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What two things does GDP measure?
The income of everyone in the economy
The total expenditure on the economy’s output
Gross Domestic Product
The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period
Intermediate Good
A component of a good that is not yet finished
Final Good
A good that is finished completely and ready for sale
Does resale impact GDP?
No, because we’re not producing a new good. We’re just reselling a good that was included in gdp when it was new
What is the GDP equation?
Y = C + I + G + NX
C = consumption
I = investments
G = government purchases
NX = net exports
Spending by households on goods and services
It excludes the purchase of a new house or new housing
The purchase of goods that will be used in the future to produce more goods and services
This category includes business capital, residential capital, and inventories
Government Purchases
This measures spending on the federal, state, and local government levels
This includes all spending on public works, military spending, and the salaries of government workers
Transfer Payments
Government spending that does not count towards the GDP because the payments are not made in exchange for a good or service
Examples include social security payments and unemployment payments
Net Exports
This measurement of expenditure is equal to the exports minus the imports
Net exports = exports - imports
More exports will raise the overall net export value
Nominal GDP
This is just the unit amount of a product times the product price
Real GDP
This is useful for comparing gdp values across time
It is the amount of units times the price in the given base year. The government chooses the base year
Growth Rate of GDP
This is the percent change formula!
(New - old) / (old) times 100
Real GDP Per Capita
This just means the real gdp per person
Real GDP / Population
Measuring GDP With The Income Approach
To measure this, the government adds up wage/salary income, profit income, rental income, and interest income
Measuring GDP With The Production Approach
You need to find the value added
Value added is value (price) of the output (product) - the value of the MATERIALS (inputs) used to make it (doesn’t include labor or rent or anything else!)
GDP Deflator
(Nominal GDP / Real GDP) x 100