RE Semester 1 Exam Y10

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The life-calling of each person, created by God, and details each aspect of their life, such as their job, their wealth, and their relationships. God gifts people gifts in order to help discover and achieve these, like social skills for public speaking.

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The 4 Lifestyles

  • Single Lifestyle

  • Married Lifestyle

  • Consecrated Religious

  • Priest

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Single Lifestyle

A lifestyle in which a person’s vocation leads them to be single, in order to support their vocation (such as if they have a very stressful job), and love God, who they strengthen their relationship with through prayer and service, and show Jesus’ love in many ways.

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Married Lifestyle

A lifestyle in which a person’s vocation leads them to marry and share a life and self-giving relationship. People in this lifestyle model + teach Christian values to kids, and serve the parish and wider community

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A man called by God to be a minister of the Church. They develop their relationship with God through prayer/service, and proclaims to, leads, and works to build up their Church Community. These people may devote their lives to a vow of chastity, celibacy, poverty, and obedience.

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Consecrated Religious

A religious brother/sister, nun, or monk, who’s called and dedicated to sharing in the life and mission of their parish, and lives a vow of chastity, poverty, obedience, and possibly as a missionary. Can be commissioned to serve others, especially those in need. May serve through their gifts (e.g., teaching, media)

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The way a person participates in God’s creative activity (perfecting and sustaining the universe). Is more than just employment (like volunteering), though employment is a large part of it (and should be chosen using God-given gifts to fulfill vocation)

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Reasons people fail to recognise vocation

  • Self centeredness, where one does not see any purpose in helping others in a way that does not help themselves

  • Low self-esteem, where people fail to appreciate their gifts, leading to them not pursuing careers with them

  • Failure to value creation, society, and family, where people do not respect creation and see it to be exploited, or see it only to provide for themselves

  • Focus on status and fame, where people only decide their future based on how it much money or status it brings to them

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Spiritual Discernment

The process in which a believer of God tries to understand God’s will in a specific situation, and are called to utilise this in all moments of life. Involves living by Jesus’ values. To do this properly, one must always be self-aware, as well having an understanding of their biases

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Spiritual Discernment in Vocation

An important action in order to further understand or discover what God wants from you in your life, and can involve seeking help from the Church for spiritual guidance, such as a spiritual director for considering priesthood, single life, and other religious occupations, or marriage preparation classes for a married lifestyle

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Why Lent is a special time

As it gives Christians a time to reflect on their lives and their vocation, as well as who God calls them to be. It is also when the Triduum is celebrated (the 4 days of Easter services)

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God’s saving action on behalf of the human race. Involves the destruction of the power of the original sin, as well as the empowerment of people to overcome it. This was achieved through the coming of Jesus, and requires repentance + belief in the Gospel

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Examples of Salvation in Daily Life

  • Forgiveness of sins

  • Empowerment to overcome human failings and wrongdoing

  • Healing of deep emotional hurts

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The Threefold Mission of Priest, Prophet, and King

Priest - To put others first always

Prophet - To speak out on behalf of those less fortunate

King - To show stewardship over all of God’s creation

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A Christian who carried out Jesus’ Mission (priest, prophet, king)

Pier Giorgio Frassati.

Priest - When he gave away his own shoes to a son of a poor woman who came to his door at 4 years old, when he supported families off of his income

Prophet - When he joined the Italian People’s Party in order to further attempt to end injustice in society, when he influenced people to join him visiting slums and charities

King - When he traveled to the mountains over the weekend to appreciate God’s creation and pray to him, when he rescued a young demonstrator being threatened with a bayonet

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How the Christian Promise can be brought closer to fulfillment

By cooperating with God, through fulfilling the vocation given to them by him

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God’s Original Plan for Marraige

A lifelong loving relationship between two people, and was restored by Jesus. Has two purposes, the procreation of children, and expression of sexual love

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Why Marriage is a Sacrament

Before Jesus, many people struggled committing to God’s original plan for marriage due to the original sin. Seeing this, Jesus decided to raise it to the status of a sacrament to help restore the relationship between married partners, and strengthen their love. This is done in ways like helping them forgive each other and communicate in tense moments. Jesus also guides them to do things like work out problems and make important decisions

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Jesus in the Sacrament of Marriage

This sacrament involves a three-way relationship with each partner, and Jesus, who the partners get closer to through ways like daily prayer, worshipping together, and Holy Communion. In daily prayer especially, people can voice their struggles in life for Jesus’ support like communication or employment issues. As this is a sacrament, growing closer with Jesus helps people develop their gifts

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Sacrament of Holy Orders

The sacrament of which people continue the mission Jesus entrusted the Apostles by serving the Church, through the passing down of spiritual gifts. Has three grades, bishop, priest, and deacon. Is passed down by laying hands on the head of the receiver, and reciting a special prayer of consecration

