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What are the two types of interviews?
Structured and unstructured
Are unstructured interviews good?
No, they’re unreliable, not valid, and prone to legal problems because they’re usually unrelated to the job, subjective, and suffers from rating problmems.
Are structured interviews good?
YES. They are reliable and they are valid because they’re based on job analysis and standardized for every applicant.
What are the goals for structured interviews?
Understanding the applicant, predicting job performance, predicting organizational fit, and selling the organization to the applicant.
What are the different types of structured interview questions?
Clarifiers, disqualifiers, past and future focused, skill determiners, and organizational fit
What is KSA’s used for?
Knowledge, skills, and ability tests are useful for complex jobs like architecture or engineering.
How do you conduct a knowledge test?
Testing someone’s knowledge on something, for example testing someone’s knowledge on CPR. Very straightforward, do you know how to do it or not.
How do you conduct a skills test
Testing are more like trial runs to check your skill.
What are the different types of ability tests?
Psychomotor (reaction time or motor skills), physical, Cost reduction technology (CRT) which aims at decreasing workplace injuries, and EEOC which are perceptual “spacial” tests?
What are the advantages of KSA’s in general
Good valaidity, face valid, easy to administer, and inexpensive
What are some disadvantages to KSAs?
They can have Adverse Impact (AI)- particularly onthe cognitive tests
There is low face validity
They are generally disliked by applicants
What are work samples?
You do a mini version of the job for the application so you can simulate what the job would be like
What are some advantages of Work samples?
Directly related to the job
Good validity
Good face validity
Less adverse impact
Provides RJP
They’re expensive to develop and often maintainWha
What are personality inventories?
Assessments designed to measure various aspects of an applicant’s personality
What is the MMPI-2?
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is the most widely used objective test in psychopathology
What is OCEAN?
The five broad personality dimensions most personality traits can be placed into
Openness to experience
Emotional stability
What are some tests of psychopathology?
Rorschach test, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
What are some advantages of personality tests?
Relativley inexpensive and easy to administor
Predicts best when based on job analysis
What are some disadvantages of personality tests?
Scale development
Validity issues like faking to be more marketable
What are interest inventories?
Asks individuals to indicate whether they like or dislike 291 items such as bargaining, taking responsibility, etc. to show how similar they are to the comapan’s already employed individuals
What are some advantages of interest inventories?
They’re a good predictor of job satisfaction and relativley inexpensive
What are some disadvantages to interest inventories?
They are a poor predictor of job performance
What are integrity tests
They tell the employer the probability an applicant would steal money, time, or merchandise. Wha
What are the two types of integrity tests?
Overt: Based on the idea that a persons ideas of theft and previous behaviors with theft can accurately predict their future honesty
Personality-based integirty tests: More general and tap into those big CANOE personality traits which they hope can predict theft
What are some advantages of integrity tests?
They have good validity, inexpensive and have little to no Adverse Impact
What are some disadvantages of integrity tests?
Age (younger) and gender (men)