Wrote the On the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies
He believed that the Earth was circling the sun
Wrote Leviathan
He believed people are cruel, greedy, and selfish
Fought in war
Social Contract
People would agree to give up part of their freedom for an organized society.
Believed a strong government can ensure orderly society
Must be an absolute monarch
Natural Rights
Life, Liberty and Property
Rights that people gain at birth
Wrote: Two Treaties of Government
Form of government to protect people’s natural rights
Government have limited power
If the government doesn’t met the requirements of protecting natural rights of the people, they the people can overthrow the government.
Detest on Slave trade
Believed in Freedom of Speech and Religion
Wants to separate state and church
People could practice their own religion they believe in
State and Church shouldn’t effect each other
Offended the French Government and Catholic Church
Imprisoned and exile
Spirit of Laws
Divided the power of the government into three branches
Legislative, Judicial, Executive
All has equal power
Checks and Balances
What are the impacts of the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution?
Improve of technology
Technology keeps improving rapidly, non-stop
Secular Outlook
More people decided to believe in science more than religion. Causing less people started to practice religion and they started to use different religions to discover new discoveries.
They used to believe Religion had all the answers to their questions
Causing people’s lives to change dramtically
It started to become a more of a ‘me’ centered world
Only considered everything good for themselves
Caused conflict
People started to have their own thoughts and opinion
Believed society is better than individual
“Power corrupts an absolute power corrupts absolutely”
Wanted direct Monarchy
Estate System
Clergy (1st Estate)
Church/ leadership people
Small group
Payed no tax
Nobles (2nd Estate)
Wealthy/ loyalty
Payed no tax
They ruled upon the people
Generationally rich
Born in the family
3rd Estate
No name
Everyone else
Made up 98% of the population
80% are peasants
Had to pay high tax
Wrote: What is the 3rd Estate
First estate (priest)
What are the causes of the French Revolution?
Estate System
People were getting treated differently
Tax problem with how much they taxed for each estate
People wanted to start something new
Economic Problems
Louis 16th made France go backrupted
He helped the Americans win the revolutionary war
Drought was happening at the time, so prices had went up
Weak Leadership
Weak leader
Was hated
Made poor decisions (indecisive)
Louis Wife- Marie Antoinette was hated
Princess of Austria
Spent lots of money
Childless (Louis Fault)
Estates General
Took place in Palace of Verailles
Last meeting was 175 years ago
May 5th 1789
Voting was an issue
The main vote was between first and second estate
Senate: one vote per group (1, 2 estates)
House: one vote per person (3rd estate)
Sent by Louis because he wanted to know what the 3rd estate was thinking
He understands them
2nd estate
Wasn’t looked upon
Tennis court oath
1st act to the French Revolution
The people started to force Louis to write a new Consitution
Gave people more power
Isn’t an absolute monarch anymore
Sign that the 3rd estate is rebellling
2nd act to the French Revolution
Built in Paris
Prison and armory
Prison for prisoners and mental ill
Mob killed the guards and let the prisoners and the mental ill out
Great Fear
When 3rd estate were going into Noble’s houses and started to kill them and burned their house. Including Cadastres that they were free from the control of the family.
A group of people who went to the national convention to try to solve the problems in France.
Robas Pierre
Committee of Public Safety
It was controlled by Pierre who is part of the Jacobins. They wanted to get rid of all the enemies of France, and thought this was a way to prevent the revolution. They started to capture innocent people that was framed of talking bad about France.
Reign of Terror
Lasted 14 months
40-250 thousand people were killed
All killed from the Guillotine
Accused of being an enemy of France
Danton and Marat were also killed
Wiphe of Grapeshot
Napoleon’s first significant big break. He was known by many people just by him protecting his directory. He used his canon and filled it up with lose pieces of metal. It didn’t cause many death but it injured. He was talked in the newspaper for this and got promoted.
The person who Napoleon defended during the war.
