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Survey Research
A useful way of obtaining data about people’s opinions, attitudes, preferences, and experiences that are hard to observe directly. Data may obtained using questionnaires and interviews
Content Analysis
A system for quantifying responses to open ended questions by categorizing them according to objective rules or guidelines.
Nominal Scale
Consists of set of categories that have different names
Nominal Scale
No magnitude, no equal intervals, and no absolute zero
Ordinal Scale
Consists of a set of categories that are organized in ordered sequence
Ordinal Scale
Has magnitude, no equal intervals, and no absolute zero
Interval Scale
Consists of ordered categories that all intervals of exactly the same size
Interval Scale
Has magnitude, has equal interval, no absolute zero
Ratio Scale
Is an interval scale with an additional feature that a score of zero indicates none of the variables being measured
Ratio Scale
Has magnitude, has equal-intervals, has absolute zero
Self administered Questionnaires
A questionnaire that has been designed specifically to be completed by a respondent without intervention of the researcher (e.g.an interviewer) collecting the data
Mail Surveys
It involves the research team mailing a questionnaire to a potential respondent who then fills it out and returns the survey by mail
Computer or Internet Surveys
Surveys that sample respondents via the internet, gather data from respondents via internet, or both
Telephone Surveys
Surveys for which data collection is conducted via a telephone interview and the most widely used method for conducting survey
Who is more effective in telephone interviews? Male or Female
Directed conversation in which a researcher, clinician, therapist, or researcher intends to elicit specific information from an individual the interviewee for the purpose of research, diagnosis, treatment or employment.
Panel Interview
When multiple interviewers question a single candidate
Group interview
When one interviewer questions multiple candidates.
Who is more effective in interviews? Male or Female
Matching and mirroring
the subtle technique of aligning your body language, tone of voice, and overall demeanor to match that of your interviewer, creating a sense of connection and rapport to build trust and appear more relatable during the conversation
refers to more precisely copying specific non-verbal cues like body language or facial expressions
involves adapting your overall communication style to align with the interviewer's energy level, tone, and pace, without necessarily directly mimicking every detail
Focus Group Discussion
A group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggestion ideas.
Homogenous group
an aggregate of individuals or other elements that are similar to one another in a number of significant respects.
A set of all individuals of interest in a particular study
A value that describes the population
Sampling frame
Specific list of the members of the population in order to select a subset of that population.
A set of individuals drawn from the sampling frame usually intended to represent the population in research study
a value that describes a sample
Probability Sampling
uses randomization to make sure that every element of the population gets an equal chance to be part of the selected sample.
Non Probability Sampling
A sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected
Simple random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Cluster sampling
Systematic random sampling
Kinds of probability sampling
Simple Random Sampling
Participants has an equal chance of getting selected to be the part of sample.
Stratified random Sampling
Divides the elements of the population into small subgroups based on the similarity in such a way that the elements within the group are homogenous and heterogenous among the other subgroups formed.
Cluster Sampling
Entire population is divided into cluster or sections and then then the clusters are randomly selected all the elements of the cluster are used for sampling.
Systematic Random Sampling
A probability sampling method where the elements are chosen from a target population by selecting a random starting point and selecting other members after a fixed sampling interval
Convenience sampling
Purposive sampling
Quota sampling
Referral/Snowball sampling
Kinds of non-probability sampling
Convenience Sampling
The sample are selected based on the availability
Purposive sampling
sampling technique that is based on the intention or the purpose of the study.
Quota Sampling
Sampling technique wherein the assembled sample has the same proportions of individuals as the entire population which respect to known characteristics, traits or focused phenomenon.
Referral/Snowball Sampling
The technique is used in the situation where the population is completely unknown and rare
Pertains to how closely the sample responses we observe and measure reflect those we would obtain if we could sample the entire population