segments of beef industry
cow-calf, stocker/backgrounder, feedlot/finisher, packer
beef industry integration
not horizontal or vertical
operation numbers
cow-calf > feedlots > packing plants
calving interval
12 months
first calf birth
22-25 months
BSC before breeding cattle
cow-calf nutrition
forage year round
“branding time”
first vax, male castration, ear tagging, parasite/pest control
castration benefits
improved meat color/tenderness, less aggression, better health
1st vax
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, BVD 1&2, parainfluenza, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, clostridials
typical weaning age cattle
205 days
better feed efficiency, less coccidiosis
dec liver abscess
anabolic implants
IGF1, replace/supplement hormones via pellet
beta agonists - optiflexx, zilmax
short acting, initiates protein synthesis
STD, early embryonal death, cow is carrier, bull transmits, gradual spontaneous recovery. vax
STD, mature bull carriers, endometriosis, early embryonal death. test bulls before adding to herd,
abortion last trimester, transmitted in fetal fluids/milk, zoonotic. vax. endemic in yellowstone area
abortion, wildlife vectors, ingestion acquire, last trimester abortion. vax, keep cattle away from problem water source
protozoal, coyotes/dogs transmit, transplacental, neonatal paralysis. vax, dog control, protect feed
IBR virus
early, mid, late fetal death. vax MLV
abortion @ all stages, congenital abnormalities, persistent infection. test and eliminate PI calves, vax.
calving management
should be significant progress after 1hr. mature cows watched 30 mins before rectal exam.
first milk, nutrition, laxative, antibody. first 24hr. 10% cows body weight
neonatal diarrhea (scours) causes
bacteria E.coli (early), salmonella (late), clostridium. virus, rota, corona. protozoa, crypto, coccidia (late)
colibacilosis (e coli)
1-7d after birth, enterotoxin, k99 pili, white scours. vax
4-6d post birth, gray-green diarrhea, damages intestinal villi. vax.
7-10d post birth, yellowish diarrhea, damages intestinal villi. vax.
neonatal or older, clostridium perfringens C, D, A, colicky, sudden death, dark bloody diarrhea, purple gut syndrome. vax.
neonatal or older, bloody scours, septicemia, zoonotic. stress, high fever, depression, stinky watery yellow diarrhea, flecks of blood, maybe chronic shedders. sanitation & vax
protozoal, poor txt response, zoonotic.
scours management
keep calving area clean, keep newborns away from older. sandhills
bovine respiratory disease
#1 disease of weaned cattle. stress + virus + mannheimia haemolytica > BRD
‘rednose’ rhinotracheitis, herpes, highly contagious, fever, nasal discharge, watery eyes, frothing of muzzle. predisposes to secondary bacterial. sewer pipe trachea.
BVD infection
subclinical disease, fever, nasal discharge, diarrhea, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute death.
acute bvd
immunosuppression, 2nd bacterial. vax MLV or killed
premature death, constant shedding. cow exposed to BVD at 45-125d gestation. calves immune system says BVD is self. 1% all cattle, half die pre weaning
mannheimia haemolytica
opportunistic, leukotoxin/lung damage,
weaning vax program
VAC 45 bunch of vax, deworm, hold 45-60d post weaning
septic arthritis
maybe after initial resp disease. histophilus somni, mycoplasma bovi,
fusobacterium necrophorum, skin abrasion, foot swelling, lameness. antibiotic therapy
hairy heel warts
walk on tip of toe. strawberry footrot, digital dermatitis, v painful, contagious/bacterial, topical antibiotic therapy
protozoal. eimerial bovis/zuernii. fecal oral. infection in some level in all cattle. 1m-2y. stress bad. frank bloody diarrhea. sanitation, reduce stress, txt before stress (many preventatives)
rapid grain consumption. lower ph, acid blood, dehydration. rumen ph below 5 for extended period. drunk staggers, bloated, projectile diarrhea, down, coma, death. sequela; liver abscess, flounder,
frothy (pasture (high protein lush pasture) vs grain(fines in ration)), free gas . prevent
infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, moraxella bovis, painful, teary, blinking. antibiotics+eyepatch. flies, scratch, control, trim grass
atypical interstitial pnemonia
sudden onset, open mouth breathing, larger cattle on feed >90d, lungs thicken.
less cows, more milk, more milk/cow
most farms small, few big. billionaires.
udder disease. staph aureus or mycoplasma. bad production.
ketosis (acetonemia)
opens for opportunistic. lower conception. dec weight and feed intake. 3 types. 1 post calving, skinny cow, good txt. 2 post calving, fat cow, poor txt, liver, sad. 3 silage, good txt