It helped him get promoted
Coup d’etat
Military leader takes over power from the government. (Napoleon)
Louisiana Purchase
Originally owned by the French
1803 it was sold it the U.S. (Thomas Jefferson) for 15 million dollars
Used the money to improve his army
Become the most powerful army in Europe
La Grande Armee
Peninsular War
France took over Spain
Napoleon had put his brother in power
He outlawed the Spanish Inquistion
Spanish Inquisition- kill or torture people that aren’t Christian
Cadiz Junta was mad that Spain was outlawed
Started to attack
Napoleon loss a lot of men at war
Scorch Earth Policy
Russian’s defense system
When the Russians retreat they would burn everything in their own country
Causing Napoleon becoming farther away from the supply
Soldiers started to die
Where Napoleon was exiled to when he lose the war against Russia. It was only a few miles away from Italy
Hundred Day
2nd time Napoleon took over France after he has escaped from Elba.
The 4 Coalition attacked immediately
Didn’t last long.
He was defeated again at the Battle of Waterloo
By Duke Wellington
St. Helena
2nd place where Napoleon was exiled after the battle of Waterloo
He was defeated by Duke of Wellington
Dies 6 years later
Congress of Vienna
Took 8 months
Took place in Vienna Austria
Recreated a new map with new countries
German Confederation
39 kingdom with common goals
Punishment for France
France wasn’t punished
They didn’t want to punish the entire country for one’s wrong doing
If they did they would want to rebel more
Leader of the revolt
Napoleon sent troops to stop revolt that was happening in Hispaniola Islands
Large amounts of soldiers got Malaria
Napoleon offered a treaty
They can outlaw slavery but Hispaniola has to stay a part of France colony
Both agreed; got what they both wanted
Napoleon arrested L’overture in France
He thought this way was to prevent the Revolution but it started the Revolution again
Lead the 2nd part of the Revolution for Hispaniola’s freedom
Lead them to independence
Made Haiti the first independent black republic
Freed New Granda from Spain
New Granda- Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador
Leads war against Spain
Marched his army across the Andie Mountain for 600 miles
Sneak attack on Spain soldiers at Bogota, Colombia
Changed their name to Gran Colombia
Joined forces with Jose de San Martin to help Peru to gain it’s independence
He helped Mexico gain it’s independence
He switches side from Spain to Mexico
He wants to become the first emperor of Mexico
Not loyal to King or queen but to the nation of people who share a common bond
People who wants to keep everything the same
People who wants some changes
People who wants big changes
Louis 18
King of France
Wrote the Charter
Charter- gave people more rights
Charles 10
Louis 18’s son
Wants everything back as before
Creates the July Ordiances
Abolishes the charter
Limited political and individual freedoms of people in France
People protest
700 people died in three days
Writes new liberal Consitution
They would have a president
Louis Napoleon
Napoleon’s nephew
Made positive changes
Industries increased rapidly
People asked him to become emperor
Crimean War
War between Russia and Ottoman Empire
Fought over Crimea
Russia lost
Showed how undeveloped they were
Ottoman won
Got help from France and Britain
France and Britain used them so they can take over them later in the future
First war covered by media in detail
Opinions on warfare changed
Less support for warfare
People actually know what is happening at war
Compared to the Vietnam war
Florence Nightingale
Female nurse at war
Helped fight for women’s rights
Showed how women can help out during a war
Didn’t argue but showed
Edict of Emancipation
Outlawed serfdom
Redistributed land to everyone
Eliminated serf’s debt
Allowed Russia to improve industrially
Young Italy
Group of the younger generation in Italy to unite all parts of Italy together
Couldn’t be over 40 years old
Emmanuel’s prime minister
Created the Risorgimento
Plane to unify Italy
Gave Nice and Savoy to France so they can help protect them from Austria and they won’t be able to disturb them when unifying Italy
Leader of the Red Shirts
Started to help unify Italy in Sicily
Expedition of the thousands
Name of the unification
Meet Cavour in Rome
Finally unified Italy in 1861
Wilhelm I
Spends money on the military
Want absolute control
Unifies Germany
Becomes the king of Germany
Chancellor (prime minister)
Known as the Iron Chancellor
Used realpolitik
Made decision based on what’s good for the country
Makes an alliance with Austria
Gets into war with Denmark. They win some land and divide the smaller part of it to Austria making them mad. They decide to declare war on them
They made decision based on what’s good for the country
Ems Dispatch
Insult of the King of France and was sent to France newspaper
Also insulted the citizens
France declared war with Germany
Franco Prussian War
Also known as a telegraph
Bismarck used this to prove France to declare war on them
Franco Prussian War
War declared by France
Prussia won
They capture Napoleon III from his kingdom
Prussia earned Alsace-Lorraine from France
Germany finally got unified in 1871
What large amount of people are moving from the farm to the city to find a job.
