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a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design for living
abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, and desirable
the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in particular situations
The routine conventions of everyday life-norm; dressing, eating habits, etc
Rules that are seen as central to the functioning of a society, greater moral significance-norm
Social structure, religion, language, education, and political & economic philosophies
Determinants of culture:
Social Structure
a society's basic social organization
Social stratification
the degree to which a society is stratified into classes or castes
Social Mobility
the extent to which individuals can move out of the stratum into which they are born
Caste system
closed system of stratification, social position is determined by family into which a person is born
Class system
Less rigid form of social stratification; social mobility is possible
Class consciousness
a condition where people tend to perceive themselves in terms of their class background, and this shapes their relationships with others
Religion: Islam
World's second largest religion, monotheistic, supportive of business and legitimate profit, critical of profit through exploitation, prohibits the payment or receipt of interest
The Islamic banking method whose contract is similar to a profit-sharing scheme; banks take a share in the profits of investment rather than charging interest
The Islamic banking method where the bank purchases the property on behalf of a business
owner or firm
and the business owner or firm buys it back from the bank at
some later date at a marked-up price
Confucian System of Ethics
Founded in 5th century BC; Ethicak system following the values of loyalty, reciprocal obligations, and honesty
Enables people to communicate, structures the way we perceive the world
T/F: Countries with more than one language often have more than one culture
World Values Survey
ongoing research project that periodically ascertains the values of people in dozens of countries around the world
- traditional values v secular-rational values
- survival values v self-expression values
Two dimensions of cross-cultural variation
Traditional Values
Values that emphasize the imporance of religion, parent-child ties, deference to authority, traditional familt values, nationalistic pride
Secular-rational values
values that have less emphasis on religion, family, and authority
Survival Values
values that emphasize economic security, physical security, and low trust and tolerance
Self-expression values
Values that emphasize environmental protection, tolerance to foreigners, gender equality, etc, and increased participation in decision-making in economic and political life
- Power distance
- Individualism versus collectivism
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Masculinity versus femininity
- Long-term orientation
Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
Power distance
how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities
Uncertainty avoidance
emotional resistance to change; strong need for rules and regulations
Masculinity versus femininity
The relationship between gender and work roles
Long-term orientation
Captures attitudes toward time,
persistence, ordering by status, protection of face, respect
for tradition, and reciprocation of gifts and favors
Cross-cultural literacy
an understanding of how cultural differences across and within nations can affect the way business is practiced
Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.
Global Mindset
an individual's ability to perceive, appreciate, and empathize with people from other cultures, and to process complex cross-cultural information