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What are the major civilizations
Spain, England, France
Who are the spainish explorers
CConquistadors, Cortes. They were all about the three Gs! GOLD GOD GLORY. Wiped out a ton of
the indigenous population!
What is the columbian exchange
The informal trade network between the old world (Europe) and the New World (America)
This included the foll9owing, animals, plants, food LIKE TURKEY!!!! And chocolate, and unfortunately slaves, and disease
What is the middle passage
- Was the middle part of the triangle trade, where the most slaves died as they WENT FROM AFRICA
TO THE NEW WORLD! BRAZIL had the most slaves imported in the New world as a single Country! The Caribbean had the
most as a group of counties
What is the triangle trade
The Network of trade between the new world and old world that brought, manufactured goods to Africa,
which then sent slaves, ivory, TURTLES to the New World, which then sent raw materials to Europe!
What is the atlantic slave trade
Selling and buying of slaves from Africa to the New world because they killed so many indigenous
people. And needed a new supply of workers.
What is the cause of the age of exploration
New markets and materials are needed, Europeans are interested in new things from Asia like SILK AND
SPICES. So they try to find a route to ASIA.
What is the affect of the age of exploration
> Europe becomes super rich! The New world is not and become devasted with diseases and warfare!
African is also picked clean of any potential future leaders due to the slave trade!
How were native people treated by the spainish and south america
They were treated very poorly demancipated by warfare forced labor and the spread of disease
What were the social effects of the Coloumbian exchange
We start seeing indigenous cultures get wiped out and mixed with europeans
What were the political effects of the Coloumbian Exchange
Monarchy being promoted and growing
What were the cultural effects of the coloumbian exchange
The cultures became westernized and like european
What were the economic effects of the columbian exchange
They make lots of money from gold
What were the motives for exploration
Wealth and staring a new better life
Political beilf that one ruler should hold all power within the country
Divine Right
God created monarchy, God gave absolute monarch power to rule
Henry of Navarre
A protestant who survived a massacre, then married a catholic and became catholic and ruled
peacuflly until he was stabbed to death
French Protestants
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre of 1572
-A catholic surprise attack on the wedding of Henry of Navarrese to try and
Edict of Nantes
Gave religious peace to the protestants and Catholics and promised religious tolerance for all religions
King louis the 13th
was weak! Died young which meant that his son took over at a young age.
King Louis the 14th
the was a strong kind who loved the following; women, food, money, and women. Under his advaice the
PALACE OF VERSAILLES BECAME A HUGE THING.the was a strong kind who loved the following; women, food, money, and women. Under his advaice the
State of nature
what humans were before society
Thomas Hobbes
Phillospher guy, he believed in ONE RULER because people are dumb and wicked, He wants authority to
keep the peace
John Locke
People need strong government but not a ruler! HE inspired democracy
Freedom and speech religion and didn’t like big or strong government1 ALSO FRENCH GROSS
Separation of powers
Mary Wollstonecraft
Girl Boss
How did enlightenment philosophers change the world
Reshaped peoples ways
What were the major beliefs of the enlightenment thinkers
Get away from Divine Right, Individuality, move towards democracy, and we need a government for the people.
How did Louis the 13th lead
Like a weak king
Major civilizations
France, Great Britain
Adam Smith
Father of capitalism! SCOOTHISH
Karl Marx
Father of Marxism, which starts into communism!
Steam Engine-
allowed new machines to be powered and to start industrializing GREAT BRITAIN, Used coal and water,
When a country start industrialize, with an emphasis on machines/factories and they start becoming
more urban!
Child Labor
Kids are a growing source of labor for two reasons! 1. They can be paid for lot less! They can do jobs the
adults cant due to their tiny little hands and their smalls limbs! SADLY that ends up hurting them and kills/maims a lot
because they are in an adult world as whittle babies!
Industrial Revolution
The first county to industrialize is Britain! They industrialized DUE TO A LOT OF COAL! And
First Estate-
Clergy and Royalty!
Second Estate-
Third Estate
POOR AND THE Bourgeoise (Middle class merchants and educated artisans!
Jacobin! Who took over after the National Assembly fell apart! He was the leader of a self-appointed
committee called the Committee of public Safety! WAS ALL ABOUT PROTECTION THE REVOLUTION, it ends up though
killing all those who didn’t agree or were strongly supportive of the revolution!
King Louis 16th
was the king during the revolution! Lost his power and his head!
Madame Deficient
Marie Antoinette , she liked three things; SPENDING DAT MONEY, SPENDING DAT MONEY, AND
Was very very very very very very vey very well liked French general, who had soldiers and civilians
thinking he was the best thing since Nutella. Napoleon won support by slapping the Austrians around, and he strolls back
to Paris and backstabs his friends (On the directory). HE MANAGES TO KEEP THE REVOLUTION alive even though he
rules like a dictator. He invades Russia, and gets slapped by snow and polar bears (JK about the polar bears). He then
gets exiled, and comes back and then gets slapped by the Tea Drinkers (British)
Reign of Terror-
Was under the rule of Robespierre 40,000 were killed!,
Tennis Court Oath-
It was actually on Hand Ball court, where the General assembly met to create a new government
called the National assembly! (THIS WAS EARLY ON IN THE REVOLUTION)
What are the three things that make up capitalism?
