2.2 Making Marketing Decisions

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What’s the product life cycle?

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What’s the product life cycle?

INTRODUCTION - design & development of the product

GROWTH - sales continue to grow as product gains more popularity & more people purchase

MATURITY - product is at its most popular it’s ever been - eg. McDonald’s and Coca Cola have not left this stage

DECLINE PHASE - sales of product fall - could lead to product being discontinued

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What’s an extension strategy?

A strategy which prolongs the life cycle of a product.

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How should you price a product/service?

Should be dependent on:

→ Raw materials

→ How much consumers are willing to pay

→ Competition (how much they’re pricing it)

Availability of the product/service (SCARCITY)

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What is ‘pricing low’ (pricing penetration)??

Initially setting the starting price as something low to attract more customers away from the competition

eg. Netflix, that taxi company in China

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What is cost-based pricing?

price is determined by adding a profit element on top of the cost to make the product

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What is ‘pricing high’ (price skimming)?

setting high price initially & reducing it overtime

→product is initially high in demand then drops (as soon as new models drop out)

—→ eg. iphone, PS5

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What is promotion?

~the main aim is for customers to be aware of the existence of the product

—>If a random person has heard of the business before, walking past one of their shops means they are more likely to be persuaded to buy something from that business

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→ special offers, product trials, loyalty points, coupons etc.


→ influencers promoting their product


→ social media, newsletters etc. (wide coverage but expensive and impersonal)

→ advantages: effective at achieving cheap boost in sales

→ disadvantages: sales effect is short term + customers may anticipate further promotions

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What is the design mix?


  • how product looks, feels and appeals to a customer


  • the way the product works


  • design allows to be made & sold profitably

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What’s branding?

branding - a product with a unique character

—> eg, logo/design (NOT USP)


→ retailers wanting to stock top brands, inspiring customer loyalty


→ hard to change the perception of the br

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What’s a distribution channel?

moves a product through the stages of production to final consumer

eg. producerwholesalerretailer → consumer

supplies goods & services sells to retailer (eg. costco) shop sells to goods & services to consumer


producer → consumer ( etc. )

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What are some ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES to distribution channels?


→ Have more access to a larger number of customers for producer if their products are sold through intermediaries

→ Saves costs (£) from distributing to different areas


→ Producer could lose control of product and how/where it’s sold (eg. christian cross sold in a sex toy shop )

→ Intermediary could display them in a bad image, which affects the producer’s reputation.

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