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Early musical notation symbols for pitch representation.
Heighted Neumes
Neumes with varying heights indicating relative pitch.
Guido of Arezzo
Pioneered modern musical notation and solmization.
System of assigning syllables to musical notes.
Franconian Notation
Notation system using note shapes to indicate duration.
Mensuration Sign
Symbol indicating the rhythm and meter of music.
Monophonic sacred music of the Middle Ages.
Ordinary of the Mass
Fixed parts of the Mass, sung regularly.
Proper of the Mass
Variable parts of the Mass, specific to occasions.
Liturgical Drama
Theatrical performances with religious themes, e.g., Ordo Virtutum.
Medieval poets/composers of the vernacular language.
Vocal composition, sacred or secular, often polyphonic.
Music with multiple independent melodies.
Early form of polyphony, adding voices to chant.
Notre Dame Period
Era of significant musical development in Paris.
Perfection Rhythm
Rhythmic structure emphasizing strong beats.
Imperfection Rhythm
Rhythmic structure with weaker beats.
Ars Nova
Innovative musical style in 14th-century France.
Humanism in Music
Focus on human experience and emotion in composition.
Point of Imitation
Technique where a musical idea is repeated in voices.
The Doctrine of Affections
Baroque theory connecting music to emotional expression.
Basso Continuo
Continuous bass line supporting harmonies in Baroque music.
Solo vocal style accompanied by instruments.
Ritornello Form
Structure featuring recurring themes in concertos.
The Four Seasons
Set of violin concertos by Antonio Vivaldi.
Vocal composition with instrumental accompaniment, often sacred.
Large-scale musical work for orchestra and voices.