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Wright Brothers first flight
Ford’s Model T
sinking of the titanic
completion of the Panama Canal
theodore roosevelt
william taft
woodrow wilson
henry ford
perfected the first American automobile (Model T)
assembly line
fill in the blank
Henry Ford was also known for the _________ ____ to mass produce cars
orville and wilbur wright
first successful airplane flight in Kitty Hawk, NC (1903)
guglielmo marconi
invented the wireless telegraph in 1896
largest luxury ocean liner of the time; struck by an iceberg and sunk in 1912
internal combustion engine
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________ and the ______ _______ ________ spurred industry in the early 1900s
applies to machines that operate and regulate themselves
theodore roosevelt
suddenly became president after McKinley’s assassination; served in Cuba during the Spanish-American War
theodore roosevelt
youngest man to become a president
robert m. la follette
“Fighting Bob” because of his fight for good government
progressive era
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the ________ ____ is considered to have begun with Roosevelt’s presidency (1901)
list the progressive presidents
standard oil co.
american tobacco co.
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most important businesses broken up by the Supreme Court were ________ _____ ___. and the ________ _______ ___.
expedition act
facilitated antitrust cases in federal courts
trust buster
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Roosevelt was known as the ______ _______ for breaking up large trusts that he believed were harmful to Americans
department of commerce and labor
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laws that regulated business during Roosevelt’s Administration: Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, and the law that established a ________ ____ _______ ____ _______
united mine workers
went on strike for shorter work days and increase in pay (led by John Mitchell)
panic of 1907
cause by a sharp drop in stock prices on Wall Street during Roosevelt’s administration
lincoln steffens
wrote Shame of the Cities to condemn corrupt city politics
ida tarbell
History of the Standard Oil Companies attacking practices followed by big businesses
upton sinclair
Author of The Jungle exposing the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry
meat inspection act
granted the power to inspect shipped meat
pure food and drug act
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Congress passed the _____ ______ ___ _____ ____ as a result to prevent the manufacture and sale of contaminated food and drugs
journalists who focused on all the problems and issues in society
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Because of Roosevelt’s love of the outdoors, he worked to promote ___________ (Gifford Pinchot would assist him)
roosevelt dam
Arizona’s Salt River
150 million
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Roosevelt added about ____ ______ acres to the national forest reserve
hay-pauncefote treaty
granted the US the right to build and police a canal through Central America
isthmus of panama
30 mile wide site for the route of the Panama Canal
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_________ was also considered for a canal route
republic of panama
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Roosevelt granted the ________ ___ ________ diplomatic recognition
hay-bunau-varilla treaty
granted the US a 10 mile wide zone through the Isthmus of Panama
william gorgas
appointed chief sanitary officer of the Panama Canal Zone
george washington goethals
army engineer who was in charge of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal open for use
speak softly and carry a big stick
roosevelt’s foreign policy
Dominican republic
fill in the blanks
America intervened in financial issues in ________ and ________ _________
roosevelt corollary
expanded interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine (anything that follows as a natural or logical result of something else)
spheres of influence
large areas of China’s coast whose economic affairs and foreign trade were controlled by other world powers
fill in the blank
Roosevelt asked ________ powers to not use China as a colony
open door policy
forbade Europe to control or interfere with the rights of Asia
boxer rebellion
extremist anti-Western uprising in China causing America to send troops to protect their citizens
russo-japanese war
Japan declared war on Russia for expanding into Korea and Manchuria and Japan won
nobel peace prize
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Roosevelt won the _____ _____ _____ for negotiating a peace treaty between Russia and Japan (1905)
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________ students in San Francisco’s school system were being discriminated against
gentleman’s agreement
Japanese government agreed to withhold passports from Japan laborers seeking to come to the US
great white fleet
Roosevelt sent a new naval fleet around the world to show America’s military might
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roosevelt supported _____, his Secretary of War, who won an easy victory
the largest man to ever serve as president
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_______ saving system was established during the Taft administration
New Mexico and Arizona were admitted to the Union
mann-elkins act
strengthened the power of the ICC
rule of reason
declaration by the Supreme Court that they would only prosecute trusts that used “unreasonable business practices”
dollar diplomacy
making allies through finances and trade instead of threats or force
progressive (bull moose)
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The Republican Party split into the _________ and ________ (______ _______) Party
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_________ led the Progressive Party, ____ led the Conservative Party
woodrow wilson
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in the election 1912, the Progressives split the Republican vote allowing Democrat _________ _______ to win
the only man in history to serve first as president and then as Chief Justice of the US
underwood-simmons act
first major tariff revision since the Civil War; one of the most significant tariff acts in American History
16th amendment
created the federal income tax on 1913
federal reserve act
created a privately controlled central banking system under the control of the federal government
federal reserve bank
fill in the blank
the federal reserve act divided the nation into 12 banking districts with a ________ _________ _____ in each district
reserve requirement
% of deposits that member banks are required to hold on reserve
discount rate
rate of interest charged to member banks that borrow money from Federal Reserve Banks
federal trade commission (FTC)
investigated businesses engaged in interstate commerce to detect unfair trade practices
clayton antitrust act
declared certain business practices illegal
interlocking directorate
same men serving on the board of directors for several different companies
holding company
a corporation whose business held stock in other corporations (can create a monopoly)
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The US paid ________ $3 million for a perpetual option to build a canal through their land
danish west indies
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The US purchased the ______ _____ _____ in 1920 for $25 million
virgin islands
They were used as a naval base to protect the Panama Canal
victoriano huerta
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Mexico’s dictator ________ _____ was threatening American Businesses in Mexico
venustiano carranza
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Huerta fled Mexico after ________ _______ took control of the government
pancho villa
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Carranza’s former ally _______ _____ attacked American civilians in Texas
john j. pershing
sent to capture Pancho Villa
speaker of the house
one of the most powerful positions of the federal government
progressive amendments
.16-19th amendments
16th amendment
income tax.
17th amendment
changed the method of electing senators
18th amendment
national prohibition of alcohol
19th amendment
women’s right to vote
a percentage of voters can vote to pass a law without waiting for the legislature
a proposed law is referred to the voters
an official may be removed from office before his term expires
primary election
registered voters decide by ballot which candidate will run against the opposing party candidate