Unconscious processes, controls sleep-wake cycle, breathing, pain signals, taste
Muscle control, balance, movement
Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, automatic processes
Declarative memories and special relationships
Processing of information, decision-making, behavior
Pituitary Gland
Growth, metabolism, reproduction
Body temp, hunger and thirst, mood, sex drive, blood pressure, sleep
Pineal gland
Circadian rythym
Taste, sight, hearing, touch
Frontal Lobe
Voluntary movement, expressive language, cognitive skills
Parietal Lobe
Sensory perception and integration, taste, hearing, sight, touch, smell
Temporal Lobe
Manage emotions, process information from senses, store and retrieve memories, understanding language
Occipital Lobe
Visual and special processing, distance and depth perception, color determination, object and face recognition, memory formation
Left Hemisphere
Analytical though, detail oriented perception, ordered sequencing, rational though, verbal, cautious, planning, math/science, logic, right field vision, right side motor skills
Right Hemisphere
Intuitive thought, holistic perception, random sequencing, emotional though, non-verbal, adventurous, impulse, creative writing/art, imagination, left field vision, left side motor skills
Spinal cord, brain
Somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system
Visual cortex
Receive, segment, and integrate visual information
Motor cortex
Generate signals to direct movement of body
Somatosensory cortex
Detect sensory information from body regarding temperature, touch, texture, and pain