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Latent learning
When an individual is exposed to information but does not show they are learning until later when they have a need to show it.
Insight learning
There is a problem that needs to be solved and an individual will mentally work through the details to arrive at a solution.
Trial and Error Learning
An individual will try different possible solutions at random until they find a successful option.
John Garcia
Did research on association, believed that some associations were more ready to be made than others.
Taste Aversion
Individual has negative association with food that they hate because it caused pain or something negative in the past.
Albert Bandura
Coined the term observational learning, bobo doll experiment
Edward Tolman
Studied latent learning
Edward Thorndike
Studied trial and error learning
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov’s dogs, basically fathered classical conditioning
BF Skinner
One of the first people to describe operant conditioning
Robert Rescorla
Focused on cognition and learning, animals can be taught to expect the outcome of an event
John B Watson
Studied how learning affects behavior, and came up with the idea that behavior is dictated by learning.