8 characteristics of life
cells, reproduction, genetic material, growth & development, response to stimuli, maintaining internal environment, need energy, adapt & evolve.
organisms can be _____ (cell number)
unicellular or multicellular
the smallest unit capable of all life processes
the process by which organisms make more of their own kind from one generation to the next
types of reproduction
sexual - cells from two parents unite to form a new organism
asexual - new organism has a single parent
genetic code is….
common among all organisms on earth with minor variations. it is copy pasted from parent to child.
growth vs. development
increase in size vs. change in organism
anything in an organism’s external or internal environment that causes the organism to react
the regulation of an organism’s internal environment conditions suitable for its survival
the sum of all the chemical reactions carried out in an organism
any inherited structure, behavior, or internal process that enables an organism to respond to environmental factors and live to produce offspring.
the gradual change of a species over time through multiple adaptations