Reference maps
maps that are informational and show boundaries and place names
political maps
show and label human created boundaries and names
physical maps
show and label natural features
thematic maps
tell a story by showing the density and distribution of quantitative data
choropleth maps
these maps use various colors and shades or patterns to show the location and distribution of some kind of data
dot maps
shows the general location and distribution across the territory reflected on the map
graduated symbol maps
these maps use a symbol of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something
isoline maps
these maps use lines to connect areas of equal value, where lines are together change is more rapid than were lines are further apart
topographic maps (isoline)
uses lines to show changes in elevation, shows manmade and natural features on the ground, including elevation
cartogram maps
in these maps, the size of places is distorted to reflect and compare specific data
means a unique location or specific place on earth with a quality that distinguishes it from any other
absolute location
refers to the precise spot of where something is located. This location doesn't change regardless of where you are located
relative location
describes where one place is in relation to another
lines of latitude
tell you how north or south you are from the equator (vertical)
lines of longitude
tell you how east or west you are from the prime meridian (horizontal)
absolute distance
measures how far or close two points are from another (quantitative)
relative distance
indicates the nearness based on time or money (qualitative)
is the frequency with which something occurs in an area
refers to the extent of a features spread over an area, where something is located the most
formal region
an area which there is a predominant or universal distinctive characteristic or feature
functional regions
also known a nodal region, is an area organized around a node or focal point.
perceptual regions
also known as vernacular, is an area that people believe exists as a part of their cultural identity. boundaries of the region might be different depending on the person who is being asked to define the region.
map scale
the ratio of the distance between two objects on a map and the distance of the same two objects where they actually exist on the earth’s surface
small scale
Maps with less amounts of detail
large scale
maps with more amounts of detail
reflects how much of the earth’s surface is reflected on a map
local, national, regional, and global
scale categories
scale of analysis
refers to the scale at which the phenomena on a map is being analyzed
scale of inquiry
refers to finding out which scale or scale of analysis is being presented in a map or which is the best scale or scale of analysis to use when analyzing data
distance decay
the further one place is from another, the less interactions these places with have with each other
time space compression
refers to the reduction of time it now takes for something to get from one place to another (like a person, idea, or product) makes places feel closer