Factors of Production
Right location to start a business
Cheap labor from people moving into the city
Money that takes to invest to start a business
Created the Flying Shuttle
Creating the Spinning Jenny
Created the Steam engine- for small amounts of coal for average amount of energy
Living Conditions of Industrial England
No building regulations
no rules or regulations in place for safety. Very crapy buildings with many 3-5 floor buildings put side by side with no safety exit
No sanitary codes
No indoor plumbing so they throw their pee outside
Wide Spread disease
Cholera- food or water touched human waste. Causing the average life span to be 17 years.
There were not enough places for people to stay
Crime Rates increased
More crime happened in poorer cities because they would do anything to survive.
Limited education
Less opportunity for children to get themself out of poverty.
Working Conditions of Industrial England
Long working hours for little pay. They would work for 14 hours a day and 6 days a week.
Children Labor: 6-7 year olds would start working at coal mines.
Dangerous working environment. People would constantly die or get injured.
No government programs to protect them, No minimum wage. Government doesn’t care hoe business regulated.
Someone willing to take the risk to use money to earn more money.
Industrial revolution effects
Created Jobs
more job opportunities
more occupations
England got Rich
any country that industrialized would get rich
changed wealth
Always improving into something bigger and better
Standard Living
Mass production of goods
people worked less
weekend and hobbies were created
improved dramatically
Working conditions
government improved
minimum wage
certain working hours
became safer
children can work at a certain age
War of 1812
Caused the Orders of Council
Britain owned the sea
War with Britain
Biggest trading partner
they couldn’t get supplies from them
They started to make their own products
Stole the spinning plans from Great Britain and migrated to the U.S. in 1789
economic system in which businesses are privately owned and operated with a goal of making money.
free market economy
Adam Smith
Wrote: Wealth of Nations
Individuals should pursue any career that they choose and the government has to stay away from how the business is regulated.
hands-off government policy
also known as the invisible hand
determined by supply and demand
Wrote: Essay on the Principle of Population
population would always increase faster than the food supply
always have poor people
study of the human populations
Capitalism always provides motivation
allows people to work harder to get what they want
Wrote: Principles on political economy and taxation
Iron Law of Wages
How supply and demand determine the wages of the workers
Wages depend on what type of job and the supply and demand of the job
Belief that the government should take action to improve the lives of others
how much or little the government interferes
mixed economy
believed that the government’s job was to do the greatest good for the greatest amount of people
best for the group, not the individual
society should be judged by its usefulness of the product
if government interferes in a business is based on the usefulness of the product
Wrote: On Liberty
protected utilitarianism
believed in equality
equal everything for everyone
lack of motivation
public punishments and public rewards
government takes full control of a business
command economy or marxism
Wrote: Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital
the class struggle between the peoples
poor people are going to eventually overthrow the rich
history of the wealth in the world
government is going to regulate all businesses
everyone shares that same amount of wealth from the money they all earned
known as a classless society
No one else’s job is more important than another because them all to work to make everything work
good in theory but doesn’t work
group of people who work for a common goal
goal: better and safer working conditions and higher wages
used collective bargaining
negotiation between the employers and employees
power in number
Workers would strike
refused to work
it only worked the best on the skilled
skilled workers are harder to replace
it may cause them to lose their job
Reasons for Imperialism
Economic competition
came for the money
natural resources
large population of people to sell their product to
national pride in conquering someone else
one race is better than another
treated people less than they think they are
They believe their religion is better than theirs making them have a stronger pride in conquering people
excuse for them to conquer another nation
they would make them learn their language and religion
They think their beliefs are better than theirs
Types of Imperialism
country takes over another weaker nation
controlled them politically, economically, socially
most controlling
indirect management
Used by Britain
set up how government and let the people participate in it
direct management
used by the French
they would pick someone from their own country and send them to the colony to rule over them
Protectorate (Dominion)
less control than a colony
only would get involved if it was a big issue
Sphere of Influence
only there for the money
the imperialist nation gets rich
economic imperialism
Similar to sphere of influence
a business from the imperialist nation gets rich
Effects of Imperialism
improved sanitation
provided cleaner water
better lifestyle/ longer life span
more education opportunities
controlled them socially
taught them what they would teach them in their original country
created a market for them to sell to
showed what resources were valuable to them
built railroads, telegraphs, and electric lines
things they left behind.
