Lesson 6 quiz study guide

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What were the 3 founding ideals all state constitutions started with?

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What were the 3 founding ideals all state constitutions started with?

Equality, Freedom, and Democracy šŸ¦…

b for Baul

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How was New Jersey different from other states?

only state to give voting rights to women and African Americans who owned property

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When was the first constitution (the AOC) drafted?


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Why was the AOC so weak for the central government?

It didnā€™t have much power, instead having it so states had more overall power. It did things like declare war and settle disputes between states but it couldnā€™t impose taxes and it didnā€™t have a executive or judicial branch to enforce laws and settle legal questions.

a for Ace

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How do the AOC and Consitution compare?

The AOC made it so states had more power than the central government while in the Constitution the central government had more power, though it has a system of checks and balances and multiple branches to regulate each other. Additionally, the Constitution had a executive and judicial branch while the AOC didnā€™t. The Constitution also could impose taxes, the AOC couldnā€™t. Both were in charge of interactions with other countries and declaring war though.

c for Cater

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What was The Land Ordinance of 1785?

  • an ordinance passed to make a system for surveying and dividing land in the new territory

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What was the NorthWest Ordinance?

  • a law passed by Congress in 1787 specifying how western lands would be governed

  • considered the most important law passed during the period of confederation.

d for Deuce

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How did the weak government under the AOC negatively impact the country?

  • made relations with foreign countries more difficult

  • many foreign countries questioned the nation's financial stability

  • overseas trade decreased under the confederation

  • no military force to counteract threats

  • Congress had authority to settle tariff disputes between the states, but the states often refused to recognize its decisions

  • states were still permitted to print their own paper money leading to no uniform currency, people having little faith in the money, and, in some cases, it being worth little more than the paper it was printed on

  • caused an economic depression

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What was the effect of the Shay rebellion?

It made people take Congressā€™ weaknesses more seriously and agree it should be strengthened.

f for Floyd

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What was the Constitutional Convention?

the convention held in Philadelphia in 1787 to draft the Constitution of the United States. Delegates from all the states came to draft it

g for Gidel

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What did the Virginia plan propose? How did it compare to the AOC?

the new government would have a bicameral legislature, a lawmaking body composed of two houses.

in comparrison, the AOC established Congress as a unicameral, or one-house, legislature

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What was the New Jersey plan?

proposed a series of amendments to the Articles of Confederation and called for a less powerful national government with a unicameral Congress in which all states had equal representation.

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What was the great compromise

A compromise by Roger Sherman of Connecticut that was reached during the Constitutional Convention on representation in Congress. Senate = equal representation then HOR = population based

e for Epel

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What was the three-fifths compromise? what led to it?

It was a compromise that counted every 5 slaves as 3 free people. It was needed because the pro-slavery and pro-abolishing slavery sides kept disagreeing on representation.

Pro slavery side/South: having the black people be counted for population size for House rep vs not wanting them to be counted for taxes

Abolish side/North: NOT wanting the black people be counted for population size for House rep vs wanting them to be counted for taxes

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What does each branch of the government do?

  • legislative branch = make laws,

  • executive branch = carry out the laws,

  • judicial branch = interpret the laws.

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What is the electoral college?

a body made up of electors from each state who cast votes to elect the president and vice president

L for Leoidikei

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What is an ordinance?

a law that sets local regulations

h for Honest, Fellow

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What is ratification?

the approval of a plan of government or of a constitutional amendment

i for Idia

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What are Federalists? What were their concerns before the BOR?

  • Pro Constitution

  • didnā€™t see any changes that needed to be done since the only power the central government would have is what was said

  • favored a federal governmentā€”a strong central government that shared power with the states

j for Jade

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What are anti Federalists? What were their concerns before the BOR?

  • Pro BOR

  • felt there were too many loopholes in the Constitution as it is and needed the BOR to protect peopleā€™s rights

  • preferred a loose association of states with a weaker central government

k for Kalim

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Who was James Madison and what was his role?

  • A delegate from Virginia that was one of the first to realize things needed to change after Shaysā€™ rebellion.

  • Mayhabibly the most profound political thinker and the best prepared of all the delegates.

  • the person to mainly write Virginia plan

  • Pushed for strong central government

  • Had a leading role in debates and planning the framework due to his political theory and history expertise

  • worked tirelessly to develop and promote the new plan, called ā€œFather of the Constitutionā€ for it

  • One of the people to lead the Federalist campaign, wrote in the The Federalist Papers

  • helped write the amendments once he was convinced a BOR would be good by his bestie Thomas Jefferson

m for Malleus

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Who was Ben Franklin and what was his role?

  • a delegate for Pennsylvania at the Const Conv.

  • brought wisdom and amicable wit that enlivened the proceedings

n for NRC

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Who was Thomas Jefferson and what was his role?

  • didnā€™t go to Const Conv, busy w/ John Adams in europe but saw the lineup as a good one

  • persuaded James Madison that there should be a BOR, allowing Madison to help write it

o for Ortho

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Who was John Adams and what was his role?

  • not at const conv, w/ Jefferson in europe


  • MF DID




p for Pommette (Monsieur)

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What is a moderate?

Moderate is an ideological category which designates a rejection of radical or extreme views, especially in regard to politics and religion.

q for Queendom of Roses

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What is a loyalist?

a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt.

r for Rook

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What is a patriot? (English reference)

a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.

s for Sebek

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