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interstate war
military conflict between separate states over territory
intrastate war
war confined within borders of a single state
the use of international violence to achieve political aims
insurrectionary terrorism
aims at the revolutionary overthrow of a state
loner or issue terrorism
aims at promotion of a single cause
nationalist terrorism
aims to overthrow colonial rule or occupation with the goal of gaining independence.
Global terrorism
aims at inflicting damage and humiliation on a global power or at trans foreign global civilizational relation.
implications of terrorism: (3) (plus examples in brackets)
Terrorist groups impose a danger to global security and peace ( USA international campaign on war anterior following the September 11 terrorist attack. (2001))
terrrorist groups pose a threat to state sovereignty ( elimination of state sovereignty by ISIS in Syria and Iraq . 2014)
Terrorist attacks have enormous economic impact. ( 2001 9/11 market fell by 7.1%, or 648 points.
types of conflicts
intrest-based conflict
casuses of conflict
territoriaal control
resource (scarcity)
threatned identity
greed v/s grievances
parties to conflict
intrastate groups
what creates a conflict, more likely
little or no democratic means of dispute resolutions; minorities excluded from political representation
wealth territorial, or resource shared inequality and controlled by powerful elites
Goverment is above the law, making arbitary and legitimate desicions
Judical system is absent or interfered with, not indepanded or fair
Human rights are abused.
what creates a conflict less likely
democratic institutions exist, with full political equality and participation
equal sharing of wealth and resources
equality of opportunity for all
goverment respects the rule of law
Disputes can be resolved fairly through a fair and independend judicial system
Respect of human rights (especially of those of minorities)
Galtung’s triangle of conflict 3 points
behavior, contradiction, attitudes
galtungs different levels of analyses of violent conflict
manifest level, the immediatly obvious evidence of a violent conflict ( for example the amount of people killed) (evidence)
latent level, deeper causes and conditions of conflict can be analyzed. (causes)
behavior (Galtungs triangle of conflict)
observable actions taken by parties involved. (manifestation of conflict)
Attitudes ( Galtung’s triangle of conflict)
It refers to how individuals or groups feel and think about each other and the conflict itself
Contradictions ( Galtungs triangle of conflict)
cause of conflict
Behavior reduced trough
contradiction reduced through
attitudes reduced through
Colombia (FARC)
1. type of conflict
casus of conflict
parties to conflict
manifastations of conflict
ideological conflict , it is about social injustice
ideologicay, greed vs grievance
FARC & Colombian goverment
intrastate war; Guerilla war
Syria (2011)
Type of conflict
cause of conflict
parties to conflict
manifestations of conflict
ideological (Arab spring) & identity (Shia’s vs Sunni) conflict
Ideology & threatened identity
Syrian goverment, SDF, ISIS, Rebels
first demonstrations, violent protests then intrastate war'; terrorist attacks, insurgency 9 opstand)
Brexit (2016)
type of conflict
cause of conflict
parties to conflict
manifestations of conflict
ideological, identity
ideological, threatened identity
UK goverment vs EU
diplomatic tensions
US- Iraq (2003)
type of conflict
casus of conflict
parties to conflict
manifestation of conflict
ideological conflict: democracy ideology, but it is intrest based
ideology, security
US, Iraq, Al-Queda
Terrorist tracks, interstate war
South- China sea
type of conflict
cause of conflict
parties to conflict
manifestation of conflict
territorial control, resource
China, Philipinese, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam
Diplomatic tensions, interstate conflict.
pros of a conflict dynamic model 4
helps understand the role of the parties is the conflict
it helps understand what the conflict is about
it can help reveal the deeper issues at state beyond visible violence
it’s necessary for positive peace to be achieved
aiganst a conflict dynamic model 3
violent actions need to be stopped imidiatly, there is no time for a deeper sturdy, for negative peace there is no need for such a model
models can lead to specific understanding of a conflict. It seduces the conflict to a model instead of looking at its particularities
conflict can be driven by personalities wich we need to take into account
disagrement between parties over ……..
non-violent conflicts manifestations 4
peaceful demonstrations
political campaigns
diplomatic tensions
violent conflicts manifestations 4
interstate war
intrastate war
terrorism actors
reasons for non-violence conflicts 4
structure or process for dialogue
parties involved in the dispute are depended on each other
violence can hurt core intrest
democratic structures that allow population for consultant
reasons for violent conflicts
lack of trust
no structure for dialogue
grievience and traumas are sustaining/developing the conflict
no other means available
third party involvement in conflict
Humanitarian intervention
peace enforcement
election observers
third party prolonging conflict due to lack of unity on action
proxy war
negative peace
abscence of direct violence, reasons for conflict still exist, thus , this type of peace is fragile
positive peace
goes beyond mere absence of direct violence and it involves deeper levels of harmony and equity, where reasons that led to the conflict have been resolved.
stopping violent conflict and or creating negative peace
sustaining negative peace to allow positive peace to be build
building sustainable, long term positive peace
absence of a violent conflict
restorative justice
rehabilitation of offenders trough truth and reconciliation commissions, TRCs, they get info, give victims platforms
restributive justice