History Final (4th page)

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The Civil war is split into 2 sides (North and South). They are also known as?

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The Civil war is split into 2 sides (North and South). They are also known as?

Union and Confederacy

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Reconstruction means what?

Rebuilding after Civil War, 1865-1877

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Anaconda plan

Union strategy to blockade all southern ports

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Leader of North and South

Ulysses s. Grant (North) and Robert E. Lee (South)

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What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

Declared all slavery within confederate states to be set free

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What were the main causes and effects of the Civil War?

Cause: Slavery, secession, election. Effect: Ends threat of secession, 13th amendment, abolished slavery.

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What was the cost of the war?

6 billion

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13th amendment

Abolishes slavery in all states.

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When was Lincoln Assassinated? By who? How?

April 14, 1865, by John Wilkes Booth, shot, at Ford theater

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14th amendment

Made African Americans full citizens

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Reconstruction Act of 1867

Divided the south into military districtions, sets new conditions for re-enetry into union

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When did Grant get elected President?

1868 (18th president)

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15th amendment

Gave voting rights to all, regardless of color

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Enforcement act of 1870

Federal government can punish violators

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By 1870 what was destroyed throughout the south

Buildings, infrastructure, and farms

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 What did the Public works programs do?

Transportation, homes for orphans and disabled, public schools built

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10% plan

Allow Confederate states to establish new state governments after 10 percent took loyalty oaths

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