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ancient, flat
During _ time, earth was perceived to be _
Orlando Ferguson
Who draw the flat earth map “map of square and stationary earth”
Ferdinand Magellan
Juan Sebastian Elcano
Navigators who were given credit for circumnavigating the world and proving that earth is not flat
Unaided eyes
before telescope astronomers only use their _ to observe the sky
Eudoxus of Cnidus
student of plato and considered as one of the best mathematicians and astronomers of the plato era
he gave the first systematic explanation of movements of the sun the moon and the planet
first astronomer to explain the retrograde motion of the planets in sky
he showed the universe was spherical and finite
he believed so because earth is too big to move thus it could not rotate
he believed that earth composed of four elements which are earth water fire and air
he further describe that each ring was in physical contact with one another
Aristarchus of Samos
Greek astronomer who made the first attempt to create a heliocentric model
Propose that earth rotates on its own axis and revolves around
Made three assumption
Claudius Ptolemaeus
He proposed model in which the center of the universe is the earth which is consistent aristotelian ideas
He explains that the moon the sun and other planet and even the stars where evolving around
Nicolaus Copernicus
The copernican model was based on aristarchus philosophy
The earth has three motion
• daily rotation, annual revolution, and annual tilting
Tyco Brahe
Danish astronomer
He was the last of major naked eye astronomers, working without the aid of any magnifying device to observe the heaven
Tychonian system
Where the sun is the center of the universe while the earth revolves around it
Galileo Galilei
Head the dutch telescope and started developing his own one
His observation of skies and credited the discovery of four largest satellites of the planet jupiter's which are called galilean moons
Johannes kepler
Improved copernican model. He used to observation of tycho brahe