Competition, Choice, FREE Market
WHO lead the National Assembly?
The ESTATES GENERAL, particular the Third and Second Estate
Why did the people of France revolt against the Government?
Taxation, overspending, Oppression, Bad bad harvest, RISE OF THE PRICE OF THE BREAD
Berlin conference-
Also called the Partion of Africa. Its when the following countries stepped in and Divide up African
like a pie, Like Germany, Belgium, France, England, Spanish, Portuguese, Netherlands!
Sepoy Munity-
When the East India Company pissed off Indian born soldiers Called Sepoys) and there was a lot of
religious disrespect/intolerant which led to the Sepoys fighting back. It was kind of smacked, but!!!!! THE BRITISH TOOK
CONTROL and took it back from the EAST INDIA COMPANY Called now the British RAJ.
A policy of extending a counties power/influence through diplomacy or military force!
“White Man’s Burden” The burden of “Civilized” Countries to help those less Fortunate
Motives for imperialism-
New Markets, New Goods/resources from new places, Spread civilizing/religion, to get more
workers! By enslaving… ☹
An ethnic minority in Rwanda, which was originally placed on the top of the social hierarchy by the Belgians! They
were given this because they were “Taller, Lighter skin tone, and narrower noses” They ruled as the minority with the
Belgians and pissed off the Hutus. The tusis after Rwanda became a country, were engulfed in a civil war for control of
the GOVERNMENT vs the Hutus. They created the RPF Rwandan Patriotic Front. Led by a a man called Paul K!
Ethnic Majority of Rwanda and they were pissed they lost power and spent years fighting a civil war to get power!
They also had a lot of VERY VERY extremist groups like the Hutu power movement which prided themselves on being
Hutu! They also started preparing for a possible attack by brining in machetes and guns….
They shot down the president plane (WHO WAS HUTU) and then blamed the tutsis! They then killed the prime minster as
she was guarded by the UN…. They then proceeded to partake in a genocide for 3 months killing we believe up to
820,000 Rwandas. INCLUDING HUTU moderates but mostly tutsi. They called the Tusis the tall trees! And most killing
ws done by the people ☹
M.A.I.N Causes of WW1
Militarism, Imperialism, Alliance, Nationalism!!
a very strong belief in using the military the solve all problems! Its involved spending a lotttttttttttttt of
money and time on making the newest and bestest military!
Countries that work together to protect each from enemies. ONE COUNTRY COULD PULL IN OTHERS LOLOL
which is why we have WW1.
is like patriotism on steroids, it’s the belief that your country is so superior than others that you should be
able to dictate what is done and what is said without any care in the world about other countries!
Central Powers
Triple Alliance- Germany, Austrian Hungary, ITALIANS!
The “Allies”-
Known as the Triple Entente, France, Russia, GREAT Britain AT THE START.
Treaty of Versailles-
The agreement/peace treaty that ends the war and is signed in France. It was completely and
utterly unfair towards Germany, Russia, and Japan. This also plants the seeds for WW2. War Guilt clause, reparations,
and the creation of the league of nations! WHICH AMERICAN NEVER JOINS!!
Trench Warfare-
Led to a deadlock of Germany and the Triple Entente. It kept soldiers safer, until they had to leave
and cross no mans land. Lead to high casualties! THIS WAS THE FIGHTING STYLE OF WW1
Adolf Hitler-
Leader of Germany During WW2, He was an evil man and 1919 was wounded in WW1. As the country of
Germany surrender, Hitler and other veterans are pissed and blame the Govt, SO Hitler plots his revenge! Joins the NAZI
party and becomes the leader. And tries to overthrow the government. Thrown in jail and then writes Mein Kampf (This
is the blue-print for Hitlers rise to power) He falsely blames the Jewish population of Germany for the loss of WW1. He
becomes chancellor, then when the (German Capitol burns) he declares with the president to suspend all civil liberties
and declare a national emergency which allows him almost full control.
He starts imprisoning and killing his enemies! Was a fascist and a huge P.O.S.
Joseph Stalin-
Leader of USSR during WW2. He was a commie, and a bad person. He was openly killing millions of his
own people by mismanaged policies and laid waste to his own land when Germany attacked with operation Barbarossa.
He spawned the now famous 5 year plans
Benito Mussolini-
Italian Dictator/ Fascist. He ruled and then was captured and then broken out, then capture again in
1945 by Free Italian soldiers who hang him in MILAN square!
Battle of Britain-
Germany attempt to take out the RAF and get control of the English Airspace! It was working until,
Until Hitler got impatient he stopped attacking bases and factories and started attacking cities! Which gave the BRITISH
a chance to rearm and stay alive!
Evacuation of Dunkirk-
This is the evacuation of British and French troops from Dunkirk France, as they were being
attacked by the invading Germans! This should have been a slaughter and the British should have lost a lot! But thanks
to operation dynamo they save upwards 300,000 Troops but lost a lot of materials including tanks!