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Church Leadership Hierarchy

  1. Pope: passed down from Peter, teaches, sanctifies, and governs the Church globally

  2. Bishop: have the same role that was given to the Apostles, and their gifts were passed down in apostolic succession

  3. Priest: ordained ministers who help serve to the spiritual need of others for the bishops in ways like preaching

  4. Deacon: assistants for bishops and priests in teaching, sanctifying and governing the Church among other things

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Role of a Priest

To serve and support the Church community, mainly by:

  • teaching the gospel - through things like homilies, marriages and giving advice

  • sanctifying to become holier - where priests help those growing in holiness draw toward God by strengthening influence of the Holy Spirit

  • guiding the community - where priests guide as Jesus did, in ways like ensuring the parish is properly administered, and encourage people to provide for the poor

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Celibate Love

An inclusive love that calls enables people to respond to the needs of every person by not having a specific partner, living as Jesus did. Is a requirement for priesthood, and to develop, needs a person to centre their life around Jesus, and for them to exercise it in their community. Needs to be developed in order to remain faithful to it, otherwise other desires may become more tempting

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Apostolic Life

A form of living some consecrated religious choose, which is more publicly involved, and provide for people with certain special needs, like for the poor, sick, or migrants/refugees. Through people living this life, Jesus seeks to put special dedication toward those struggling in various ways, reach out to others, and encourage other Christians to join in helping

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Monastic Life

A form of living some consecrated religious choose, in which they separate from society to live in a monastery, and revolve their day around the regular celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours. Provide service to the Church in ways like household chores or offering spiritual direction. Most living this way are known as ‘contemplatives’, who never leave the grounds unless for a medical emergency or some other special reason

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Religious vows

Vows to imitate certain principles Jesus did in his life, and are also known as the evangelical counsels, are the vows of:

  • Obedience: imitating Jesus by placing one’s talents and how they are used at the disposal of the Church

  • Poverty: imitating Jesus by owning nothing personally and surrendering all goods and earnings to the Church

  • Chastity: imitating Jesus by loving everyone celibately

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A spiritual experience where people experience the happiness that flows from closeness with God, after death. It is the happiness that is experienced by accepting God’s invitation to a relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

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The state of separation of God and his believers, that people experience if they commit mortal sin without repenting before death

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The experience of final purification in which unforgiven venial sins are purged/purified, to allow a person to be happy and free upon entering Heaven. Those who go here are prayed for on the 2nd of November, All Souls’ Day, to help them to be purified

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Purpose of Every Person’s Life

To follow the basic vocation/calling, to relate with God personally and become the person that God wants us to be, by having a loving relationship with God

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The power within people to do whatever they want, which calls people to love God, others and self, and grows in virtue. This is obstructed through sin

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Factors that can affect ability to make a Responsible Choice

  • Inadequate moral education

  • Social Pressures

  • Other Personal Pressure

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Inadequate Moral Education

A factor that can impact your ability to make responsible choices, due to you not understanding what is good or right, and not understanding moral principles

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Social Pressures

A factor that can affect one’s ability to make responsible choices, in which people try to conform to the expectations of others, instead of using their own independence to make a choice. Celebrities, peer pressure, and the media, are all examples of this

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Other Personal Pressures

A factor that can affect one’s ability to make responsible choices, in which one is influenced by internal pressures within them, such as negative attitudes (selfishness, cynical), or habits (like always saying yes, or being overly critical)

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Situations that weaken the ability to make Responsible Choices

  • Using drugs - can impair judgement

  • Associating with people whose negative influence is hard to resist

  • Going into activities/situations that are known to stir emotions enough to control thoughts and behaviours

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Why Responsible Moral Choices are Important

As these choices are conducive to leading people to long-term happiness, and allow a person to minimise the amount of harm caused by a choice, as well as are directed to what is morally good

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Natural Law

Laws which can lead people to life-long happiness, due to how they are natural to each person and in harmony with nature. Can never change as they are a part of human nature, and expresses the moral principles given by God

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The 10 Commandments and what value each relates to

  1. I am Your Lord, do not have others before me - Faithfulness to God

  2. Do not use the Lord's name in vain - Respect for God

  3. Keep the Lord's day holy - Human closeness with God

  4. Honour your father and mother - Family

  5. You shall not kill - Life

  6. You shall not commit adultery - Marriage

  7. You shall not steal - Ownership

  8. You shall not bare false witness against your neighbour - Truth

  9. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife - Purity

  10. You shall not covet your neighbour's goods - Contentedness

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Jesus’ 2 Great Commandments

  1. Love your Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, all of your strength, and all of your mind (relate to first 3 commandments and protects relationship with God)

