orbicularis occuli
origin : frontal and maxillary insertion : tissue and eyelid
origin : zygomatic bone insertion : skin and muscle of upper lip
orbicular oris
origin : maxilla & mandible insertion : angle of the mouth
origin : maxilla & mandible insertion : orbicular oris
origin : lower mandible insertion : mandible, pulls lower lip back down
origin : zygomatic bone insertion : angle & raymus of mandible
origin : temporal fossa insertion : coronoid process of mandible
medial pterygoid
origin : sphenoid wing, maxillary insertion : medial surface mandible
lateral pterygoid
origin : greater wing sphenoid insertion : condylar process of mandible
origin : lower margin of mandible insertion : through hyoid bone
origin : styloid process of temporal bone insertion : hyoid bone
origin : medial surface of mandible insertion : hyoid bone & medium bone
origin : manubrium & medial end clavicle insertion : lower hyoid
origin : posterior manubrium insertion : thyroid cartilage larynx
origin : superior surface scapula insertion : hyoid bone; inferior border
origin : thyroid cartilage insertion : hyoid bone
origin : manubrium of sternum & medial portion clavicle insertion : mastoid process of temporal bone & superior nuchal line of occipital bone
pectoralis major
origin : clavicle insertion : humerus
pectoralis minor
origin : ribs insertion : coracoid process
origin : 1/3 of clavicle insertion : deltoid humerous
diaphragm internal intercostals external instercostals
muscles of respiraton
rectus abdominis
origin : pubic crest and symphysis insertion : xiphoid process and costal cartilage of ribs 5-7
external oblique
origin : anterior surface of lower 8 ribs insertion : linea alba, pubic crest and tubercles, and iliac crest
internal oblique
origin : lumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inguinal ligament insertion : linea alba, pubic crest, and costal cartilage of last ribs
transverse abdominis
origin : inguinal ligaments , iliac crest, cartilage crest of last 5 or 6 ribs, and lumbar fascia insertion : linea alba and pubic crest
triceps brachii
origin : humerus insertion : olecranon and ulna
origin : distal end of humerus insertion : base of radial styloid process
origin : humerus insertion : ulna
origin : transverse process of the first four vertebrae insertion : medial border of scapula
origin : humerus and ulna insertion : proximal end of radius
rectus femoris
origin : acetabelum insertion : tibia and patella
gastrocnemius (calf muscle)
origin : femur insertion : calcaneus
sartorius (main muscle of upper thigh)
origin : anterior superior iliac spine insertion : tibia
pectineus (inner thigh muscle)
origin : pectineal line of pubis insertion : femur
origin : infraspinous fossa of scapula insertion : greater tubercle of humerus
gluteus maximus
origin : dorsal ilium, sacrum, and coccyx insertion : femur
gluteus medius
origin : upper lateral surface of ilium insertion : trochanter of femur
calcaneal tendon
connects muscle of back calf to heel bone