andrew Jackson became a war hero) won against the British and helped deter the British from fighting with us again. Picture on the left, guy in blue is Andrew Jackson

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War of 1812

American vs. British, fought for 3 reasons, 1. Royal navy interferred with American shipping, 2. Impressment, 3. British encouraged native attacks (Tecumseh). 3 fronts, in the Atlantic, in the south (Mississppi, Alabama, Florida), Canada (Americans wanted more land and to eliminate british influence). Ended with Treaty of Ghent however the Battle of New Orleans still happened due to word being spread slowly. Military wasnā€™t ready bc Jefferson defense cutbacks. Francis Scott key (star spangled banner), burning of the whitehouse.

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War Hawks

Ā men in favor of war, Henry clay and John C. Calhoun

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KY and VA resolutions

Political statements denouncing the Alien and Sedition acts, argued they were unconstitutional, SAID states entered into a contract therefore any state could nullify the law

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Alien and Sedition Acts

Anti-democratic republican laws made by federalists

Alien Act- Laws passed by congress that allowed the government to deport foreigners, make it harder for immigrants to vote

Sedition Act- prevented newspapers from badmouthing the governments

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Hartford Convention

Meeting between federalists where they discussed their grievances against Democratic Republicans during the war of 1812. Listed seven amendments that were meant to limit Republican influence but failed.

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Louisiana Purchase

Bought from Napoleon because he needed quick money for war with Britain.Ā  We bought Louisiana for 15 mil and it made the US 2x bigger. T Jefferson decided that the power to buy land resided in the power to make treaties bc the constitution didnā€™t say who had the power to buy land.

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Panic of 1819

The first widespread financial crisis of the US due to war debt from 1812, inflation, and Louisiana purchase, slowed westward expansion

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Missouri Compromise

In 1819, the Legislature was balanced (11 slave states and 11 free states). Missouri becoming a state would upset this balance so legislation made Missouri a slave state and Maine a non-slave state. This compromise also prohibited all new states from the Louisiana purchase from becoming slave states.

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Monroe Doctrine

Warned Europeans to not interfere with South America and that US would protect them

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Washington's Farewell Address

Gave advice for new coming members of the government, told them to remain neutral in foreign affairs and to not infringe upon the rights of the ppl

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Whiskey Rebellion

Hamilton wanted to tax alcohol in order to pay for the debts of the revolution. This pissed off farmers bc the taxes were also on corn and grain, and they saw it as the Elites abusing their powers. The Farmers started beefing with the collectors and fought them so G. Washington set up troops (too violent to stop peacefully)

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Chesapeake Affair

Soldiers that had been impressed escaped from British ships in Hampton. The USS Chesapeake was sent to protect US merchant ships, and the British Leopard fired shots at the Chesapeake before it had to surrender

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Political parties

Federalists vs Anti-federalist/Democratic Republicans--consistently opposed each other. George Washington didnā€™t like parties because he believed that they would divide the country.

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3 sections had different ideals, morals, and cultural attitudes ā†’ west wanted expansion and roads, New England wanted business and manufacturing, south wanted cotton

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National bank and Adams

Adams wanted to turn banks into public institutions and place them under the control of Congress. He oversaw Senate debate over Hamiltonā€™s proposal for a bank

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Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Federalists wanted a strong central government. They promoted economic development and public improvements. Hamilton wanted a national bank, industry, and to take on state debt. Anti-Federalists worried that a strong central government would become corrupt and take away the peopleā€™s rights. They wanted individual liberties (Bill of Rights) and supported stateā€™ rights

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McCulloch v Maryland

Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause, allowed the creation of a second bank in the US

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Pickney treaty

Negotiation with Spain that opened the port of New Orleans to Americans. Also gave Georgia more land

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Washington DC

Located in VA and MD, was a separate entity without a representative. It was a compromise to VA not wanting to pay more taxes, but Democratic Republicans wanting a capital in the South. Jefferson was the first to govern in DC.

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