  2. Love your neighbour as yourself (relate to 4-10, protects relationships with people)

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Moral Relativism

The belief that what is okay, and not okay, is dependent on the beliefs and values of one person which is imposed on all of society, ignoring any ethical principles. Dangerous examples in the world were the extermination of minorities in Nazi Germany, and racial segregation in South Africa

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Why the Catholic Church is against Moral Relativism

Moral laws are highly valued by the Catholic Church, being seen as intrinsic and highly important to human nature, whilst moral relativism sees moral laws as trends and ignores ethical standards

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Moral Principle

Concepts revealed by God, damaged by the Original Sin, that enable us to understand how to decide if something is right or wrong, and must be applied in order to make a responsible choice. When a choice goes against one of these, it is wrong

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The Original Sin

The result of the first parents of humanity disobeying and rebelling against God, causing a loss of harmony with their being. Led to descendants experiencing human failings not intended by God, like greed, jealousy, and selfishness

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Sinai Covenant

The special agreement and relationship God created with the Israelites on Mount Sinai so that they could be free to closely relate with him. Was the second step and institution of the religion of Judaism

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Experiencing God

The action in which people admire and/or appreciate aspects of God’s creation, such as the starry night or a gorgeous ocean, leading to them realising that God is present everywhere and calling them

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Holy Spirit

The Spirit promised by Jesus to his followers, which was fulfilled in the Pentecost. Is received in sacraments, especially Baptism and Confirmation, and inspires, guides, challenges, and strengthens those who accept it to go away from human failures like selfishness, and be more like Jesus

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How the Holy Spirit Changes the Human Heart

Makes people act more like Jesus, through how it influences thoughts and feelings that:

  • Inspire/urge people to love God and their neighbour as Jesus did

  • Guide people to love like Jesus in everyday life

  • help someone to see when they are in danger of not loving or doing something good

  • help recognise past failures

  • Strengthen people to resist temptations and breaking the 10 Commandments like Jesus did

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The power of divine love that empowers people to love God and others as Jesus did, as well as develop friendships, self-giving, and forgiveness. Can be developed by praying and worshipping daily, receiving the Holy Communion, and living as Jesus did

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How Charity Promotes Freedom

As through this, peoples’ hearts are freed from anything that would keep them away from God and helps them to live the 10 Commandments. As it grows in virtue, selfishness and self-centredness decline, bringing faith and love into a person

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The Sermon on the Mount

The Story in the Gospel of Matthew in which Jesus taught how to live the New Law, in which a person must change their heart by drawing on the divine power of love to love people both inwardly, and expressing it through behaviour

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The Beatitudes

  1. Blessed are those poor in spirit; the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs (calls people to rely on God)

  2. Blessed are the gentle: they shall have the Earth as inheritance (calls people to be unassuming)

  3. Blessed are those who mourn: they shall be comforted (calls people to reach out to God when sad)

  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for uprightness: they shall have their fill (calls people to search for annd listen to God’s guidance)

  5. Blessed are the merciful: they shall have mercy shown on them (calls people to have mercy like God on everyone)

  6. Blessed are the pure in heart: they shall see God (calls people to making following Jesus and God their purpose in life, as well as repent)

  7. Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as the children of God (calls people to love + serve others)

  8. a. Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness: the kingdom of Heaven is theirs

    b. Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in Heaven: this is how they persecuted the prophets before you

(8a and b call you to remain faithful to God)

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The Corporal Works of Mercy

  1. Feeding the hungry

  2. Giving drink to the thirsty

  3. Sheltering the homeless

  4. Clothing the naked

  5. Visiting the sick

  6. Visiting the imprisoned

  7. Burying the dead

The Spirit of Right Judgement can be linked and applied to these

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What the Corporal Works of Mercy Consist of Doing

Instructing, advising, consoling, comforting, forgiving, and bearing wrongs patiently

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General Judgement

The universal judgement of all people collectively at the end of time, revealing Gods justice

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Particular Judgement

The individual judgement at the moment of death in which the soul’s immediate fate is determined, where it goes the Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell

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Reasons for People to find making Responsible Choices Difficult

  • Strong Emotions

  • Lack of sufficient understanding

  • Habits of wrong

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Strong Emotions

A reason people find making responsible choices difficult where poorly directed emotions cloud judgement, and cause a person to struggle to know the best choice to make

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Lack of Sufficient Understanding

A reason people find making responsible choices difficult where a person does not have full understanding of the choices in a situation, leading to them making a misinformed decision

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Habits of Wrongdoing

A reason people find making responsible choices difficult where a person has committed a bad deed before, resulting in them finding it easier to commit the same deed again later

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