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5 things for Recognize Risks and Behaviours
identify risk factors
identify stressors
identify signs of an emotional crisis and a behavioral emergency
identify the relationship between threat and brain function
identify self settling strategies
risk factors
characteristics of a person that increase the potential that a violent incident may occur; cannot change or control a person’s risk factors
h/o violence, abuse, trauma
medical conditions
acute withdrawal
events or conditions that can add stress and impact the risk of violence; can lessen impact of stressors
lack of sleep
unmet needs
emotional crisis
occurs when a person is no longer able to cope
no one is being physically hurt
there is time to settle or de-escalate them
behavioural emergency
person behaving in a way that could cause immediate danger of harm or death to self or others
fight, flight, or freeze response
an instinctive response to threatening or crisis situatons
3 things to do for Assess and Plan
complete PCRA
decide if it’s safe to proceed the plan
create behavioural care plans
PCRA - point of care risk assessment
person - change in behaviour
environment - can i easily get help, safe exit, potential weapons
task - does it have to be done right now
yourself - am i settled enough, wearing anything that could be grabbed
purpose of BCP - behavioural care plan
a tool used to inform all staff about a person’s violence risk, and to outline safety precautions
four steps of BCP
assess - identify target behavior and underlying cause
plan - comprehensive, specific, consistent
implement - clear communication, accessible, consistent
3 things to do for Respond to the Risk
perform de-escalation strategies
determine when and how to call for help
apply personal safety techniques
when not to perform de-escalation strategies
there is immediate danger
you are escalated
person is unable to follow simple directions
performing de-escalation strategies
effective communication
non-verbal (most essential)
vocal (speed, pitch, tone, volume)
providing time and space
providing options
providing co-workers support
tension reduction
visible reduction in energy after a person has had a emotional crisis or behavioral emergency
when to call for help
de-escalation strategies were ineffective
feeling unsafe
behavioral emergency
you don’t feel settled
responds to damaging property
never endanger yourself or others to save property
clear others from area
give person time and space
isolate person if possible
call for help (code white, 911)
responds to assault with a weapon
do not try to disarm a person
when to call code white
equipment is being damaged
danger of physical arm to you or others
beyond your or co-workers ability
feel unsafe
when to call 911
lives are in danger
beyong the ability of code white
there is a weapon
incident takes place outside your facility
info to provide when calling for help
state assault in progress
state if weapon is involved
provide location
4 things to do for Report and Communicate Post-Incident
use post-incident support resources
report violent incidents including near-misses
update and communicate risk of violence to others
re-establish relationship with persons in your care
documentation of violent incident