John Muir
preservation, protest, reserve
Gifford Pinchot
conservation for beauty and usefulness, head of US forest service
Henry David Thoreau
transcendentalist, Walden
Immanual Kant
Golden rule=categorical imperative; treat others the way you wish to be treated
Aldo Leopold
land ethic (preservation), be a part of nature
Jeremy Bentham
british utilitarian, promoted conservation, best action is the one that does the greatest good for all people (utilitarianism)
True or False: U.S. growth is at the highest it's ever been right now
Permit trading
approach using a government created market in permits for an environmentally harmful activity
what act coincided with creation of EPA?
True or False: less than half of earth is used for agriculture
Environmental Science
study of how the natural world works and how the environment affects human and vice versa
a social movement that tries to protect the natural world from human caused changes
ecological footprint
the environmental impact of a person or population
testable statement in order to answer a question or explain a phenomenon
collect observations about the problem you are trying to examine
first step to forming a hypothesis
the science that deals with the distribution and abundance of organisms, the interactions among them and the interactions between organisms and their abiotic environments
paradigm shift
when one dominant view is abandoned for another
the study of living organisms
the variety of life across all levels of biological organization
sustainable development
development that satisfies our current needs without compromising the future availability of our natural capital or future quality of life
qualitative data
data NOT dealing with numbers
quantitative data
data dealing with numbers
controlled experiment
an experiment in which a treatment is compared against a control in order to test the effect of a variable
peer review
what must you do before having something published in a scientific journal?
measure of a country's economy that doesnt include external costs
measure of economy that deducts for external costs and adds for things like volunteer work and standard of living
only humans have intrinsic value
some nonhuman life has intrinsic value (ex: save the whales)
whole ecological systems have value
a person who evaluates an action based on how it impacts humans ONLY
ecological economists
people who are for revolution/revalation, economies must mirror natural systems; reduce growth, steady state
environmental economists
people who are for reform to address external costs
the study of how people use resources to provide goods and services in the face of demand
knowledge, beliefs, values, and learned ways of life shared by a group of people
a person/group's beliefs about the meaning, operation, and essence of the world
late 1700s in England
where and when did the industrial revolution start?
pollination, nutrient cycling, water purification
examples of ecosystem services
Teddy Roosevelt
president famous for protecting California wilderness in the early 1900s
the belief that nature is a manifestation of the divine
triple bottom line
environmental protection, economy, social justice
triple bottom line
main goal of environmental policy
help solve international issues (environmental, social, cultural, humanitarian)
role of the UN
environmental arm of the UN
case law
what type of law court decisions make up
statutory law
law made by the legislative branch
Administrative Agencies
incharge of enforcing and elaborating on statutory law
Takings Clause (5th amendment)
prohibits the actual taking of someone's property and all the use of the economic property unless done with compensation
regulatory taking
depriving private land of its economic use
western expansion and resource extraction
theme of 1st wave of environmental policy
theme of 2nd wave of environmental policy
NEPA, Rachel Carson/Silent Spring, DDT, pollution
theme of 3rd wave of environmental policy
established council on environmental quality, requires EIS
Environmental impact statement
required for any federal action or federally funded project that might significantly impact the environment
revolving door
movement of officials from private sector into the government
where does most environmental international policy arise from
World Bank
fund economic development in all countries but esp. in poorer nations (developing)
unsustainable development
what is the WB criticised for
can overturn national policy if the laws are seen as a barrier to free trade
Why the world trade organization had been criticized for environmental policy
protest, lobby, fund campaigns, vote, petitions
ways the public can impact govt policy
independent variable
one thing that is not controlled in controlled experiment
good science
lots of data, control all variables
bad science
not a lot of data
the belief that the earth will always have enough resources to provide for humanity and the rest of nature
theory that our population will get so large that at some point the earth's resources will be depleted
sue, command and control, through the market (green taxes/subsidies)
3 ways to approach environmental policy
command and control
an approach in which a regulatory agency sets rules or limits or prohibits actions with punishment as a result of not following
They both deal with what we value
How are ethics and economics related?
green taxes
taxes on environmentally harmful activities
a government giveaway of cash or resources to encourage a particular activity
World Trade Organization
represents multinational corporations by promoting free trade
cap and trade
an emissions trading system in which the government sets pollution levels and issues permits
sulfur dioxide
with what chemical did cap and trade work?
emissions trading system
allows businesses to buy/sell/trade permits