loss of land
loss control of land that was once theirs
effect family dynamic
loss of lives
population changes/ decreased
died by war or disease
spread of disease
large amount of people died
lack of food
used their land to plant cash crops
not even food resources
took up most of the fertile land
people died of starvation
break down of culture
told them how to live
lose their culture
culture, language, and traditions were lost
Division of Continent
still tension towards Native Americans
continuous wars
people of different cultures or tribes separated
people didn’t get along well
Boer War
Took place in South Africa
fought for diamond and gold mines
War between Zulu, Dutch, and British
British won
Economic Systems
invest in taking of land for its location or for its products
Suez Canal
connected the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.
saved people two weeks of traveling
It would cost a lot of money
they got a loan for $450 million but they couldn’t pay it off so Britain paid it off for them
they couldn't pay Britain back so Britain took the Suez Canal from Egypt.
Sphere of Influence
Sepoy Mutiny
Indian Soldiers that were trained, dressed, and controlled by the British
Indians felt assaulted when they figured out that the muskets they used had pig fat in them.
In Hindu religion pig fat is a sign of disgrace for them.
The Indians won, but not too long later British sent troops back to take India back from them
200-year times when the British had control over India
It took so long to gain their independence because:
British didn’t want to let them go because they were prosperous to them. Helped them make a lot of money
different religion
they didn’t work together
Helped India gain it’s independence
He used civil disobedience
showed them who the victim is
he got beaten
vasting- starved
Long process
1947- India gains independence
Jewel In the Crown
NickNaname that the British gave to India for the money they were making them
natural resources
huge population
sell products to
willing to buy products from them
sell opium to China for tea
Born In Corsica France
The person who conquered Europe
usually got bullied when he was young
not that smart
When to military school
Colonial Management
Indirect Management
Used by the British
When they would set up the government and let people in the colony participate in the government system
Direct Management
Used by the Franch
When they would send people from their country to take control over the colony
Stock holder invest into the company
Carnegie Steal
Names after Andrew Carnegie
Standard Oil
John D. Rockefeller
Both invested in railroads
Agricultural Revolution
Lead to the Industrial Revolutions
Agricultural revolution leads to bigger and better food supplies
population got bigger, so people had enough food. People started to have more childrens
Less farm land available to crop or buy. During this time period everyone bought land, so not everyone would become a farmer
People started to move into the city for employment
High demands for jobs. No minimum wage
Results in cheap labor. Cheap Labor is a must for businesses or industries to start working
People got better at farming
Jethro Tull
Invented the seed drill
Help bury seeds in the ground saving people times and money for the seeds. Worked efficiently helping more crops to be planted than wasted
Crop Rotation
Different crops for different year to help the ground to store more nutrients. They would take nutrients and always put in new nutrient for the next plant
Robert Bakewell
Used Selective breeding
Breast feed your best quality stock
Farm products increases